Multilocus phylogeny and morphological analyses illuminate overlooked diversity of Soriculus (Mammalia: Eulipotyphla: Soricidae), with descriptions of two new endemic species from the eastern Himalayas Author Chen, Zhongzheng Collaborative Innovation Center of Recovery and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Wanjiang Basin Co-founded by Anhui Province and Ministry of Education, School of Ecology and Environment, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, China & State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution & Yunnan Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecological Conservation of Gaoligong Mountain, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650204, China Author Pei, Xiaoxin Collaborative Innovation Center of Recovery and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Wanjiang Basin Co-founded by Anhui Province and Ministry of Education, School of Ecology and Environment, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, China & State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution & Yunnan Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecological Conservation of Gaoligong Mountain, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650204, China Author Hu, Jiangxiao Collaborative Innovation Center of Recovery and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Wanjiang Basin Co-founded by Anhui Province and Ministry of Education, School of Ecology and Environment, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, China Author Song, Wenyu Institute of Pathogens and Vectors, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory for Zoonosis Control and Prevention, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China Author Khanal, Laxman Central Department of Zoology, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu 44618, Nepal Author Li, Quan State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution & Yunnan Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecological Conservation of Gaoligong Mountain, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650204, China Author Jiang, Xuelong State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution & Yunnan Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecological Conservation of Gaoligong Mountain, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650204, China text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2024 2023-09-28 201 2 534 548 journal article 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad131 0024-4082 13219976 0EE61D6-B54D-42E8-9EA1-82E505AAF6F2Corresponding Genus Soriculus Blyth, 1854 Type species: Soriculus nigrescens ( Gray, 1842 ) . Figure 2. Results of the principal components (A) and discriminant function analysis (B) analysis of Soriculus based on the 18 log 10 - transformed craniomandibular variables. Figure 3. Phylogenetic trees of the genus Soriculus based on (A) the concatenated mtDNA and (B) the concatenated nDNA using the ML and BI methods. Node numbers indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) and ultrafast bootstrap supports (UFBoot). Remarks: Shrews in Soriculus are medium to large sized in the tribe Nectogalini , with W 7.7–20.7 g , HB 62–93 mm ; and CIL 19.2–24.5 mm ( Table 1 ). These shrews have a rather stout body and enlarged foreclaws. The dorsal pelage of the shrews varies in colour, from brown to almost black, ventral pelage slighter paler than the dorsum. The pinnae are small, but visible. The tail is about half the head and body length (TL/HB = 43–74%) and gently tapered; the tail is not sharply bicolored, and is similar in colour to the dorsal and ventral fur. The skull is robust and bony, and the coronoid process is spatulate. The dental formula of the genus is: I 3/2, C 1/0, P 2/1, M 3/3 (×2) = 30, following the tooth nomenclature of Hutterer (2005b) . There are four upper unicuspids. M 3 , the entoconid crest of M 1 , and the labial cingulum of the lower molars are reduced. The teeth are lightly pigmented orange or reddish. Comparisons: Soriculus can be distinguished from the other Nectogaline genera by the combination of its enlarged foreclaws, reduced M 3 and the entoconid crest of M 1, and a spatulate coronoid process. It can further be distinguished from Chodsigoa , Chimarrogale , and Nectogale by the four upper unicuspids (three in Chodsigoa , Chimarrogale , and Nectogale ). The tail of Soriculus (TL/HB <75%) is relatively shorter than Chodsigoa and Episoriculus (TL/HB> 80%). The teeth of Soriculus are lightly pigmented which differ from the unpigmented teeth in Nectogale and Chimarrogale . The normal tail of Soriculus is noticeably different than the keeled tail with long stiff hairs in Neomys . Figure 4. Bayesian phylogenetic tree of genus Soriculus based on the concatenated sequences of 13 mitochondrial PCGs, 12S rRNA, and 16S rRNA genes. Node numbers indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities ( PP ). Distribution and habitat: The genus is restricted to the Himalayas and the southern Hengduan Mountains (specifically the Gaolingong Mountains) from Nepal to northern India , Bhutan , northern Myanmar , and western China (southern Tibet and western Yunnan ). Its enlarged foreclaws, small ears, and short tail indicate a semi-fossorial lifestyle. It occurs in various montane forests, open rocky areas, and in the alpine zone above the timberline at elevations from 700 m to 4500 m a.s.l..