Review of the spoon tarsus subgroup of Hawaiian Drosophila (Drosophilidae: Diptera), with a description of one new species Author Lapoint, Richard T. Author Magnacca, Karl N. Author O’Grady, Patrick M. text Zootaxa 2009 2003 53 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.185613 8ccb9b77-9c91-40de-ac9c-27e6389d7eff 1175-5326 185613 Drosophila waddingtoni Hardy Figure 3 e Drosophila disticha Hardy, 1965 : 249 –252 Drosophila waddingtoni Basden, 1976 : 185 Diagnosis. Dense setae are present on the posterior surface of the tibia equal to, or longer than, the tibial spur (see Fig. 2 b for example). The legs are yellow, except for brown front coxae and femora. The second tarsal segment is the widest of the group, being 1/3 wider than long. The wings are without any noticeable pigmentation (see Fig. 3 e). The thorax is dark brown to black, and the abdomen is mostly dark brown with the last tergum yellow, and the preceding tergites marked with yellow laterally. Types : MAUI: Holotype ɗ (BPBM 6344) Waikamoi, 1220 m , vii.1956 , DEH. Locality recorded as “Wai a kamoi” on type label ( Evenhuis 1982 ). Synonym. disticha Hardy 1965 : 249 preoccupied Material Examined. HAWAI‘I: 11ɗ have been studied from the BPBM from the following localities: 3 ɗ, Keanakolu, x.1952 , DEH , CPH ; 3 ɗ, Kīlauea, xi.1919 , WMG; 5 ɗ, from Kawaihae Uka, Kohalas, x.2006 , KNM, RTL, GMB. 30 ɗ have been deposited in the UHIM from the following localities: 7 ɗ, Kīlauea, viii.1958 , JWB; 5 ɗ, Upper Ōla‘a Forest, vii.1953 , DEH ; 3 ɗ, Upper Ōla‘a Forest, viii.1952 , DEH ; 4 ɗ, Upper Ōla‘a Forest, vii.1956 , DEH ; 4 ɗ, Kūlani 5200', vii.1952 , WCM; 2 ɗ, Keanakolu, x.1952 , DEH , CPH ; 5 ɗ, Kīpuka Kī, vii.1966 , KYK. The following material is present at AMNH : ɗ, Volcanoes National Park, Kīpuka Puaulu, O127.4 , 29.vii.2001 , PMO ; 65 ɗ, Volcanoes National Park, Ōla‘a Forest, near Pole 44, O132.3 , AMCC 105705, 2.viIi.2001 , PMO , CDS ; 40 ɗ, Volcanoes National Park, Ōla‘a Forest, near Pole 44, O140.C, AMCC 105687, 12.iv.2002 , PMO , CDS . The following material is in the Essig Museum of Entomology at UC Berkeley: 2 ɗ, Puu Makaala Trailhead, O257.1 , O201319, 11.vii.2004 , PMO , MG; ɗ, Volcanoes National Park, Upper Ōla‘a Forest, end of Wright Road, O272.F, O 200624 ; 20.vii.2004 , PMO , MG, GS , AC. LANA‘I: Over 60 ɗ have been deposited in the UHIM the following localities: ɗ, Lāna‘ihale, vi.1953 , DEH ; 12 ɗ, Lāna‘ihale 3300', iii.1965 , KYK; 46 ɗ, Lāna‘ihale 3000', vii.1956 , dEH; 4 ɗ, Lāna‘ihale 3300', viii.1964 , HLC. MAUI : Over 180 ɗ have been deposited in the UHIM from the following localities: 2 ɗ, Pu‘u Kukui, vi.1953 , DEH; 2 ɗ, Pu‘u Kukui, iv.1954 , DEH; ɗ, Haelaau, xii.1928 , OHS; ɗ, Kula Pipeline, vi.1927 , OHS; 16 ɗ, Kula Pipeline, vii.1956 , DEH; ɗ, Waikamoi, i.1926 , OHS; 59 ɗ, Waikamoi, vii.1956 , RN; 13 ɗ, Waikamoi, viii.1958 , DEH; 88 ɗ, Waikamoi, vii.1964 , HLC; 2 ɗ, Waikamoi, vii.1956 , DEH; ɗ, Waikamoi, iii.1966 , WBH. The following material is present at AMNH: 9 ɗ, Upper Waikamoi Forest Reserve, 5500 ft ., O41.4 , 6.vii.1998 , PMO, SLM; 10 ɗ, 2 Ψ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O50.A, 8.iii.1999 , PMO, EMC, MPK; 3 ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O55.B, 16–18.iii.1999 , PMO, JBS; ɗ, Makawao Forest Reserve, Pig Hunter’s Trail, O56.1 , 18.vii.1999 , PMO, JBS; 20 ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O71.A, , PMO; 3 ɗ, Hanaula, O72.9 ; 15– , PMO, KYK, KTK, YK; 6 ɗ, 2 Ψ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O73.C, 22.vii.1999 , PMO, EMC, MPK; 2 ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O74.I, 4.ii.2000 , PMO; 10 ɗ, Makawao Forest Reserve, Pig Hunter’s Trail, O153.8 , AMCC105805, 23.iv.2002 , PMO, DO; 4 ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O154.H, 