Psammoecus simonis Grouvelle 1892 Author Díaz, Analia Instituto de Limnología Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet (CCT-La Plata CONICET), Boulevard 120 y 62, 1900 La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Martens, Koen Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Freshwater Biology, Vautierstraat 29, Brussels 1000, Belgium and University of Ghent, Department of Biology, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B- 9000 Ghent, Belgium. E-mail: darwinula @ gmail. com text Zoological Studies 2018 2018-03-26 57 10 1 13 journal article 10.6620/ZS.2018.57-10 1810-522X Notodromas monacha (O.F. Müller, 1776 ) ( Fig. 6 ) Generic Differential Diagnosis (modified after Meisch 2000 ): Carapace rounded in lateral view, with strong sexual dimorphism in shape and structure. Eye-cups clearly visible, but less prominent than in the Newnhamia . Male valves with pointed caudal margin and without flap-like structure on LV ( Figs. 6 A-F). Female valves with posterior margin evenly rounded ( Figs. 6G, H, J, K ); LV with postero-ventral flap-like structure ( Figs. 6J, L, M ). Carapace in dorsal and ventral views ( Fig. 6C, E, I, L ) evenly rounded, with greatest width in the middle, RV only very weakly overlapping LV, both valves in fact subequal. Plate-like ventral expansion almost as long as entire CP, but set with few ridges; antero-ventral lip-like expansions prominent. T 2 without d-setae, flanking setae longer than half the length of the end claw. T 3 with terminal segment separate from penultimate segment. Caudal ramus without distal seta. Type locality and Type material : unknown (see Karanovic 2012 ) Material examined here : Pool near “Buikske Rond”, Destelbergen, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium (coordinates: 51°03'12.3"N , 3°49'16.3"E ). Collected on 1/6/2011 by K. Martens and J. Higuti. Remarks : Gurayacypris Battish, 1987 is most likely a junior synonym of Notodromas .