An annotated catalogue of Elachistinae of the World (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Elachistidae) Author Kaila, Lauri text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-11 4632 1 1 231 journal article 26215 10.11646/zootaxa.4632.1.1 e0aabdb8-bda6-48e4-bdef-f7b64577d5cd 1175-5326 3335414 12883950-D194-450A-BC4F-7996F5815E4F Elachista argentella ( Clerck, 1759 ) Phalaena argentella Clerck, 1759 : pl.11, fig. 13. Type locality: [ Sweden ]. Elachista argentella : Wocke (1871: 382) . Tinea alabastrella Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775: 135 . Type locality: Austria , Vienna region . Synonymy suggested with doubts by Stainton (1858c: 138) ; type material lost. Tinea albella Müller, 1776: 137 . Type locality: Denmark . Type material lost. Synonymy suggested by Herrich- Schäffer (1856: 49, as “ cynipenella ” [ sic ]). Phalaena virginea Geoffroy, 1785: 302 . Type locality: France , Paris. Type material lost. Synonymized by Leraut (1997: 108) . Phalaena melanopis Geoffroy, 1785: 322 . Type locality: France , Paris. Type material lost. Synonymized by Leraut (1997: 108) . Tinea cygnipennella Hübner, 1796: 67 , pl. 30, fig. 207. Type locality: [Europe]. Type lost. Synonymized by Stainton (1858c: 138) . Porrectaria cygnipennis Haworth, 1828: 536 . Type locality: [ England ]. Synonymized by Zeller (1839: 213) . Adela cygnella Treitschke, 1833: 117 . Unjustified emendation. Aphelosetia semialbella Stephens, 1834: 288 . Type locality: [Britain]. Type material in NHMUK. Synonymized by Stainton (1854: 262) . Elachista habeleri Traugott-Olsen, 1990b: 274 . Type locality: Slovenia , Rupa-Jelsane ( Traugott-Olsen 1990b: 275 ). Holotype , in TLMF. Synonymized by Huemer (2000b: 52) . Elachista cygnipennella : Zeller (1839: 213) . Cycnodia cygnipennella : Herrich-Schäffer, 1855: 211 . Subgenus: Aphelosetia ; argentella species group. Distribution: Palearctic. Austria , Bulgaria , Czech Republic , Croatia , Denmark , Estonia , Finland , France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Ireland , Italy , Latvia , Lithuania , Poland , Portugal , Russia (European part, Caucasus), Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , U.K. ( England , Scotland , Wales ), Ukraine . Larval host plant(s): Agrostis sp., Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) Beauv., B. sylvaticum (Hudson) Beauv. , Bromus erectus Hudson , Bromus sterilis L., Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth, Dactylis glomerata L., Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv., Elymus caninus (L.) L., E. hispidus (Opiz) Melderis , E. repens (L.) Gould, Festuca rubra L., F. trachypylla (Hackel) Krajina , Festuca valesiaca Schleicher ex Gaudin , Holcus mollis L., Koeleria cristata Pers , K. glauca (Schrader) DC., K, grandis Besser ex Gorski, K. macrantha (Ledeb) . Schultes, Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst., Phalaris arundinacea L., Phleum sp., Poa pratensis L. (all Poaceae ) ( Stainton 1858b ; Lhomme 1951; Wörz 1957 ; Parenti & Varalda 1994 ). Figs.: Traugott-Olsen & Nielsen (1977) , Biesenbaum (1995) , Bland (1996) . Remarks: No authentic specimen that was a model to Clerck’s illustration survives. The identity of E. argentella Clerck was established by Zeller (1853a: 289) ( Traugott-Olsen & Nielsen 1977: 102 ; Robinson & Nielsen 1983: 202 ). Leraut (1997: 108) listed Phalaena alabastrata Villers, 1789 as a junior synonym of E. argentella . The name alabastrata , however, is present only in Villers’s publication in Phalaenae Geometrae (N. 616, p. 379). Its description: “ feticornis , alis albis, lineolis fasciisque plurimis undulates fuscis, limbo fubdentato ”, i.e., wing, e.g., having numerous undulating lines, definitely does not fit E. argentella . Therefore this synonymy must be considered an error. The record (as E. habeleri Traugott-Olsen ) from Central Caucasus by Kaila & Jalava (1994: 100) is a misidentification and refers to E. jubarella Kaila, 2011 .