A revision of Oriental Teloganodidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera, Ephemerelloidea) Author Sartori, Michel Museum of zoology, Palais de Rumine, Place Riponne 6, CH- 1014 Lausanne, Switzerland. E-mail: michel. sartori @ vd. ch Laboratory of Aquatic Entomology, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307, USA Author Peters, Janice G. Author Hubbard, Michael D. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-12-05 1957 1 1 51 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.1957.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1957.1.1 1175­5334 5241137 022AA6BC-851A-4980-9879-060B38FA51A5 Teloganodes dentatus Navás, 1931 ( Figs. 4, 6 ) Teloganodes dentata Navás, 1931:19 . Material examined. In the collections of the MNHN is housed the holotype of Teloganodes dentatus described by Navás in 1931. According to the ICZN, the ending – odes is masculine; therefore the adjective used by Navás to name his species should be spelled dentatus and not dentata . The species is described in detail and illustrated. Although Navás is supposed to have seen several specimens (“varios ejemplares”) collected in Khandala ( India ) 20–22 May 1928 and 14 October 1927 , a single specimen is housed in Paris. It is a pinned male imago in perfect condition; no piece broken except the tip of the cerci. It bears the following labels: i) Khandala ( India ) 14.X. [19]27 [white label handwritten] ii) Teloganodes dentata Nav. [handwritten] P. Navás S.J. det [typewritten] iii) Typus [red label handwritten] iv) Museum Paris Longin Navas legit 19 [white label typewritten] Description. This specimen shares most of the characters found in T. tristis , particularly: upper part of compound eyes reddish brown, vein MP 2 of forewing long, 3 intercalary veins in cubital area of forewing, hindwing broad ( Fig. 4 ), no posterior processes on mesoscutellum, gill socket vestiges on segments II–VI, terminal filament absent, cerci whitish with purple rings. The forelegs have the following proportion: tibia ca.1.8 times femur length and 1.3 times tarsi length. It mainly differs from T. tristis by the darker colour of the abdomen, and shape of the costal process of the hind wing. Genitalia ( Fig. 6 ) resemble the subimaginal genitalia of T. tristis (as in Fig. 5 ), i.e. gonopods 3-segmented, the first segment slightly longer than the second, the third one about two times as long as wide. Penis lobes fused for entire length except the apex “U” shaped. Ventrally a groove is visible that ends at the middle of the penes. The styliger plate is markedly convex.