The medicinal plants of Myanmar Author DeFilipps, Robert A. Deceased Author Krupnick, Gary A. Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, PO Box 37012, MRC- 166, Washington, DC, 20013 - 7012, USA text PhytoKeys 2018 2018-06-28 102 1 341 journal article 1314-2003-102-1 AA226A35FFF8FFBC37621A40C2518C67 1306325 Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. Names. Myanmar : men-khareek-leck-chuck (Mon), sha-zaung-let-pat . English : aloe, bitter aloe. Range . Canary Islands and Arabian Peninsula. Use. Leaf : Used to treat menstrual disorders. The inner gelatinous flesh can be eaten sprinkled with a little salt obtained from making an ash of the five parts of the pauk plant ( Butea monosperma ), to cleanse the menstrual blood. Used against boils, edema, liver diseases, skin diseases, fevers, asthma, leprosy, jaundice, and bladder stones. Used as a powerful and effective as an ointment. If the inner flesh is used as a poultice against the stomach, it will draw out internal myomas and tumors. The inner gel can be placed on the eyes to cure eyes that are sore or ache. Squeezing out the inner gel, pouring it into the ear after warming it will cure earaches speedily. If a person suffering from jaundice eats the inner gel, it will give good bowel movements and encourage urination, curing the condition. If the inner gel is scraped off, soaked in rice washing water, and added to sugar, it can be taken to cure urinary disorders. Notes. Chemical constituents, pharmacological action, and medicinal use of this species in Indian Ayurveda are discussed in detail by Kapoor (1990) . Indigenous medicinal uses of this species in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (India) are described by Dagar and Singh (1999) . The chemical constituents, pharmacological activities, and traditional medicinal uses of this plant on a worldwide basis are discussed in detail by Ross (1999) . A pharmacognostical profile including medicinal uses of this plant in Africa is given in Iwu (1993) . Details of the chemical compounds, effects, herbal usage and pharmacological literature of this plant are given in Fleming (2000) . Worldwide medicinal usage, chemical composition and toxicity of this species are discussed by Duke (1986) . Medicinal properties of this species are discussed by Blackwell (1990) . Aloe vera leaves contain barbaloin, which is poisonous ( Lan et al. 1998 ). References. Agricultural Corporation (1980) , Forest Department (1999) .