A revision of the New Zealand species of the genus Sagola Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Faronitae) Author Park, J. - S. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric Author Carlton, C. E. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2014 mo 13 2014-12-01 68 1 156 journal article 3079 10.1649/072.068.0mo4.1 62322993-ca80-4b6c-ac95-861cbb236abd 1938-4394 4907735 16. arboricola species-group (2 species) Diagnosis. Members of the arboricola speciesgroup can be distinguished from other Sagola species-groups by the following combination of characters: body length 2.3–3.0 mm; antennomere 1 approximately 1.5 times longer than wide; frontal sulcus deep reaching one-third length of eye; anterior frontal fovea oval, posterior frontal fovea round ( Fig. 41e ); eye large and prominent, approximately as long as temple ( Fig. 41e ); ventral surface of male head with process bearing dense setae behind mouthparts ( Fig. 41f ); hind wings well-developed; abdominal tergites IV–VI with discal carinae. Fig. 41. Sagola species in the arboricola species-group, Habitus, dorsal views: a) S. arboricola , b) S. tenebrica . Aedeagi, dorsal views: c) S. arboricola , d) S. tenebrica . S. arboricola , male head: e) Dorsal surface, f) Ventral surface. Scale bars a–b = 1 mm, c–f = 0.1 mm. KEY TO SPECIES OF THE ARBORICOLA SPECIES- GROUP The key is based on male specimens because most female specimens are indistinguishable based on external morphology. 1. Body length 2.3–2.7 mm ; antennomeres 2–10 with distinct tubercles; ventral surface of head with inverted triangular process bearing dense setae behind mouthparts ( Fig. 41f ); abdominal ventrite VII with round depression medially ................................... S. arboricola Broun 1′. Larger body, length 2.5–3.0 mm; ventral surface of head with blunt process bearing dense setae behind mouthparts; antennomeres 2–10 subquadrate and weakly enlarged; abdominal ventrite VII simple ........... S. tenebrica Broun