A revision of the crab spider genus Heriaeus Simon, 1875 (Araneae: Thomisidae) in the Afrotropical Region Author Niekerk, P. van Author Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S. text African Invertebrates 2013 2013-11-14 54 2 447 447 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.5733/afin.054.0213 journal article 10.5733/afin.054.0213 2305-2562 7918661 Heriaeus crassispinus Lawrence, 1942 Figs 5 , 26–29 , 57 Heriaeus crassispinus : Lawrence 1942: 159 , fig. 13a, b ( ); Loerbroks 1983: 131 , figs 93, 94 ( ). Heriaeus fimbriatus Lawrence, 1942: 160 , fig. 14a–c ( ); Loerbroks 1983: 132 , figs 90–92 ( ). Syn. n. Both H. crassispinus and H. fimbriatus were described by Lawrence (1942) in the same publication based on a female and male specimen. During this study large series of specimens became available and the data showed that they are different sexes of the same species. Heriaeus fimbriatus is here recognized as a junior synonym of H. crassispinus . Diagnosis: The species is recognized by the blackish brown abdomen, mottled with yellow-brown, and bearing short, dark brown spiniform setae; legs ventrally with blackish brown bands around femora III–IV; males very distinct, with a fringe of long, black hairs on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi of legs I–II ( Fig. 5 ). The epigyne has a dome-shaped hood, over a small round opening ( Fig. 28 ), while the male palp has an embolus with a slender tip that coils back in a U-shape and RTA ( Fig. 26 ) with two narrow digitiform apophyses and distal tooth ( Fig. 27 ). The males have several unique features and differ from all other species by the shape of the VTA and RTA. In the female, the vulva is also more complex than in other species. Redescription: Female (NCA 2007/54). Size : TL 4.45, CL 1.81, CW 1.66. Colour : Carapace with two dark irregular bands, extending into eye region; lateral margins mottled with blackish brown; sternum, labium and endites yellow-brown, or with slight black markings in darker individuals; chelicerae and clypeus mottled with dark brown; eye tubercles white.Abdomen dorsum blackish brown, slightly mottled with yellow-brown, sometimes with some white spots, some specimens paler; dark transverse bands present across broadest part of abdomen; venter yellow-brown with white spots; laterally with dark lines and spots on striae; setae dark brown with few short, transparent setae scattered in between. Legs with variable markings; femora I–IV ventrally usually with dark half-circles; circle on femora II often reduced to a single mark or absent; white marks on all segments except metatarsi and tarsi. Carapace : Eye measurements : AME–AME 0.16, ALE–AME 0.07, PME–PME 0.10, PLE–PME 0.21, AME–PME 0.20, MOQL AME–PME 0.26, MOQAW AME– AME 0.20, MOQPW PME–PME 0.16. Leg measurements : leg I Fe 1.44, Pat 0.81,Tib 1.36, Mt 0.96, Ta 0.47, total 5.04; leg II Fe 1.45, Pat 0.73, Tib 1.20, Mt 0.94, Ta 0.52, total 4.84; leg III Fe 0.83, Pat 0.48, Tib 0.62, Mt 0.49, Ta 0.52, total 2.91; leg IV Fe 1.10, Pat 0.55, Tib 0.72, Mt 0.54, Ta 0.43, total 3.34. Abdomen : Posterior end broader; bearing spiniform setae with