Two new species of Craterellus (Cantharellales, Hydnaceae) with veined hymenophore from north-eastern China Author Zhao, Gui-Ping Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, Jilin 130118, China Author Hu, Jia-Jun Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, Jilin 130118, China Author Tuo, Yong-Lan Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, Jilin 130118, China Author Li, Yu Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, Jilin 130118, China Author Zhang, Bo Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, Jilin 130118, China text MycoKeys 2022 2022-07-19 91 97 111 journal article 1314-4049-91-97 36B4C44502D55BBE897019EF54B3651B Craterellus striatus G.P. Zhao, J.J. Hu, B. Zhang & Y. Li sp. nov. Figs 4 , 5 Holotype. China. Jilin Province, Baishan City, Fusong County, Quanyang Town, alt. 780.4 m, 42.23°N , 121.30°E , 22 August 2021, G. P. Zhao, J. J. Hu, and Bo Zhang (HMJAU 61463, GenBank Acc. nos.: nr LSU = OM509446, OM509447, tef -1α = ON125913, ON125914). Etymology. Striatus : referring to the fringe of pileus. Diagnosis. Differs from other Craterellus species by the fibrillose, greyish-brown to yellowish-brown, fully perforated pileus with a brown fringe, the hymenophore with a forking vein, not anastomosing and non-discolouring upon drying. Figure 4. Craterellus striatus (HMJAU 60412, holotype) A Fresh basidiocarps B Stipe C Pileus D Hymenophore. Scale bars: 1 cm ( A, B ) Description. Fruiting body 12-45 mm high. Pileus 3-21 mm in diam., 1-10 mm tall, plane-convex firstly, soon infundibuliform and usually perforated continuous to the base of the stipe; margin inrolled when young, then expanding outwards, old becoming incurved, broadly wavy; surface blackish-brown, cream near the margin at first, gradually lighter to the centre with age, yellowish-brown finally, turning pale greyish-brown when drying, covered with brown fringe and fibrillose scales. Hymenophore decurrent, consisting of longitudinal ridges (<1 mm) with prominent forking, cross vein and off-white. Stipe 11-35 x 1-6 mm, cylindrical, inflated at the base, up to 10 mm in diam., hollow, central, smooth, blackish-brown. Text leathery, dirty white. Odour light. Taste unknown. Spore print not obtained. Figure 5. Microscopic characteristics of Craterellus striatus (HMJAU 60412) A spores B basidiobasidia C pileipellis. Scale bars: 10 μm ( A ); 20 μm ( B ); 40 μm ( C ). Basidiospores (6.5)6.8-7.4-8.0(8.8) x (5.0)5.1-5.5-6.0 μm , Q = (1.18)1.22-1.36-1.53(1.73), Qm = 1.36 +/- 0.12, broad ellipsoid to ellipsoid, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline to pale yellow in 5% aqueous KOH, inamyloid. Basidia (34)40-67(68) x 6-9 μm , slender, sterigmata 2-6. Cystidia absent. Hymenium in transverse section 45 μm thick, yellowish-brown in 5% aqueous KOH. Pileipellis scarcely differentiated from trama, a cutis of largely cylindrical hyphae, yellowish-brown in 5% aqueous KOH; individual hyphae (30)40-70(73) x (4)5-14(15) μm , thin-walled, encrusted, branched frequently, secondary septation absent, hyaline in 5% aqueous KOH. Pileus trama up to 500 μm thick, subparallel, yellowish-brown in 5% aqueous KOH; individual hyphae (29)33-60(125) x (4)5-12(13) μm , cylindrical, thin-walled, encrusted, branching frequently, secondary septation absent. Subhymenium up to 10 μm thick. Stipitipellis composed of a tightly-packed mass of subparallel, narrow, cylindrical hyphae, yellowish-brown in 5% aqueous KOH; individual hyphae (33)37-79(102) x 4-13(16) μm , thin-walled, hyaline to pale yellow in 5% aqueous KOH, branched frequently, secondary septation absent. Clamp connections absent. Habitat. Scattered to gregarious on the ground in a coniferous and angiosperm mixed forest.