Two new species of the pseudoscorpion subfamily Lamprochernetinae Beier, 1932 from Guizhou, China (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae) Author Xu, Hongru 0000-0002-1762-216X The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China & 3028383706 @ qq. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1762 - 216 X Author Gao, Zhizhong Department of Biology, Xinzhou Teachers University, Xinzhou, Shanxi 034000, P. R. China. Author Zhang, Feng 0000-0002-3347-1031 The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China & dudu 06042001 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3347 - 1031 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-07 5105 4 581 592 journal article 20315 10.11646/zootaxa.5105.4.7 5f3a2448-b34b-44eb-b743-b506eb384dab 1175-5326 6333898 ED0AB69E-2A5C-43A2-A419-5372C24151CE Genus Megachernes Beier, 1932 Megachernes Beier, 1932: 128 ; Beier, 1933: 518; Beier, 1948: 476; Morikawa, 1960: 144; Harvey, 1991: 599. Type species: Chernes grandis Beier, 1930 , by original designation. FIGURE 5. Megachernes biyunensis sp. nov. , A, Female habitus, dorsal view; B, Male habitus, dorsal view. FIGURE 6. Megachernes biyunensis sp. nov. , holotype female (A–F, H–I), paratype male (G): A, Carapace, dorsal view; B, Left pedipalp, dorsal view; C, Left chelal fingers, lateral view; D, Left chelicerae, dorsal view; E, Genital area of female, ventral view; F, Left leg I, lateral view; G, Genital area of male, ventral view; H, Left leg IV, lateral view; I, Tarsus of left leg IV, lateral view. FIGURE 7. Megachernes biyunensis sp. nov. , holotype female: A, Left pedipalp, ventral view; B, Galea; C, Rallum; D, Left chelicerae, dorsal view; E, Left chelal fingers, lateral view; F, Genital area of female; G, Left leg I, lateral view; H, Spermathecae; I, Left leg IV, lateral view; J, Tarsus of left leg IV, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (G, I); 0.2 mm (A, D–F, J); 0.1 mm (B, C, H). Key to the Chinese species of Megachernes 1. Leg IV femur + patella with numerous glandular microsetae........................... M. glandulosus Mahnert, 2009 - Leg IV femur + patella without glandular microsetae......................................................... 2 2. Male pedipalpal patella with hump................................................. M . tuberosus Mahnert, 2009 - Male pedipalpal patella without hump..................................................................... 3 3. Pedipalpal femur less than 4.00 times longer than board....................................................... 4 - Pedipalpal femur more than 4.00 times longer than board..................................... M . titanius Beier, 1951 4. Leg IV femur + patella more than 4.00 times longer than deep.................................................. 5 - Leg IV femur + patella less than 4.00 times longer than deep................................................... 6 5. Movable chelal finger with 9 retrolateral accessory teeth; all blades of rallum smooth..... M . himalayensis (Ellingsen, 1914) - Movable chelal finger with 21 retrolateral accessory teeth; only distal blade of rallum denticulate.................................................................................................... M. vietnamensis Beier, 1967 6. Only distal blade of rallum denticulate; st situated closer to t than to sb ........................ M . grandis (Beier, 1930) - All blades of rallum denticulate; st situated closer to sb than to t ................................ M. biyunensis sp. nov.