acute tips. Epigyne : Hood dome­shaped with small round opening, flattened posteriorly, internal organs visible externally ( Fig. 28 ). Copulatory ducts a complex set of folded membranes and tubes ( Fig. 29 ). Male (NCA 2009/3119). Size : TL 3.34, CL 1.42, CW 1.37. Colour : Carapace with two dark irregular bands, extending into eye region; darkly mottled laterally; setae dark brown; chelicerae and clypeus darkly mottled; central eye region white; eye tubercles white, forming distinct white line across eye region and lateral eyes. Abdomen dark dorsally, only slightly mottled with yellow-brown and some white spots, some specimens paler in colour with dark transverse band across broadest part of abdomen; venter yellow-brown with white spots, with dark marks laterally; abdominal setae dark brown. Legs with tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi I–II dark brown, dark half-circles around femora I–IV; tarsus of palp dark dorsally or much darker than rest of palp. Carapace : Eye measurements : AME–AME 0.11, ALE–AME 0.07, PME–PME 0.11, PLE–PME 0.17, AME–PME 0.21, MOQL AME–PME 0.22, MOQAW AME–AME 0.16, MOQPW PME–PME 0.15. Leg measurements : leg I Fe 1.69, Pat 0.79, Tib 2.20, Mt 1.75, Ta 0.57, total 6.99; leg II Fe 1.53, Pat 0.64, Tib 2.01, Mt 1.43, Ta 0.48, total 6.09; leg III Fe 0.94, Pat 0.39, Tib 0.92, Mt 0.38, Ta 0.37, total 3.00; leg IV Fe 0.99, Pat 0.47, Tib 0.97, Mt 0.57, Ta 0.43, total 3.43. Abdomen : Setae spiniform with acute tips. Legs : Fringe of long, black hairs on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi of leg I–II ( Fig. 5 ). Male palp : Embolus long, winding once around tegulum; tip slender and U-shaped ( Fig. 26 ); VTA long and with anterior hooked end; RTA with two narrow digitiform apophyses and long distal tooth when seen laterally ( Fig. 27 ). Juveniles. Colour similar to that of adult female, especially leg bands, shape of abdomen, and colour and shape of abdominal setae. Fringe of long black hairs absent from legs I–II. Type material examined: Lectotype of H. crassispinus (designated here): SOUTH AFRICA : KwaZulu­Natal : Umhlali , Sheffield Beach ( 29.46°S 31.26°E ), x.1940 , R.F. Lawrence ( NMSA 3319 ). Paralectotypes : 2♂ same data as lectotype . Holotype of H. fimbriatus : SOUTH AFRICA : KwaZulu­Natal : Ingwavuma ( 27.12°S 32.01°E ), 1942, R.F. Lawrence ( NMSA 242 ). Other material examined: BURUNDI : 1♂ Plaine du la ruzizi, sectaur de Gihanga ( 3.18°S 29.28°E ), 790 m , v.1966 , S. Ndani ( MRAC 130.611 ) ; 1 imm. ♂ 1 imm. ♀ Bubanza Prov. , crete Congo­Nil ( 3.0°S 29.40°E ), alt. 2000 m , S. Ndani ( MRAC 132.775 ) ; 1 imm. Ruyigi , marais Nyamasheshi ( 3.47°S 30.23°E ), J. Ruabunesa ( MRAC 129.824 ) . DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO : 1 ♀ Kivu , Parc National Albert [= Virunga National Park], sect. Ruwenzori , Kamusonge ( 0.38°N 29.90°E ), 1900 m , 3.xi.1953 , P. Vanschuytbroek & V. Hendrickx ( MRAC 211.179 ) ; 1 imm. ♂ Kivu , terr. Kabare ( 2.48°S 28.47°E ), 1600 m , iii.1951 , N. Leleup ( MRAC 92.559 ) ; 1 imm. ♀ Kivu , terr. de Mwenga , poste Kitutu , Bilumanzi ( 3.28°S 28.08°E ), 5.iv.1958 , N. Leleup , plants, herbs ( MRAC 111.338 ) ; 1♂ Kivu , terr. de Mwenga , poste Kitutu , Bac de l’Elila ( 3.28°S 28.08°E ), iv.1958 , N. Leleup , from humus ( MRAC 111.345 ) ; 1♀ D’Uvira , Ruiss. Kalyambutu ( 3.42°S 29.13°E ), vi.1985 , N. Leleup ( MRAC 112.646 ) ; 4♀ 2♂ Katanga , Luiswishi , 28 km NE Lubumbashi ( 11.52°S 27.45°E ), 1208 m , 1974, F. Malaisse , savannah ( MRAC 145.523 ) ; 4 imm. Shaba , Luiswishi ( 11.52°S 27.45°E ), i–ii.1974 , F. Malaisse , forest ( MRAC 148.948 ) ; 3♂ 4♀ 7 imm. same data but ii–iii.1974 ( MRAC 149.167 ) . ETHIOPIA : Gojam Prov . : 2♀ 1♂ Tsiss­Isat falls ( 11.53°S 37.50°E ), 19.x.1973 , G. De Rougemont ( MRAC 158.902 ) . MALAWI : 1♂ Chisasira forest , 25 km S Chintheche ( 11.83°S 33.22°E ), 27.ix–14.x.1977 , R. Jocqué , Brachystegia woodland (MRAC 153 030) ; 1♀ same locality, 6.v.1978 , R. Jocqué ( MRAC 153.193 ) . RWANDA : 1 imm. ♂ Bugesera , Biharagu ( 2.10°S 30.00°E ), 27.ii.1960 , N. Leleup , on large termite mound in savannah, among dead leaves ( MRAC 172.029 ) . SOUTH AFRICA : Eastern Cape : 1♂ Keurkloof , Farm Ferndale ( 33.76°S 24.81°E ), 24.iii.2008 , A. Honiball , beating trees in forest ( NCA 2009 /3119) ; 1♂ Baviaanskloof Nat. Res. ( 33.75°S 24.80°E ), 24.iii.2008 , A. Honiball , pitfall traps , riverine forest ( NCA 2009 /3231) ; 2♀ East London , Pineapple Research Station ( 33.01°S 27.90°E ), 1.v.1979 , G. Petty , pitfall traps ( NCA 81 /286). KwaZulu­Natal : 1♂ Ndumo Game Reserve ( 26.87°S 32.24°E ), 12.i.2007 , C. Haddad , broadleaf woodland ( NCA 2007 /3069) ; 1 imm. ♂ same locality, 6.ii.2005 , C. Haddad , broadleaf woodland ( NCA 2005 /27) ; 1♀ Tembe Elephant Park ( 27.03°S 32.42°E ), 15.iii.2003 , A. Honiball , pitfall traps , woodland ( NCA 2003 /1014) ; 1♀ Mkuzi Game Reserve ( 27.63°S 32.25°E ), 4.ii.2003 , S. Lovell , palm tree ( NCA 2003 /1493) ; 1 imm. ♀ same locality, 4.ii.2003 , S. Lovell , Acacia nigrescens ( NCA 2003 /1491) ; 1 imm. same locality, 31.i.2003 , S. Lovell , A. nigrescens ( NCA 2003 /1492) ; 1♂ Phinda Game Reserve ( 27.72°S 32.38°E ), 15.iv.2001 , M. Ramirez , beating plants ( NCA 2002 /222) ; 2 imm. ♀ same locality, 7.xi.2002 , S. Lovell , palm tree ( NCA 2003 /1530) ; 1♀ Ngotsche District , Toggekry , Vetspruit Farm ( 27.77°S 31.06°E ), 12.iv.1968 , T.W. Schofield ( NMSA 12404 ) ; 1♂ Lake Sibayi , between lake edge & road, vi.1967 , R.F. Lawrence & R. Lamoral , sieved from humus under mostly Acacia trees at campsite (AMGS) ; 1♀ Hell’s Gate ( 28.00°S 32.48°E ), 6.ix.2004 , J. Esterhuizen , blue traps ( NCA 2012 /1881) ; 1♀ 1 imm. 15 km N Richards Bay ( 28.78°S 32.10°E ), 1.xii.1995 , T. Wassenaar , pitfall traps ( NCA 96 /591) ; 1♀ 1♂ same data but 10.xii.1995 , sweep net ( NCA 99 /337) ; 2 imm. ♀ same data but beating ( NCA 99 /82) ; 2♀ 1♂ same data but 3.vii.1996 , pitfall traps ( NCA 97 /84) ; 3♀ same data but 2.viii.1996 ( NCA 97 /83, 97/85) ; 1♂ same data but 28.viii.1996 ( NCA 97 /109) ; 9♀ 3♂ same data but 29.viii.1996 ( NCA 97 /108) ; 1♀ same data but 30.viii.1996 , pitfall traps , coastal dune forest ( NCA 97 /107) ; 1♀ same data but 11.xii.1996 ( NCA 97 /884) ; 4♂ same data but 5.vi.1997 ( NCA 97 /931, 97/932) ; 1♀ Pietermaritzburg ( 