New species of Helicopsyche von Siebold 1856 (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae) from Brazil, including the redescription of Helicopsyche (Feropsyche) planorboides Machado 1957 Author Dumas, Leandro Lourenço Author Nessimian, Jorge Luiz text Zootaxa 2019 2019-06-19 4619 2 231 250 journal article 26455 10.11646/zootaxa.4619.2.2 eee17be5-c4f7-4e12-b9c7-cdf61fd1289b 1175-5326 3249579 E9CFFBFF-E437-4919-9E59-730E87875B62 Helicopsyche ( Feropsyche ) daome , new species ( Figures 2 A–2F) D377B6D4-2EBD-48C4-86B6-3832141B8EAB Diagnosis . Helicopsyche ( F. ) daome sp. nov. is most similar to H. ( F. ) cipoensis Johanson & Malm 2006 , H. ( F. ) muelleri , and H. ( F. ) bendego sp. nov. by the nearly club-like inferior appendages in lateral view. However, it can be easily diagnosed by the presence of a well-developed and strongly rounded protuberance bearing several stout setae subapicomesally on each inferior appendage (absent in the other species). Only H. ( F. ) planorboides has a protuberance apicoventrally as the new species, but it is less developed and not rounded. Moreover, the overall shape of the inferior appendages and especially of tergum X of these two species are otherwise totally dissimilar. An additional diagnostic character for H. ( F. ) daome sp. nov. is the subtruncate apex of each inferior appendage in ventral view. FIGURE 2 . Helicopsyche ( Feropsyche ) daome , new species . 2A–2E, Male genitalia (holotype): 2A, left lateral; 2B, dorsal; 2C, ventral; 2D, phallus, left lateral; 2E, phallus, ventral. 2F, Abdominal sterna VI and VII, left lateral. 2G, Abdominal sternum VI ventral process, ventral. Scales = 0.5 mm. Description . Adult . Similar to H . ( F .) bendego sp. nov. except as follows: Dorsum of head, meso- and metanota dark-brown, warts pale yellow. Each foreleg anterior apical tibial spur about 4x longer than posterior apical spur. Male forewings each 4.4–4.8 mm long (n = 10; holotype male = 4.4 mm ). Abdominal sternum VI ventral process long and narrow, longer than segment VI, tubular along its length, oriented posteroventrad, nearly straight in lateral view, with microtrichiae along length, apex tapering, with lamellae apicoventrally ( Figs. 2F, 2G ). Male genitalia . Segment IX short ventrally; in lateral view with anteromesal margin well-developed, anterodorsal margin almost straight, and anteroventral margin concave; lateral apodeme well-developed, located midlaterally on segment ( Fig. 2A ); in dorsal view horseshoe-like, with anterior margin strongly concave ( Fig. 2B ); in ventral view with anterior margin almost straight, posterior margin slightly concave ( Fig. 2C ). Segment X, in lateral view, subtriangular, strongly tapering to apex from distal 1/3 of dorsal margin and distal 2/3 of ventral margin ( Fig. 2A ); in dorsal view moderately broad, slightly narrower near base, strongly surpassing apices of inferior appendages, mesodorsal borders inverted Y-shaped, stem of Y bordered laterally by pair of nearly linear setal rows each with 7–8 stout setae and two small, stout, apical setae, apex with shallow mesal notch between pair of rounded ends ( Fig. 2B ). Superior appendages clavate in lateral view, finger-like in dorsal view ( Figs. 2A, 2B ). Basal plate of inferior appendages ellipsoid in lateral view ( Fig. 2A ); primary branches of inferior appendages large, covered by large, long setae; in lateral view nearly club-like, slightly widening to apex, with distal portion about 1.5x broader than its proximal portion, dorsal margin concave, ventral margin convex near base and undulate along middle 1/3, with three long, stout setae basally, posterodorsal margin rounded, with several stout setae along apical margins ( Fig. 2A ); in dorsal view ear-like, with well-developed, nearly rounded protuberance apicoventrally, bearing about 10–12 stout setae (also visible in ventral view) ( Fig. 2B ); in ventral view, enlarged at base, outer margin convex, with several long, stout setae, inner margin concave, apex subtruncate, with well-developed rounded, setose protuberance ( Fig. 2C ); basomesal lobes of inferior appendages well-developed, ovate, apically bearing several spine-like setae (12–16 setae) and with a row of 6–8 fine setae at inner margin ( Figs. 2A, 2C ). Phallus tubular, moderately down-curved along its length; phallobase narrow, inflated basoventrally, with apicoventral margin elongated, strongly sclerotized, rounded apically; endotheca membranous lobe partially extending dorsally over endophallus; phallotremal sclerite small, slightly C-shaped ( Figs. 2D, 2E ). Holotype male : BRAZIL : Rio de Janeiro : Petrópolis , Araras , Reserva Biológica de Araras , Trilha da Água (poço), 22°26’06.7” S , 43°15’33.1” W , 13.iv. 2018 , 993 m, LL Dumas , JL Nessimian , C Novais & ALD Ferreira leg. ( DZRJ ). Paratypes : BRAZIL : Rio de Janeiro : Petrópolis , Araras , Reserva Biológica de Araras , Rio Araras (bambuzal), 22°25’59.8” S , 43°15’27.2” W , 13.iv–07.v.2018 , 1045 m, LL Dumas , JL Nessimian , C Novais & ALD Ferreira leg., 3 males , 1 female ( DZRJ ) ; Petrópolis , Araras , Reserva Biológica de Araras , Trilha do Caneco , Rio Araras (ponte), 22°26’13.8” S , 43°15’37.4” W , 19.iii.2018 , 1086 m, LL Dumas , JL Nessimian , C Novais & ALD Ferreira leg., 2 males , 1 female ( MZSP ) ; same locality, 20.iii–13.iv.2018 , LL Dumas , JL Nessimian , C Novais & ALD Ferreira leg., 47 males ( DZRJ ) ; same locality, 13.iv–07.v.2018 , LL Dumas , JL Nessimian , C Novais & ALD Ferreira leg., 40 males ( DZRJ ) ; Itatiaia , Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Trilha dos Três Picos , 22°27’19.0” S , 44°36’44.0” W , 01.xii. 2012 , 822 m, JR Mermudes leg., 1 male ( DZRJ ) . Distribution . Brazil ( Rio de Janeiro ). Etymology . The specific name “daome” is in reference to the Throne of Daomé (now Republic of Benin , West Africa). It had been donated by the ambassadors of King Adandozan ( 1718–1818 ) to Prince Regent Dom João VI, in 1811, and probably dates from the 18th to the 19th century. The Daomé Throne was on display in the Museu Nacional public exhibition, being incorporated into the museum’s collection in 1818.