Hesionidae Grube, 1850 (Annelida: Polychaeta) from South-Southeastern Brazil, with descriptions of four new species Author Rizzo, Alexandra E. Author Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I. text Zootaxa 2014 3856 2 267 291 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3856.2.7 e215e7ee-dba2-4521-b0cd-bcff59ec962c 1175-5326 231424 DB6AA930-C276-4D77-91A1-95AADA461DE4 Oxydromus Grube, 1855 Oxydromus Grube, 1855 :98 ; Villalobos-Guerrero & Harris, 2012 :23 . Ophiodromus Sars, 1862 :87 ; Pleijel, 1998 :137 –143. Type species : Oxydromus fasciatus Grube, 1855 , by monotypy. Diagnosis (modified from Pleijel 1998 ; Parapar et al . 2004 ): Ophiodrominae with uniform brown pigmentation occasionally with transversal whitish stripes; prostomium rounded to rectangular with facial tubercle, a pair of biarticulate palpi, and bearing three antennae, with the median antenna frontally inserted; six pairs of enlarged tentacular cirri; pharynx without papillae or jaws; prolonged neuropodial lobes; notopodia and notochaetae absent from segments 1 to 5; furcated and capillary simple notochaetae; composed neurochaetae. Remarks. Villalobos-Guerrero & Harris (2012) have reinstated Oxydromus over Ophiodromus because the former was erroneously regarded a junior homonym of Oxydromus Schlegel, 1854 (Aves, Gruiformes , Rallidae ), which was an incorrect subsequent spelling of Ocydromus Wagler, 1830 . Key to species of Oxydromus Grube, 1855 1 1 Notopodia with> 12 chaetae per bundle................................................................... 2 – Notopodia with 1– 10 chaetae per bundle.................................................................. 6 – Notopodia without notochaetae......................................................................... 24 2(1) Eyes of about the same size............................................................................. 3 – Anterior eyes larger than posterior ones.................................................................... 5 3(2) Neurochaetae bidentate; body pale....................................................................... 4 – Neurochaetae unidentate; body solid brown; prostomium as long as wide.......................................... ............................................................ O . didymocerus (Schmarda, 1861) NSW, Australia 4(3) Prostomium as long as wide....................................... O . flexuosus (delle Chiaje, 1827) Gulf of Naples – Prostomium markedly shorter than wide........................................ O . spinosus (Ehlers, 1908) Angola 5(2) Ventral cirri smooth; neurochaetae bidentate; body solid brown........................ O . vittatus ( Sars, 1862 ) Norway – Ventral cirri multiarticulated; neurochaetae unidentate; body with three transverse bands in alternating segments........... .................................................................. O . comatus ( Ehlers, 1913 ) Antarctic Ocean 6(1) Prostomium polygonal, pentagonal or rectangular........................................................... 7 – Prostomium rounded................................................................................. 17 7(6) Prostomium as long as wide............................................................................. 8 – Prostomium wider than long........................................................................... 14 8(7) Eyes of about the same size............................................................................. 9 – Anterior eyes larger than posterior ones................................................................... 11 9(8) Neurochaetae bidentate............................................................................... 10 – Neurochaetae unidentate; body pale................................... O . furcatus ( Hartmann-Schröder, 1959 ) Peru 10(9) Eyes not fused to each other; body with several transverse white bands............................................ ............................................ O .agilis Adriatic Sea ( O . adspersus Grube, 1874 could be conspecific) – Eyes fused; body solid brown.............................................. O . longifundus (Uchida, 2004) Japan 11(8) Neurochaetae bidentate............................................................................... 12 – Neurochaetae unidentate; eyes fused; body pale................................ O . brevipodius (Uchida, 2004) Japan 12(11) Ventral cirri smooth; eyes fused......................................................................... 13 – Ventral cirri articulated; eyes not fused; body pale or greenish............. O . pallidus Claparède, 1864 Mediterranean Sea 13(12) Median neuropodia with ca. 50 neurochaetae per bundle (body 5 mm long); body brown with three transverse white bands... ...................................................................... O . parapallidus (Uchida, 2004) Japan – Median neuropodia with about 25 neurochaetae per bundle (body 7–10 mm long); body pigmentation solid,yellowish to dark brown........................................................................... O . lanai sp. n. SE Brazil 14(7) Eyes of about the same size, fused to each other; neurochaetae bidentate; body pale.................................. ...................................................... O . adorsosetosus (Hartmann-Schröder, 1974) S Australia – Anterior eyes larger than posterior ones................................................................... 15 15(14) Eyes not fused to each other............................................................................ 