29.60°S 30.38°E ), vi.1951 , A.Y. Lawrence & R.F. Lawrence ( NMSA 5477 ) ; 1 imm. same locality, x.1937 , R.F. Lawrence & W.G. Rump ( NMSA 2118 ) . Limpopo : 1♀ Tsulu ( 22.70°S 30.79°E ), 21.ii.2008 , V. Gelebe , pitfall traps , riparian vegetation ( NCA 2012 /2049); 1 imm same data but 26.ii.2008 ( NCA 2012 /2050) ; 1♀ 5♂ 2 imm. Mokopane , Sovenga Hill , University of Limpopo ( 24.17°S 29.00°E ), 14.v.2001 , M. Modiba , pitfall traps ( NCA 2005 /1071) ; 2♂ Lajuma Mountain Retreat , Soutpansberg ( 23.03°S 29.45°E ), 11.v.2004 , M. Mafadza , pitfall traps ( NCA 2005 /2379) ; 3♂ same locality, 6.ii.2008 , S. Foord , grassveld, by hand ( NCA 2008 /521) ; 1♂ same locality, 1.vi.1997 , M. van der Merwe , pitfall traps ( NCA 98 /20). Mpumalanga : 1♀ Nelspruit , 10 km NE Hall & Sons ( 25.47°S 30.96°E ), 8.i.1998 , M. van den Berg , fogging, avocado orchard ( NCA 98 /767) ; 2♀ Nelspruit ( 25.47°S 30.99°E ), i.1939 , R.F. Lawrence ( NMSA 2586 ) ; 1 imm. ♀ Nelspruit , Lowveld National Botanical Gardens ( 25.47°S 31.00°E ), 25.i.2004 , A. Leroy ( NCA 2008 /2673) ; 1♀ Nylsvley Nat. Res. ( 24.31°S 28.43°E ), 8.xi.1979 , G. Ferreira , pitfall traps ( NCA 79 /242) ; 2 imm. Lydenburg ( 25.09°S 30.46°E ), 21.iii.1962 , N. Leleup ( MRAC 132.570 ) ; 4 imm. same locality, 21.iii.1962 , N. Leleup , from humus ( MRAC 132.573 ) ; 2 imm. Carolina , 52 miles on road to Barberton ( 26.06°S 30.11°E ), x.1961 , N. Leleup ( MRAC 132.604 ) ; 1♀ Bergvliet Forest Station , Sabie to Nelspruit Rd ( 25.10°S 30.78°E ), 14.iv.1979 , M. Stiller , plants ( NCA 84 /658) ; 1♀ 1♂ Kruger National Park , Skukuza Camp ( 22.93°S 31. 02°E ), 1.iv.2006 , K. Harris , sifting leaf litter ( NCA 2007 /4228, 2007/4229) ; 1♀ Kruger National Park , Makhuthwanini ( 25.38°S 31.60°E ), 16.vi.2007 , G. Ellis , pitfall traps ( NCA 2008 /54) ; 1♂ same data but Lwakahle ( 25.43°S 31.75°E ), 30.vi.2007 ( NCA 2008 /70). North West : 1♂ Buffelspoort Research Station ( 25.62°S 27.77°E ), 22.i.1981 , D. Uys , plants ( NCA 89 /642) ; 1♀ Rustenburg Nat. Res. ( 25.72°S 27.18°E ), 11.xii.1979 , A.S. Dippenaar , sweepnetting herb layer ( NCA 84 /249) ; 1 imm. ♀ Zeerust ( 25.53°S 26.08°E ), 2.v.2010 , S. Foord , gallery forest, sifting leaf litter ( NCA 2013 /1882) . SWAZILAND : 1 imm. ♀ Hlatikulu ( 26.96°S 31.31°E ), i.1939 , R.F. Lawrence ( NMSA 2570 ) . ZIMBABWE : 1♀ Harare ( 17.86°S 31.02°E ), 15.i.1999 , soil surface, M. Cumming ( NCA 2004 /1402) ; 1♀ same data but 15.v.1999 ( NCA 2004 /1401) ; 1♂ same data but 14.i.2003 , under rocks ( NCA 2004 /738) ; 2♂ same data but iii.2004 ( NCA 2004 /1410) ; 2♀ 1♂ same data but, 15.iii.2004 , soil surface ( NCA 2004 /1400, 2004/1417) ; 1 imm. Umtali [= Mutare, 18.96°S 32.66°E ], 5.i.1966 , P. Stead , on plants ( NCA 84 /656) . Distribution: Eastern and southern Afrotropical ( South Africa , and new records from Burundi , Ethiopia , D.R. Congo , Malawi , Rwanda , Swaziland , Zimbabwe ; Fig. 57 ). Natural history: This species was sampled from a variety of habitats ranging from coastal dunes, orchards (avocados), forests ( Brachystegia woodland), palm tree forest, grassland, riverine sweet thorn and Acacia nigrescens woodland.