A revision of the New Zealand species of the genus Sagola Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Faronitae) Author Park, J. - S. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric Author Carlton, C. E. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2014 mo 13 2014-12-01 68 1 156 journal article 3079 10.1649/072.068.0mo4.1 62322993-ca80-4b6c-ac95-861cbb236abd 1938-4394 4907735 Sagola sharpi Raffray, 1893 ( Figs. 35–36 ) Sagola sharpi Raffray, 1893: 26 . Raffray 1904: 498 , 1911: 6 , 1924: 231 ; Hudson 1923: 365 , 1934: 183 ; Newton and Thayer 2005b; Nomura and Leschen 2006: 243. Sagola grata Broun, 1912b: 628 . Hudson 1923: 365 , 1934: 183 ; Raffray 1924: 232 ; Newton and Thayer 2005b; Nomura and Leschen 2006: 242. New synonymy . Sagola clavatella Broun, 1912b: 631 . Hudson 1923: 365 , 1934: 183 ; Raffray 1924: 232 ; Newton and Thayer 2005b; Nomura and Leschen 2006: 241. New synonymy . Sagola posticalis Broun, 1915: 291 . Hudson 1923: 365 , 1934: 184 ; Newton and Thayer 2005b; Nomura and Leschen 2006: 243. New synonymy . Type Material. Syntypes . NEW ZEALAND : 1♀ ( BMNH ), glued on rectangular card, “ Type ” [red label, printed]; “ New Zealand Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922–482.” [white label, printed]; “ Sagola sharpi Type Raffray.” [white label, handwritten]. 2♂♂ ( MNHN ), glued on rectangular card, " N. Zeal MP Type Sharpi AR Holotype of Sagola clavatella : NEW ZEALAND : Buller: 1♂ ( BMNH ), glued on rectangular card, “ Type ” [red label, printed]; “19.–” [white label, handwritten]; “Greymouth, New Zealand Helms.” [white label, printed]; “Sharp Coll. 1905-313” [white label, printed]; “ Sagola . clavatella.” [white label, handwritten]. Holotype of Sagola grata : NEW ZEALAND : Marlborough Sounds: 1♂ ( BMNH ), glued on rectangular card, “ Type ” [red label, printed]; “18_” [white label, handwritten]; “Sharp Coll. 1905-313” [white label, printed]; “Picton, New Zealand Helms.” [white label, printed]; “ Sagola grata . .” [white label, handwritten]. Syntypes of Sagola posticalis : NEW ZEALAND : Kaikoura: 1♂ ( BMNH ), glued on rectangular card, “ Type ” [red label, printed]; “3707. ” [white label, handwritten]; “Wairiri. Kaikoura” [white label, handwritten]; “ New Zealand Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922–482.” [white label, printed]; Sagola . posticalis” [white label, handwritten]. ( BMNH ), glued on rectangular card, “3707. ” [white label, handwritten]; “ New Zealand Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922–482.” [white label, printed]; “Wairiri. Kaikoura” [white label, handwritten]; “ Sagola . posticalis” [white label, handwritten] . Fig. 35. Sagola sharpi ( sharpi species-group). a) Habitus, dorsal view, b) Aedeagus, dorsal view, c) Dorsal surface of male head, d) Ventral surface of male head. Scale bar a = 1 mm, b–d = 0.1 mm. Additional Material ( n = 70: 47 males ; 23 females ). NEW ZEALAND : Buller : 1♂ , Lewis Pass NR , 13.2km s Lewis Pass , 650m , 17 XII 1984 21 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 713, FIT &window trap; 1♀ , Lewis Pass NR , 13.2km s Lewis Pass , 650m , 17 XII 1984 21 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 713, pyrethrin fogging fungusy log ; 1♂ , Lewis Pass NR , 0.6km s Lewis Pass , 870m , 17 XII 1984 21 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 714, FIT &window trap; 1♀ , Lewis Pass NR , 0.6km s Lewis Pass , 870m , 17 XII 1984 21 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 714, pyrethrin fogging fungusy log ; 1♀ , Nelson Lks NP , n slope Mt. Robert , Speargrass tr., 880m , 14 XII 1984 6 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 704, window trap ; 1♀ , Nelson Lks NP , n slope Mt. Robert , Pinchgut Tr. , 1290m , 18–26 XII 1984 , Noth. sol. elfin forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 716, FIT &window trap; 1♀ , Nelson Lks NP , n slope Mt. Robert , 860m , 23–26 III 1980 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer , pyrethrin fogging fungusy log ; 1♂ , Shenandoah Saddle , 700m , 10 I 1982 , R . M. Emberson , moss by stream LCZN 82 /5; 1♂ , Punakaiki , Pororari R Valley tr., 80m , 2–4 V 2007, J.W. Early , R . F. Gilbert , Nothofagus -podocarp forest, yellow pan trap L15869 ; 1♂ , Nelson Lks NP, Lake Rotoiti , St. Arnaud tr., 645m , 14 XII 1984 6 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 705, window trap ; Coromandel : 1♂ , Kaitohe , 12 I 1952 , R . Hornabrook ; Gisborne : 1♂ , Urewera NP , Waikaremoana Rd. , s end Matanunui Ridge , 720m , 38″44.404′S 177″05.806′E, 22 XI–23 XII 2005 , mixed broadlf (incl. Nothofagus fusca )- podocarp, FMHD #2005-028 , FIT , M. Thayer , A. Solodovnikov , ANMT site 1149; Dunedin : 1♂ , Government tr., Waipori Valley , 13 XII 2003 6 II 2004 , J. Nunn , FIT ; Marlborough : 2♂♂ , Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve , 35m , 41″18.3′S 173″34′E, 27 XI 2005 , mixed broadlf (incl. Nothofagus )-podocarp forest, pyr-fogging old fungusy logs, A. Newton , D. Clarke , ANMT site 1155; North Canterbury : 1♀ , 2.9km N Arthur’ s Pass Bealey Valley tr., 840–950m , 42′55S 171′33E, #40, under bark, 11 I 1998 , C. Carlton , R . Leschen ; Nelson : 1♂ , Kahurangi NP, Cobb Dam rd. , Asbestos tr., 450m , 41″06.333′S 172″43.174′E, 29 XI 2005 , mixed broadleaf (incl. Nothofagus fusca )-podocarp forest, pyr-fogging mossy/fungusy logs, A. Newton , M. Thayer , ANMT site 1160; 1♂ , Kahurangi NP, Cobb Dam rd., Asbestos tr., 450m , 41″06.333′S 172″43.174′E, 29 XI 2005 , mixed broadleaf (incl. Nothofagus fusca )-podocarp forest, FMHD #2005-056 , FIT , A. Newton , M. Thayer , A. Solodovnikov , ANMT site 1160 ; 1♂ , Kahurangi NP, Arthur Range , above Flora Saddle , 1000m , 41″11.351′ S 172″44.456′E, 28 XI 2005 , Nothofagus dominant forest, under bark of small logs, A. Newton , M. Thayer , ANMT site 1156; 1♂ , Slaters Rd. , 0.7km S Whangamoa Saddle , 410m , 13 XII 1984 4 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 703, window trap ; 1♂ , Kahurangi NP , Arthur Range , above Flora Saddle , 1000m , 41″11.351′S 172″44.456′E, 28 XI 2005 , Nothofagus dominant forest, FMHD #2005-044 , FIT , A. Newton , M. Thayer , ANMT site 1156; 1♂ , Hope Saddle , 25 I 1957 , E.S. Gourlay ( NZAC ) ; 1♂ , Cobb rd. , summit, 29 XI 2005 , J. Nunn , under tight bark of beech log ; 1♀ , Slaters rd. , 0.7km s Whangamoa Saddle , 410m , 13 XII 1984 4 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 703, FIT &window trap; 1♀ , 0.6km e Gowanbridge , 330m , 18 XII 1984 7 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 717, FIT & window trap ; Otago Lakes : 1♂ 1♀ , Paradise , 2 II 1984 , J.C. Watt , sifted wood mould 84/9 ; 1♂ , 14km nw Glenorchy , beyond Paradise , Mt. Aspiring NP , 44′41S 168′20E, #103, Nothofagus leaf litter berlese, 21 I 1998 , C. Carlton , R . Leschen ; 1♂ , Mt. Aspiring NP, 5.5km nne Makarora , 330m , 11–17 I 1985 , Nothofagus menziesii forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 741, under bark rotting log; Marlborough Sounds : 3♂♂ , Tennyson Inlet , west side Duncan Bay , 30m , 15 XII 1984 5 I 1985 , podo- Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 709, FIT &window; 1♀ , Tennyson Inlet , west side Duncan Bay , 30m , 15 XII 1984 5 I 1985 , podo- Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 709, pyrethrin fogging fungusy log ; 1♂ , Tennyson Inlet , west side Te Mako Bay , 125m , 15 XII 1984 5 I 1985 , Nothofagus -podohdwd, A. Newton , M. Thayer 710, berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor ; 1♂ , Opouri Saddle , above Tennyson Inlet , 540m , 15 XII 1984 - 5 I 1985 , Nothofagus forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 708, window trap ; 1♂ , Opouri Saddle , 28 I 1979 , L.A. Mound , wet moss on roadside bank ; 1♂ , Picton , IX 1969 , G. Kuschel ; Stewart Island : 1♂ , Golden Bay , 10 I 1996 , J. Nunn , in dead Rimu wood; Southland : 1♂ , Catlins Forest Park, Table Hill Scenic Res. , nne Papatowai , 180m , 46″30.05′S 169″30.06′E, 13 XII 2005 , Nothofagus menziesii , FMHD #2005-106, berl., leaf & log litter, A. Newton , M. Thayer , et al., ANMT site 1179; Wairarapa : 1♂ , upper Manawatu Gorge , 24 X 1993 , J. Nunn ; 3♂♂ 3♀♀ , Klein Tr. , Manawatu Gorge , 16 VII 1994 , J. Nunn , in