Typification and nomenclatural notes on twenty-three names of Buddleja (Schrophulariaceae) Author O’Leary, Nataly text Phytotaxa 2015 2015-11-18 234 3 237 245 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.234.3.4 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.234.3.4 1179-3163 13632992 Buddleja tenuifolia Grisebach (1874: 213) Type ( lectotype desig n ated by Norman 2000: 91 ):— ARGENTINA . Córdoba : “in collibus calcareis”, P . G . Lorentz 419 ( F barcode V 0360285 F ! fragment [digital image], isolectotypes CORD barcode 6035! [digital image], GOET barcode 5442! [digital image]). Notes :— Norman (2000) designated as lectotype of B. tenuifolia a fragment housed at F . However, as clearly explained by Planchuelo & Ariza Espinar (2015) , Dr. A . Grisebach was Professor at the University of Goettingen from 1837, and was appointed Director of the Botanical Garden there in 1875. P . G . Lorentz’s collections from Argentina were kept at CORD and another set was sent to GOET where Grisebach had the opportunity to study the Argentinian material ( Hunziker 1960 ). So Grisebach’s new species are certainly based on the study of material housed at GOET . Nevertheless, according to Art 9.3 of the ICN original material comprises also” the isotypes or isosyntypes of the name irrespective of whether such specimens were seen by either the author of the validating description or diagnosis or the author of the name”. Following Art. 7.9 and 7.10 the author who first designates a lectotype in conformity with Art. 9.11–13 must be followed, even if it is not certain the fragment material from F was seen by the author. Current status :—heterotypic synonym of Buddleja mendozensis Bentham (1846: 443) .