A revision of the New Zealand species of the genus Sagola Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Faronitae) Author Park, J. - S. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric Author Carlton, C. E. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2014 mo 13 2014-12-01 68 1 156 journal article 3079 10.1649/072.068.0mo4.1 62322993-ca80-4b6c-ac95-861cbb236abd 1938-4394 4907735 Sagola watti Park and Carlton , new species ( Figs. 15b , 16b , 17 ) Type Material. Holotype . NEW ZEALAND : Auckland : 1♂ ( NZAC ), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “ New Zealand: ND : Omahuta S.F., Kauri Res. 10 X 1974 , J.C. Watt litter 74/81”, “ HOLOTYPE Sagola watti Park and Carlton 2013 . Paratypes ( n = 33: 22 males ; 11 females ). NEW ZEALAND : Northland : 2♂♂ ( FMNH , DSC ), Waipoua SF, Kauri Ricker Tr. , 120m , 26 XI–4 XII 1984 , kauripodocarp-hdwd., A. Newton , M. Thayer 684, berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor ; 1♂ ( FMNH ), Waipoua SF, Kauri Ricker Tr. , 120m , 26 XI–4 XII 1984 , kauri-podocarp-hdwd., A. Newton , M. Thayer 684, berl., FIT & window trap ; 1♂ 1♀ ( FMNH ) , c) S. butcherae , d) S. taupoensis , e) S. nunni , f) S . sunsookae , g) S . choeunae . Scale bars = 1 mm . Fig. 15. Habitus of Sagola species in the baiknami species-group, dorsal views. a) S. baiknami , b) S . watti , Waipoua SF, 1.7km nw Waikohatu Stream bridge, 380m , 28 XI–6 XII 1984 , hdwd.-podocarp forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer; 1♂ ( FMNH ), Waipoua SF, Wairau Summit 400m , 27 XI–6 XII 1984 , hdwd.-podocarp forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer , FIT & window trap ; 1♀ ( FMNH ), Waipoua SF, Toronui Tr. , 150m , 13 IV 1980 , kauri-podocarpbroadlf-nikau palm forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer , berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor ; 2♂♂ ( NZAC ), Te Paki Trig , 23 XI 1982 , G. Kuschel , sifted litter and decayed wood 82/116 ; 1♂ ( NZAC ), Waipoua SF, Wairau Stm , 390m , 15 IV 1980 , J.C. Watt , sifted litter 80/ 51 ; 1♂ ( NZAC ), Waipoua Stm , 100m , 19 III 1978 , S.B. Peck , litter ; 1♂ ( DSC ), Waipoua SF, Toronui Tr. , 120m , 26 XI–4 XII 1984 , kauri-podocarp-hdwd., A. Newton , M. Thayer 685, berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor ; 1♂ ( FMNH ), Waipoua SF , 0.8km nw Wairau Summit , 350m , 27 XI–6 XII 1984 , hdwd.-podocarp forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 689, FIT & window trap ; 1♂ ( FMNH ), Waipoua SF, Wairau Summit , 387m , 11–14 IV 1980 , podocarp-broadleaf, A. Newton. M. Thayer , pitfall trap ; 1♂ ( FMNH ), Waipoua SF, Toatoa Tr. , 270m , 12–15 IV 1980 , toatoa-kauri-podocarp-broadlf., A. Newton , M. Thayer , berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor ; 1♂ ( NZAC ), Mangamuka Walk , 28 VII–1 VIII 1998 , R . Leschen , R . Hoare , FIT 223 , 36 ′11S, 173′28E ; 1♂ ( NZAC ), Above Hihi , 6 I 1969 , K. Wise , juvenile Kahikatea ; 1♂ ( NZAC ), Puketi SF, 21 I 1972 , G.W. Ramsay , litter 72/56 ; 1♂ ( NZAC ), Waipoua SF, 7 XII 1961 , G. Kuschel , litter 61/13. Auckland : 1♂ ( FMNH ), Waitakere Range, 260m , Nohoanga Scenic Reserve , 23 XI–8 XII 1984 , hdwd.-podocarp forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 679, FIT & window trap ; 1♂ 2♀♀ ( 1♀ , slide-mounted; 1♂ 1♀ , FMNH ; 1♀ , DSC ), Waitakere Range, 260m , Nohoanga Scenic Reserve , 8 XII 1984 25 I 1985 , hdwd.- podocarp forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 679, FIT & window trap ; 1♀ ( FMNH ), Waitakere Range , 260m , Nohoanga Scenic Reserve , 23 XI 1984 , hdwd.