much decayed wood ; 3♀♀ , Hikurangi , 13 IX 1982 , J.C. Watt , sifted woodmould 82/76 ; Westland : 2♂♂ , Lake Kaniere rd. , 2.8km nw Lake Kaniere , 120m , 8–19 I 1985 , podocarp-hdwd forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 732, FIT &window trap; 2♂♂ ( 1♂ , slidemounted), Okuku Scenic Reserve , 9.2km sse Kumara , 120m , 8–19 I 1985 , podocarp-hdwd forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 731, FIT &window trap; 2♂♂ 1♀ , 1.8km n Punakaiki , 80m , 19 XII 1984 20 I 1985 , hdwd forest with nikau, A. Newton , M. Thayer 718, FIT &window trap; 1♀ , 1.8km n Punakaiki , 50m , 19 XII 1984 20 I 1985 , hdwd-podo-nikau forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer 719, window trap ; 1♀ , Hokitika Lake Mahinapua Res. , 28 I 1978 , S. & J. Peck , bracket fungi berl; Wellington : 1♂ 1♀ , Wilton’ s Bush , 110m , 41°15.963′S 175°45.159′E , 24 XI 2005 , mixed broadleaf-podocarp forest, FMHD #2005- 030 , berl., leaf & log litter, M. Thayer , A. Newton , ANMT site 1150; 1♂ , Tararua Ra. , Dundas Hut Ridge , 750m , 11 II 1985 , C.F. Butcher sifted rotten wood 85/31 ; 1♂ , Nikau Preserve , Paraparaumu , 23 VII 1995 , in kohekohe with white rot, on forest floor ; 1♂ , Mana Island , 5–7 XI 1993 , J. Nunn , in decayed wood ; 1♂ , Nikau Reserve , Paraparaumu , 9 I 1996 , in humfied log on forest floor ; 1♂ , Kaitoke Regional Park , Pakuratahi Forks , 15 IV 2005 , R. Leschen , C. McGuiness , leaf litter, RL975, 41.03′S 175.11′E ; 2♂♂ 1♀ , Pakurarai Forks , Kaitoke , 24 VII 1993 , J. Nunn , in decayed wood ; 1♀ , Nikau Res. , Paraparaumu , 10 X 1993 , J. Nunn ; 1♀ , Wilton Bush , Wellington City , 24 XI 2005 , in decayed wood . Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from other species by the following combination of characters: body length 2.3–2.6 mm ; ventral surface of male head distinctly convex with heart-shaped depression containing pair of diagonal processes; eye large and prominent, approximately two-thirds length of temple; shape of antennomeres and genitalia unique to species. Redescription. Length 2.3–2.6 mm . Body reddish brown, antennae, legs, maxillary palpi, and elytra paler ( Fig. 35a ). Head: Round, widest across eyes ( Fig. 35c ). Ventral surface of male head distinctly convex with heart-shaped depression containing pair of diagonal processes ( Fig. 35d ). Antennomere 1 approximately 1.5 times longer than wide, 2 longer than wide, 3–8 subquadrate, 9–10 weakly transverse. Frontal sulcus deep, reaching midpoint of eye ( Fig. 35c ). Anterior frontal fovea round ( Fig. 35c ), posterior frontal fovea oval ( Fig. 35c ). Eye large and prominent, approximately two-thirds length of temple ( Fig. 35c ). Thorax: Prosternum as long as wide, widest at midpoint. Elytra rectangular ( Fig. 35a ). Meso-and metathorax trapezoidal, longer than wide. Abdomen: Tergite IV with pair of transverse patches of microtrichia reaching middle. Aedeagus: Median lobe simple and small, < 0.25 mm ( Fig. 35b ). Phallobase of median lobe symmetrical and rounded ( Fig. 35b ). Parameres symmetrical with setae apically ( Fig. 35b ). Type Locality. New Zealand (specific locality unknown) . Distribution. Buller, Coromandel, Dunedin, Gisborne , Fiordland, Marlborough , North Canterbury , Nelson , Otago Lakes, Marlborough Sounds, Stewart Island, Southland , Westland, Wairarapa, Wellington ( Fig. 36 : black squares). Habitat. Most specimens of this species were collected using window and flight intercept traps, by fogging, or by sifting mossy leaf or decayed log litter in Nothofagus , podocarp, hardwood, or broadleaf forests. Comments. The original description cited two male and one female specimens, but we were only able to find and examine one female . Nevertheless, specimens of S. sharpi can be distinguished from those of other species by the shape and size of the antennomeres, frontal foveae, frontal sulcus, and size of the eye. The type specimens of S. clavatella , S. grata , and S. posticalis share these diagnostic characters. For these reasons, we have placed S. clavatella , S. grata , and S. posticalis in synonymy with S. sharpi .