Fungus-feeding phlaeothripine Thysanoptera in the genus Holothrips from Australia and New Caledonia, with a structurally similar new genus, Holoengythrips Author Mound, Laurence A. Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, PO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601. E-mail: laurence. mound @ csiro. au Author Tree, Desley J. Queensland Primary Industries Insect Collection (QDPC), Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Queensland, Ecosciences Precinct, GPO Box 267, Brisbane, Qld, 4001. E-mail: Desley. Tree @ daff. qld. gov. au text Zootaxa 2014 2014-09-04 3860 2 125 148 journal article 4851 10.11646/zootaxa.3860.2.2 24969123-dce4-499a-aa81-55469cf1713a 1175-5326 4930156 EFF3B789-5578-4E7B-B6C7-3895511E0CE4 Holoengythrips padthawayi sp. n. ( Figs 40 , 62 , 68 ) Male macroptera : Body and legs brown, tarsi yellow; antennal segment I and base of II brown, III–V largely yellow with apices weakly shaded, VI–VIII light brown; fore wings pale; major setae all pale. Head longer than wide ( Fig. 40 ), dorsal surface weakly sculptured, ocelli well-developed, cheek setae weak, postocular setae weakly capitate and almost as long as eye; mouth cone not extending to ferna. Antennal segment III with 1 sensorium, IV with 3 sensoria; apex of V asymmetric, VIII slightly narrower at base than VII at apex. Pronotum transverse, weakly sculptured at anterior and posterior margins; major setae small and weakly capitate but am setae finely acute. Fore tarsal tooth large, almost as long as tarsal width; fore tibia with no tubercle. Mesonotal lateral small and capitate; metanotum weakly reticulate, with one pair of fine major setae. Fore wing parallel-sided, with about 4 duplicated cilia; sub-basal setae short. Prosternal ferna not meeting medially; mesopresternum of three small sclerites, anterior margin of mesoeusternum transverse ( Fig. 62 ); metathoracic sternopleural sutures long. Pelta triangular, reticulate, tergites II–VII with two pairs of wing-retaining setae; major setae on II–VIII capitate; tergite IX setae S1, S2, and S3 all capitate. Anal setae shorter than tube. Sternites with one row of about 10 small discal setae, IV–VI with faintly indicated areas of specialized reticulation, VIII with large pore plate that is narrowed medially ( Fig. 68 ). Measurements ( holotype male in microns). Body length 2300. Head, length 300; width behind eyes 200; postocular setae 70. Pronotum, length 150; median width 350; major setae: am 10, aa 30, ml 30, epim 45, pa 35. Tergite IX setae: S1 125, iS 35, S2 75, S3 125. Tube length 180. Antennal segments III–VIII length 75, 70, 60, 55, 50, 30. Material studied . Holotype male macroptera, South Australia , Desert Camp Park , [ 20km north of Padthaway], from dead wood, 3.x.2013 ( DJT 1677 ). Comments . The head of the only known specimen is slightly crushed ( Fig. 40 ), and uncrushed would probably be more like that of kathyae ( Fig. 35 ). The pore plate on sternite VIII is of an unusual shape ( Fig. 68 ), and the apices of all three pairs of major setae on tergite IX are strongly capitate ( Fig. 72 ), in contrast to all other members of the genus.