16 – Eyes fused to each other; neurochaetae bidentate; body pale.................................................... .................. O . angustifrons (Grube, 1878) Philippines ( O . latifrons is conspecific after Storch & Niggemann 1967) 16(15) Neurochaetae bidentate; median antenna half as long as laterals; body pale......................................... ............................................................. O . pugettensis ( Johnson, 1901 ) Washington, USA – Neurochaetae unidentate; median antenna minute; body pale................. O . notospinosus (Rosito, 1983) Philippines 17(6) Prostomium wider than long, or about as long as wide....................................................... 18 – Prostomium much wider than long; anterior eyes larger than posterior ones; neurochaetae bidentate................... 23 18(17) Eyes of about the same size............................................................................ 19 – Anterior eyes larger than posterior ones................................................................... 20 19(18) Eyes not fused to each other; neurochaetae unidentate............ O . spinapandens (Storch & Niggemann, 1967) Red Sea – Eyes fused to each other; neurochaetae bidentate............................... O . limicolus (Willey, 1905) Sri Lanka 20(18) Eyes not fused to each other............................................................................ 21 – Eyes fused; neurochaetae bidentate; body with transverse white bands.......................................... 22 21(20) Neurochaetae bidentate; antennae, palps and ventral cirri basally swollen.......................................... ............................................................ O . angolaensis ( Hartmann-Schröder, 1959 ) Angola – Neurochaetae unidentate; antennae, palps and cirri tapered..................... O . pelagicus (Rioja, 1923) NE Atlantic 22(20) Tentacular cirri as long as body width............................................ O . fauveli (Uchida, 2004) Japan – Tentacular cirri smaller than body width.......................................... O . okudai (Uchida, 2004) Japan 23(17) Palpophore as long as palpostyle; lateral antennae and palps as long as prostomium; body pale......................... ................................................ O . microantennatus (Hutchings & Murray, 1984) NSW, Australia – Palpophore 1/5 as long as palpostyle; lateral antennae and palps twice as long as prostomium; body with dorsal green markings ........... O . longicirrata (Knox & Cameron , 1971) 2 Victoria, Australia (this seems to be the epitoke of the above species) 24(1) Prostomium polygonal, pentagonal or rectangular.......................................................... 25 – Prostomium rounded, wider than long.................................................................... 29 25(24) Prostomium as long as wide; anterior eyes larger; body solid brown............................................ 26 – Prostomium wider than long........................................................................... 27 26(25) Eyes not fused to each other; neurochaetae bidentate.................... O . obscurus ( Verrill, 1873 ) Massachusetts USA – Eyes fused; neurochaetae unidentate............................................ O . bunbuku (Uchida, 2004) Japan 27(25) Anterior eyes larger than posterior ones, not fused to each other; neurochaetae unidentate........................... 28 – Eyes of about the same size; neurochaetae bidentate; body pale.................. O . berrisfordi ( Day, 1967 ) South Africa 28(27) Tentacular cirri longer than body width; body with one transverse white band...... O . fasciatus ( Grube, 1855 ) Adriatic Sea – Tentacular cirri shorter than body width; body pale................... O . minutus ( Hartmann-Schröder, 1959 ) El Salvador 29(24) Eyes not fused to each other; median antenna minute; body pale................................................. ........................ O . mutilatus (Treadwell, 1901) Porto Rico (incl. O . guanicus fide Salazar-Vallejo & Rizzo 2009 ) – Eye fused; median antenna ¼ as long as lateral ones; body solid brown.............. O . constrictus (Uchida, 2004) Japan 1) Oxydromus aucklandicus Willey, 1902 and O . viridescens (Ehlers, 1864) are incompletely described and cannot be inserted in key. Gyptis incompta Ehlers, 1913 (not 1912 which is a nomen nudum fide Hartman 1964) is listed under Oxydromus in WoRMS but it belongs in Gyptis . 2) Ophiodromus longocirratus Tenerelli, 1973 is a 2 mm long juvenile, perhaps of a Mediterranean Gyptis species.