The Tardigrada of southern Africa, with the description of Minibiotus harrylewisi, a new species from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Eutardigrada: Macrobiotidae) Author Meyer, Harry A. Author Hinton, Juliana G. text African Invertebrates 2009 2009-12-31 50 2 255 255 journal article 10.5733/afin.050.0203 2305-2562 Ramazzottius theroni Dastych, 1993 Material examined: SOUTH AFRICA : KwaZulu-Natal : 31 specimens and 1 egg , HGP , in foliose lichens on Acacia trees ( SMLA accession numbers 9340, 9341, 9353, 9355, 9357; NMSA accession number 9347). Echiniscus duboisi , Macrobiotus iharosi , Minibiotus harrylewisi sp. n. , Min. intermedius , and Milnesium tardigradum were present in the same samples. Distribution: Hitherto this species was known only from its type locality in Western Cape Province , South Africa .