New species of Cymatodera Gray (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Tillinae) from México and Central America, with notes on others Author Rifkind, Jacques text Zootaxa 2015 3946 4 519 552 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3946.4.3 46db289d-0964-4a71-8b5c-ab81e23e961f 1175-5326 238608 7A5F142A-EEDE-453A-9CB5-241917A83921 Cymatodera carinipennis Rifkind , n. sp. ( Figs. 20–22 ) Type specimens. Holotype male: Guatemala , Izab., Cerro San Gil, 8 km N Las Escobas, 13-VI- 1993 , 800 m, B. D. Gill. Holotype deposited in CNCI . Paratypes : 1, same data as holotype , except 12-VI-1993 . GUATEMALA , IZABAL: 1, Montañas del Mico, Cerro San Gil, Microwave Station, June 9, 1993 , MV & UV light, B. Warner, J. Monzón, J. Ryan, colls.; ZACAPA: 1, Road to San Lorenzo, X-8-9-2007 , J. & M. Huether; BAJA VERAPAZ: 1, Finca Santa Rosa, 1600 m , 10/20-21/2006 , J. & M. Huether; 5, CA 14, Ranchitos del Quetzal, 16-VII-2008 , Skillman, C. & L. O’Brien, at light; 2, 1 km SE Purulhá, VI-17–19-2001 , at lights, W. B. Warner; 1, 6–9 km E Purulhá, 15,16 April , 1990, J. E. Wappes; 1, Biotopo Quetzal, May 24-31, 1989 , J. E. Wappes; MEXICO , CHIAPAS: 1, 11 m S Tapilula, 5500’, V-10-1969 , Campbell & Bright; 1, Montebello LK Area, June 15-16, 1987 , J. E. Wappes; 1, Parque Laguna Belgica , Oct. 3, 1986 , J. E. Wappes; 1, 7 km NE Huixtla, 304.8 m altitude, 7-X-1972 , D. E. Breedlove. Paratypes are deposited in CASC , CNIN , CSCA , WFBM , JEWC and JNRC . Diagnosis. The new species’ distinct longitudinal elytral carinae, narrow zigzag–shaped postmedian elytral fascia, relucent integument, the unique shape of the male pygidium and the male’s densely punctate, concave metaventrite will serve to distinguish it from congeners. Description. ( Holotype ). Length 8.70 mm. Form: elongate; integument highly reflective. Color: brown; antennae, mouthparts, tarsi, terminal abdominal ventrite and tergite, and elytral sutural ridge, testaceous; elytra ( Fig. 20 ) with a narrow, irregularly sawtoothed, transverse, cream–colored fascia just posterior to middle (complete internally to suture and laterally to epipleura), and a blotchier transverse anteapical band of the same color, incomplete internally and laterally. Head: measured across eyes, wider than pronotum; surface rugulose, sparsely, irregularly punctulate, very sparsely arrayed with mostly adpressed, pale setae; frontal umbo rather pronounced; antennae elongate: antennomere 2 approximately 2/3 the length of antennomere 3; antennomeres 3–10 elongate, subserrate; antennomere 11 expanded at middle, narrowed apically, slightly longer than antennomere 10. Pronotum: elongate (almost 2x as long as wide), surface shining, impunctate, clothed with a scattering of long, suberect, pale setae; transverse impression strongly indicated; antemedian tumescences distinct; posterior antemarginal tumescences pronounced. Elytra: elongate (ratio of length to maximum width 8:3); widest at about posterior 1/3; vestiture sparse, consisting of a few mostly suberect, pale setae of moderate length; surface coarsely, deeply, but not densely, punctate (punctures less pronounced at posterior 1/5); each elytron bearing a distinct longitudinal carina at middle ( Fig. 21 ) originating behind anterior margin and extending to approximately posterior 1/6; elytral sutural margins also elevated, and elytral sides laterad to midelytral carinae subcarinate; apices separately rounded, dehiscent. Metaventrite: densely punctate–asperate, broadly, shallowly concave at middle, lacking carinae. Abdomen: ventrite 5 broadly, arcuately emarginate posteriorly; ventrite 6 ( Fig. 22 ) elongate; deeply, arcuately emarginate at middle, posterior angles produced as subspatulate, slightly oblique, apically rounded lobes; tergite 6 elongate, sinuately converging posteriorly; apex produced to a short, triangular point. FIGURES 20–22 . 20. Habitus of Cymatodera carinipennis Rifkind , n. sp. (holotype male). 21. Cymatodera carinipennis : detail of elytral carina. 22. Pygidium (ventral view) of male Cymatodera carinipennis . Variation. Length ranges from 8.70–10.65 mm. Some specimens are darker than the holotype . The female differs from the male in several respects: the metaventrite is convex and nearly glabrous; ventrite 6 and tergite 6 are gradually tapered laterally and broadly subtruncate at their posterior margins. A specimen from Oxchuc , Chiapas, México—omitted from the paratype series—appears similar, but with somewhat more shortened and posteriorly expanded elytra. Until additional specimens from this population become available, it is impossible to determine if these differences are within the range of variation of C. carinipennis , or indicative of a different species. Etymology. The specific name refers to the new species’ carinate elytra. Distribution. Central and northeastern Guatemala and the Mexican state of Chiapas. Biology. Specimens were attracted to light. The records noting elevation indicate these beetles were collected between 305 m and 1676 m .