23.iv.2002 , PMO, DO. The following material is in the Essig Museum of Entomology at UC Berkeley: ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Flume stream, O300.8 , O201347, 4.viii.2005 , PMO, GMB, CH , JEG; 4 ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O301.A, O201362, 4.viii.2005 , PMO, GMB, CH , JEG; 10 ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O303.5 , O201407, 4.viii.2005 , PMO, GMB, CH , JEG; 6 ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Carson Trail, O305.5 , 6.viii.2005 , PMO, GMB; 12 ɗ, Waikamoi Forest Reserve, Heed Trail, O398.1 , O 200786 , 31.vii.2007 ; PMO, KNM, RTL, GMB, KRG. MOLOKA‘I: 23 ɗ have been deposited in the BPBM from the following localities: 3 ɗ, Kamakou Preserve, forest near Hanalilolilo Lookout, O376.C, O201865, 19.ii.2007 , PMO, KNM, RTL, GMB; 13 ɗ Kamakou Preserve, Puu Kolekole, O377.6 , O201874, 19.ii.2007 , PMO, KNM, RTL, GMB, ɗ Kamakou Preserve, makai of Puu Kolekole Cabin, O378.4 , 201890,19. ii.2007 , PMO, RTL, GMB; ɗ Kamakou Preserve, Tunnel on trail to Puu Kolekole, O379.1 , O201894, 19.ii.2007 , PMO, KNM, RTL, GMB; 11ɗ, Pepe‘opae, vii.1959 , DEH; 4 ɗ, Maunawainui Valley, vii.1952 , DEH. Over 50 ɗ have been deposited in the UHIM from the following localities: 16 ɗ, Pu‘u Kolekole, vii.1952 , DEH, MT; 16 ɗ, Pu‘u Kolekole, vii.1953 , DEH, MT; 4 ɗ, Pu‘u Kolekole, iii.1963 , DEH; 1ɗ, Pepe‘opae, vii.1959 , DEH; 4 ɗ, Maunawainui Valley, vii.1952 , DEH. The following material is present at AMNH: 46 ɗ, Kamakou Preserve, Puu Kolekole, O35.1 , 1.vii.1998 , PMO, SLM; 83 ɗ, Kamakou Preserve, Puu Kolekole, O58.5 , 19–21.iii.1999 , PMO, JBS; 37 ɗ, Kamakou Preserve, Puu Kolekole, O101.C, 26–27.vii.1999 , PMO, EMC, MPK; 26 ɗ, 55 Ψ, Kamakou Preserve, Puu Kolekole, O146.2 , AMCC105707, 15–16.iv.2002 , PMO, CDS, DO; 1ɗ, 13 Ψ, Kamakou Preserve, Pepeopae Boardwalk Trail, O150.2 , AMCC105755, 16.iv.2002 , PMO, CDS, DO; 2 ɗ, 7f, Kamakou Preserve, forest near Hanalilolilo Lookout, O151.C, AMCC105765, 17.iv.2002 , PMO, CDS, DO. The following material is in the Essig Museum of Entomology at UC Berkeley: 35 ɗ, Kamakou Preserve, Puu Kolekole, 3854 ft ., O283.1 , O201705, 28–29.vii.2004 , PMO, CDS. Distribution. This species is endemic to Maui Nui and the Big Island of Hawai‘i. Behavior. Speith (1966: 273); Grossfield (1968) ; Kambysellis and Heed (1971) . Chromosomes. The metaphase complement of this species is 5 rods and 1 dot ( Clayton 1969 ; Yoon & Richardson 1978 ). Ecology. Nutritional requirements ( Robertson et al 1968 ); This species has been reared from leaves of Cheirodendron trigynum (Araliaceae) from Hawai‘i, Maui, Moloka‘i and Lana‘i; leaves of Tetraplasandra sp ( Araliaceae ) from Hawai‘i; leaves and stems of Clermontia sp ( Campanulaceae ) from Hawai‘i and Lana‘i; leaves of Myrsine lessertiana (Myrsinaceae) from Moloka‘i; leaves of Pittosporum sp ( Pittosporaceae ) from Moloka‘i ( Heed 1968 ; Magnacca et al 2008 ; Mangan 1978 ). Illustrations. Morphological structures of this species are depicted in multiple publications including: egg ( Kambysellis and Heed 1971: 34, fig. 2.3; 36, figs. 4.1, 4.2 ); foreleg ( Hardy 1965: 250, fig. 82a ); ovary ( Kambysellis and Heed 1971: 35, fig. 3.1 ); phallus ( Kaneshiro 1976: 267, fig. 5e ); terminalia, female, lateral ( Hardy 1965: 250, fig. 82b ); terminalia, male, lateral ( Hardy 1965: 250, fig. 82c ); Takada 1966 : 318, fig. 1.8). Molecular Biology. DNA sequences ( Kambysellis & Craddock 1997 ; O’Grady & DeSalle 2008 ; O’Grady & Zilversmit 2004 ). Discussion. Drosophila waddingtoni has the widest range of any spoon tarsus group species and is found throughout Hawai‘i and Maui Nui. Several individuals from Maui have been collected that grade in coloration of the tibia from yellow (normal) to dark brown.