Morphological investigation of genital organs and first insights into the phylogeny of the genus Siciliaria Vest, 1867 as a basis for a taxonomic revision (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Clausiliidae) Author De Mattia, Willy Central Research Laboratories, of Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria Author Reier, Susanne Central Research Laboratories, of Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria Author Haring, Elisabeth Central Research Laboratories, of Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria text ZooKeys 2021 2021-12-14 1077 1 175 journal article 1313-2970-1077-1 C28AD65A76F242CFBED7DFB3702CABCE 734088641608531C8E2CC69397B000ED Siciliaria grohmanniana grohmanniana ( Rossmaessler , 1836) Figs 1.F, 7.1-7.3, 8.1-8.4, 13.1-13.4 Clausilia grohmanniana Rossmaessler 1836: 7. Clausilia grohmanniana var. minor A. Schmidt 1868 : 40 [non Rossmaessler ]. Clausilia grohmanuiana [sic!] - Benoit 1876 : 151. Clausilia grohmaniana [sic!] - Benoit 1881 : 108. Clausilia (Siciliaria) grohmanniana - Monterosato 1894 : 170. Delima (Siciliaria) grohmanniana - Wagner 1925 : 67. Siciliaria grohmanniana - Schileyko 2000 : 665. Charpentieria grohmanniana - Beckmann 2004 : 188. Siciliaria grohmanniana - Nordsieck 2007 : 53. Siciliaria grohmanniana - Welter-Schultes 2012 : 340. Siciliaria grohmanniana - Nordsieck 2013b : 6. Charpentieria grohmanniana - De Mattia 2017a . Specimens examined. Italy , Sicily , Palermo , Monte Pellegrino, N side of the top plateau, 380 m asl , 38°10'55.26"N , 13°21'1.66"E , W. De Mattia and J. Macor leg., 20.xii.2003 . 15 live spm, 3 dissected spm . Italy , Sicily , Palermo , Monte Pellegrino , Santuario Santa Rosalia , 420 m asl , 38°10'4.41"N , 13°21'2.60"E , [ Lab ID 42_1, COI: MW758886 ; Lab ID 42_2, COI: MW758887 , ITS2: MW757091MW757092 ; Lab ID 42_3, COI: MW758885 ], W. De Mattia and J. Macor leg., 15.iv.2017 . 12 live spm, 3 dissected spm . Shell (Figs 8 .1-8.4, 13.1-13.4). Shell mostly decollate; whorls ribbed; dorsal keel indistinct or missing; inferior lamella very high; two anterior upper palatal plicae present, upper one mostly separated from upper palatal plica; palatal edge of clausilium plate distally receding, plate gutter-like narrowed, palatal edge against distal end bent upwards and more or less pointed (as in Nordsieck 2013b ). Measurements (n = 25, decollate): shell height 19.4 +/- 0.8, whorl width 5.1 +/- 0.2, aperture height 3.9 +/- 0.2, aperture width 2.7 +/- 0.2. External morphology of the genital organs (Fig. 7 .1). The FO is longer than the V (FO/V range from 1.6 to 1.8). The VD is thin along its whole course. The FDBC is shorter than the BC+SDBC (FDBC/BC+SDBC range from 0.7 to 0.8). The BC+SDBC is cylindrical or club-like and slightly longer than the V (BC+SDBC/V range 1.3-1.4), with no clear distinction between the SDBC and the BC. The apex is wide and round or pointed. The D is longer than the V (D/V range 2.0-2.1) and longer that the BC+SDBC (D/BC+SDBC range 1.4-1.7), thinner than the BC+SDBC and with a pointed apex. The V is short and cylindrical. The A is large. The PC is longer than the V (P+E/V range 2.4-2.6). The PR is long and robust. There is a clear distinction between P and E as there is a visible ER and a proximal narrowing. The E is thinner but longer than the P (E/P range 1.1-1.3), almost gradually shrinking and turning into the VD. Internal morphology of the genital organs (Figs 7 .2, 7.3). The A is smooth or with weak traces of the distal penial pleats. The P presents 4-6 longitudinal and very irregular pleats. These pleats are very variable in thickness and sculpture, being both smooth or segmented along the same pleat. These pleats often split (proximally, distally or both) into smaller pleats. The fine structure of the wall is smooth. The PP is big, irregular, wrinkly and pointed. It can be smooth or with small tubercles. The P-E transition presents one ER with the PP and ELP originating from the ER. The epiphallar formula is: 1ER(PP+ELP). The E shows 4 to 6 main longitudinal finely fringed pleats. The V is almost completely smooth. The wall is finely granulated. Ecology. Siciliaria grohmanniana grohmanniana is widespread and common throughout its range. It is found to live on exposed limestone walls hiding in cracks and under crags. It is also found in Pinus sp. forest on decaying woods and tree trunks, including shady and humid spots on mosses and ferns. According to De Mattia (2017a) Siciliaria grohmanniana grohmanniana is considered as Endangered following the IUCN criteria B1ab(i,ii,iii,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,v). The whole area of distribution is currently included in protected areas. Distribution. The taxon is limited to the calcareous mountains northern of Palermo: Monte Pellegrino and the southern slopes of Monte Gallo.