Neotropical Dryophthoridae: Redescription of the Genus Melchus Lacordaire with Description of Daisya Anderson, New Genus, and Seven New Species (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) Author Anderson, Robert S. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2003 2003-12-31 57 4 413 432 journal article 10.1649/579 1938-4394 10103766 D98ABFDD-7421-4EAC-A4D0-A84AD1643B02 Melchus perplexus Anderson , new species Figs. 7–8 , 14, 17 Types. Holotype male labelled ‘‘ San Jose , Dept / La Paz Bolivia / September 1925 / GL Harrington’ ’ ( USNM ). Derivation of Species Name. The species is named because of its similarity to M. onorei and resulting initial uncertainty as to whether or not it represented a different species. Identification. Melchus perplexus can be separated from the very similar M. onorei by the less distinctly sinuate rostrum ( Fig. 14 ) which is dorsally more shallowly and less coarsely punctate near the base with a broad median impunctate area ( Fig. 17 ). Description. Female not known. Male, length, 8.7 mm ; width 4.4 mm . Color dark reddish brown, extensively infuscate throughout, integument with scattered tufts of micropilosity or micropilose nodules, especially towards declivity of elytra. As in M. onorei but rostrum with only slight sinuation at basal one-third; dorsally with less dense shallow punctures near base and broad median impunctate area. Antenna with club with apical pilose part one-third length entire club. Male genitalia as in M. onorei . Distribution. Bolivia ( La Paz ). The type locality is given only as ‘‘San Jose.’’ This might refer to San Jose de Chupiamonas. Natural History. There is no information available on the natural history of this species.