-podocarp forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 679, berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor ; 3♀♀ ( FMNH ), Waitakere Range, Cascade-Kauri Park, up. Kauri Tr. , 170m , 8 XII 1984 25 I 1985 , kauri-podo-hdwd., A. Newton , M. Thayer , FIT & window trap ; 1♂ ( NZAC ), Huia , 150m , Twin Peaks Ridge , 1 V 1981 , B.M. May , at roots of Metrosideros robusta ; 1♂ ( DSC ), Goldie Bush Scenic Res. , Mokoroa Falls Tr. , 6km W Waitakere , 28 III 2010 , 106m, D.S. Chandler , kauri & podocarp leaf litter ; 1♂ ( NZAC ), Kohukohunui , Hunua Ra , 600m , 30 III 1974 , G. Kuschel , litter 74/20 ; 1♀ ( FMNH ), Waitakere Ra. , Nohoanga Scenic Res. , 260m , 36.57′S, 174.35′E, 23 II 1987 , hardwood-podocarp forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 836, FMHD#87-271 , berl., frond litter at base of tree ferns; Waikato : 1♀ (slide-mounted; FMNH ), Pirongia Forest Park, Mahaukura Track (above end Grey Rd. ), 270m , 37″58.218′S, 175″06.523′E, 18 XI–27 XII 2005 , mixed broadleaf forest, FMHD#2005-009 , FIT , A. Newton , M. Thayer , et al., ANMT site 1142 ; 1♀ ( NZAC ), Waitomo , Maori L , Tumutumu Rd , 24 V 1983 , J.C. Watt , litter and soil 83/60 . Fig. 16. Sagola pecies in the baiknami species-group. Aedeagi, dorsal views: a) S. baiknami , b) S . watti , c) S. butcherae , d) S. taupoensis , e) S. nunni , f) S . sunsookae , g) S . choeunae . S . watti , male head: h) Dorsal surface, i) Ventral surface (arrow indicates transverse depression). Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Fig. 17. Known collection localities of New Zealand Sagola species. S. baiknami : black circles; S . watti : triangles; S . butcherae : black square; S . taupoensis : stars. Etymology. This species is named for the collector of the holotype , John C. Watt. Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the other species of the baiknami speciesgroup by the following combination of characters: smaller body, length 2.2–2.5 mm ; antennomeres 4–10 with tubercles; male head bluntly triangular, ventral surface of head with short carinae from posterior point of eyes; male fore tibia with semicircular depression and mid-tibia bent; shape of antennomeres and genitalia unique to species. Description. Length 2.2–2.5 mm . Body brown, antennae and maxillary palpi paler, legs and elytra yellowish brown ( Fig. 15b ). Head: Male head as long as wide, widest across eyes, ventral surface with short carina from hind point of eyes, as long as eye ( Fig. 16h ). Antennomere 1 approximately 2 times longer than wide, 2–3 transverse, 4 longer than wide, 5 subquadrate, 9–10 transverse, 4–10 with tubercles. Frontal sulcus deep, reaching beyond eye from frontal fovea ( Fig. 16h ). Anterior frontal fovea round ( Fig. 16h ). Posterior frontal fovea elongate ( Fig. 16h ). Eye large and prominent, one-half length of temple in male ( Fig. 16h ), one-third length of temple in female. Thorax: Prosternum as long as wide, widest at midpoint. Male fore tibia with semicircular depression. Elytra rectangular ( Fig. 15b ). Meso- and metathorax trapezoidal, longer than wide. Hind wings well-developed. Male mid-tibia bent. Abdomen: Tergite IV with pair of transverse patches of microtrichia reaching middle. Aedeagus: Median lobe divided deeply ( Fig. 16b ). Phallobase of median lobe asymmetrical and triangular ( Fig. 16b ). Parameres asymmetrical, right paramere larger than left ( Fig. 16b ). Distribution. Auckland , Northland , Waikato ( Fig. 17 : triangles). Habitat. Most specimens of this species were collected using window, flight intercept, and pitfall traps or by sifting leaf and log litter in kauri, broadleaf, hardwood, and podocarp forests. A few specimens were found at the bases of Metrosideros robusta A. Cunn. (Myrtaceae) and tree ferns.