Review of Eotrogaspidia Lelej (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Trogaspidiini) Author Okayasu, Juriya Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, Tarumi 3 - 5 - 7, Matsuyama, 790 - 8566 Japan. Author Lelej, Arkady S. 0000-0001-7501-0981 Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia. lelej @ biosoil. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7501 - 0981 Author Williams, Kevin A. 0000-0002-6073-1070 Plant Pest Diagnostics Center, California Department of Food & Agriculture, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832, USA. Kevin. Williams @ cdfa. ca. gov; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6073 - 1070 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-01-27 4920 1 56 90 journal article 8501 10.11646/zootaxa.4920.1.2 16b7d8d9-c520-44b2-a097-31067e1a9869 1175-5326 4471588 23D36297-E800-4D57-80AF-F80B8399E621 Trogaspidia acidalia ( Cameron, 1897 ) , stat. resurr. ( Fig. 14 ) Mutilla acidalia Cameron, 1897: 56 , ♂ , lectotype ( Ceylon [= Sri Lanka ], specifically Trincomali [= Trincomalee] according to Cameron 1903 ) [BMNH], designated here; André 1902: 38 , ♂; Cameron 1903: 331 ; André 1907: 256 , . Mutilla hexaops var. acidalia : André 1899: 34 , . Trogaspidia acidalia : Hammer 1962: 9 , . Trogaspidia villosa : Lelej 2005: 105 , , in part. Diagnosis. MALE (adapted from Cameron, 1897 ). Head black, frons covered with thick long white setae; mesosoma black, pronotum thickly covered with long white setae; flagellum ventrally covered with sparse white setae, F2 nearly twice as long as F3; Metasoma ferruginous, except apical segment. FEMALE. Mesosoma brownish-red, dorsally ferruginous-red ( Fig. 14B ). T2 pale setal spots small, distance between spots 2.0 × spot diameter ( Fig. 14D ); T3–4 with a pair of lateral pale setal spots ( Fig. 14D ); pygidial plate flattened, longitudinally striate ( Fig. 14D ). Material examined. 11♀ . Lectotype , M . acidalia , , Sri Lanka : TRINCOMALEE : Type / Cameron Coll. 1902- 289 / Mutilla acidalia Cam. Type Ceylon / B.M.TYPE HYM. 15-52 [ BMNH ]. India : KARNATAKA: 4♀ , 15 km SE Bangalore , KT, 23–24.VII.1996 , K. Werner & L. Lorenz leg. [ IBSS , MSNF ]; TAMIL NADU: 1♀ , Pondicherry, 10 km N Auroville , 14.I.2007 , F. Burger leg. [ IBSS ]; 1♀ , same place, 2.II–2.III.2011 , F. Burger leg. [ IBSS ]; 1♀ , Pudukkottai District , 29 km N Pudukkottai. 20.X.1997 , A. Sforzi & L. Bartalozzi leg. [ MSNF ]; 1♀ , near Vellore , 30.X.1997 , TN [ MSNF ]; Sri Lanka : AMPARAI DISTRICT : 1♀ , Dehiattekandiya , 7°38′N 81°04′E , 23–24.VII.1993 , K.V. Krombein et al. [ IBSS ]; HAMBANTOTA DISTRICT : 1♀ , Palatupana , 6°55′N 81°24′E , 27–29.IV.1997 , K.V. Krombein et al. [ USNM ]. Distribution. India : Karnataka *, Tamil Nadu *, West Bengal ( Hammer 1962 ). Sri Lanka : Amparai*, Hambantota*, Trincomalee ( André 1907 ). Remarks. Lelej (2005) treated Mutilla acidalia Cameron, 1897 as a synonym of M. villosa Fabricius, 1775 , since the former was considered a variety of M . hexaops de Saussure, 1867 based on André (1899) , which was synonymized with M . villosa by Lelej (2005) . The late B. Petersen studied the type material of P. Cameron’s species described from the Oriental region, including syntypes of M . acidalia (pers. comm. to ASL), and regarded this species as a distinct species in the genus Trogaspidia . However, the male and female of T . acidalia sensu Petersen actually belongs to a new species, E. buddha sp. nov. We found among the specimens from Sri Lanka two females which correspond to the original description of M . acidalia . Thanks to Gavin Broad (BMNH), ASL studied the photos of the female lectotype , especially the pygidial plate ( Fig. 14 ) and found it to be identical to said specimens. The male of M . acidalia associated by Cameron (1897) (not found in BMNH) with unmodified mesoscutellum probably belongs to the genus Krombeinidia Lelej, 1996 or Petersenidia Lelej, 1992 .