Taxonomic notes on the genera Scatella and Scatophila (Diptera: Ephydridae) with a remark on Trixoscelis chilensis (Trixoscelididae) Author Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz Author Irwin, Anthony G. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-01-31 4377 1 91 109 journal article 30877 10.11646/zootaxa.4377.1.6 bf31986f-33c6-4a7b-8b58-736c352e54e4 1175-5326 1163298 CD3ED409-1877-4141-9AE3-ADAC1BE329BE Scatella ( Scatella ) guttata (Macquart) , new combination ( Figs. 2–7 ) Opomyza guttata Macquart, 1843 : 418 (note that in the extract version of Macquart’s paper, the page number is 261, following re-pagination). Scatella vulgata Cresson, 1931 : 108 , new synonym . Type material examined. The lectotype male of the senior synonym, herein designated, is labelled: "670 37" (round green label, number on reverse side), "No. 132. Opomyza guttata ." (handwritten), “MNHN, Paris ED8710” (printed) and two paralectotypes all labelled: "670 97" (light green round label, number on reverse side), “MNHN, Paris ED8711” (printed): one female in bad condition, without head and covered by fungal mycelium; one female with head but without two first right legs and right wing, covered by fungal mycelium, labelled: "670 97" (light green round label, number on reverse side), “MNHN, Paris ED8712” (printed) preserved in MNHN. At the bottom of the drawer and below specimens is a large green label with black margin: " O. guttata M. Chili” (handwritten) and attached to a small rectangle “2000" (printed). The holotype male of junior synonym is in very good condition (postero-basal margin of wing missing) double mounted, labelled: "Bariloche. 25-28.x.1926 .", "Argentina: Terr. Rio Negro. F. & M. Edwards. B. M. 1927-63 .", "Holo- TYPE Scatella VOLGATA [sic] E. T. Cresson Jr" (dark red, name handwritten), the allotype female in good condition double mounted, labelled "Bariloche. 28.xi-1.xii.1926 .", "Argentina: Terr. Rio Negro. F. & M. Edwards. B. M. 1927-63 .", "ALLOTYPE Scatella VOLGATA [sic] E. T. Cresson Jr" (pink; name handwritten) and 62 paratypes (same with the specific name "gestiens"), all preserved in NHMUK. FIGURES 2–3. Wing of Scatella guttata (Macquart, 1843) . 2. male. 3. female (Chile: Malalcahuello; NMWC). Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Other material examined or photographed: CHILE : Araucanía Region : Malalcahuello, Cord. de las Raices , 1635 m , spring & stream in open sandy volcanic area, 38.3014°S , 71.46825°W , 25. I. 2006 , A . R. Plant , 4 ♂ , 4 ♀ ( NMWC ) . Aysén Region : Puerto Puyuhuapi , 15–28. II. 1939 , G. H. Schwalbe , 5 ♂ , 4 ♀ ( SDEI ) ; Biobio Region : El Abanico , 31. XII. 1950 , E. S. Ross , A . Michelbacher, 4 ex ; Curico Region : Cajon de Rio Claro , SE of Los Quenes , 1100 m , Malaise trap , 8. X. 1966 , E. I. Schlinger , 13 ex. ( CAS ) ; Los Lagos Region : Termas de Puyehue , 8. VIII. 1940, G. H. Schwalbe , 1 ♂ ( SDEI ); Magallanes Region : 4 km W Laguna Amarga ( 50°59' S , 72°45' W ), 7. XII. 1966 , M. E. Irwin , E. I. Schlinger , 42 ex ; Tierra del Fuego , 35 km SW Cameron , in dry Nothofagus forest , 2. XII. 1966 , M. E. Irwin & E. I. Schlinger. 4 ex ; Nuble Region : Termas de Chillán ( 36°54' S , 71°31' W ), 15. II. 1966 , R. H. Gonzales , 14 ex ; Santiago Region : Quebrada de la Plata , Rinconada , Maipu , ( 510–775 m , 33°31' S , 70°47' W ), Malaise trap , 16.VIII.–2. IX. 1966 , M. E. Irwin , 33 ex (all CAS ) ; Valparaiso Region : Marga Marga, Vina, 29. IX. 1940 , G. H. Schwalbe , 8 ♂ , 10 ♀ ( SDEI ); Quillota, Cuesta Pucalan ( 32°44'S , 71 °16'W ), 15.1 X.66 , E. Schlinger , M. Irwin , 5 ex ( CAS ). FIGURES 4–5. Head of the female of Scatella guttata (Macquart, 1843) . 4. anterior view. 5. antero-oblique view (Chile: Malalcahuello; NMWC). Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Diagnosis. This species is closely related to S. cauta Cresson but is distinguished from other species by the scutellum lacking lateral seta and wings with distinct pale spot in apex of cell R3, other pale spots small and contiguous with veins. The species displays sexual dimorphism of facial coloration and wing pattern ( Figs 2–3 ). The brown markings on female face are more extensive above the series of facial setae ( Figs. 4–7 ). Distribution. Neotropical: Argentina , Chile . Remarks. The description of Opomyza guttata by Macquart (1843) is short, not enabling proper identification: “Nigra. Alis fuscanis alboguttatis. (Tab. 35, fig. 3.) Long. 1. l. . Noire, à léger duvet gris. Balanciers jaunâtres. Ailes brunâtres, à petites taches blanches peu nombreuses, entre les nervures. Du Chili . M. Gay, Muséum”. In the collection of J. Macquart specimens labelled as Opomyza guttata have characters of Scatella . Despite a covering of fungal mycelium on all the type specimens the diagnostic characters given for S. vulgata Cresson could be seen (pattern of wing, characters of face) and we are able to propose its synonymy with S. vulgata . The description of the O. guttata refers to Tab. 35, fig.3, and the description of O. ferruginea refers to fig. 4 on the same plate. On this plate, fig. 3 presents a pale fly with transparent wings, and figure 4 a dark fly with spotted wings. In the description of Opomyza ferruginea the wings are transparent ("Ailes claires"), so we presume the numbers of the figures were transposed. Opomyza guttata Macquart was also regarded as a species of Diastata ( Spilochroa ) by Malloch (1933b: 214) , with Diastata chilensis Schiner, 1868 as a synonym, but Malloch’s description and that of Schiner (1868: 235) [yellow antennae, yellow tibiae, clear wings with well-defined black marks] cannot be reconciled with those of Macquart (1843: 418) and Gay (1852: 466) [black antennae, black tibiae, brown wings with clear patches]. The type series of Opomyza guttata in MNHN appears to include one specimen (ED8713) that could correspond to Malloch’s Diastata guttata (Macquart) , but our contention is that this is a misplaced specimen that was not part of the original type series, and that the species listed by Malloch (1933b) as Diastata ( Spilochroa ) guttata (Macquart) should be known as Trixoscelis chilensis ( Schiner, 1868 ) ( revised status ) ( Trixoscelididae ).