Meliolaceae of Kerala, India - XXXI new species and a new variety Author Hosagoudar, V. B. Author Archana, G. R. text Journal of Threatened Taxa 2010 2010-08-26 2 5 889 891 journal article 10.11609/JoTT.o2464.1092-5 0974-7907 Irenopsis kleinhoviae sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 ) Material examined 24.iv.2007 , on leaves of Kleinhovia hospita L . ( Sterculiaceae ), Karimancode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala , India , coll. G . R . Archana, HCIO 48166 ( type ), TBGT 2902 (isotype), (MycoBank # 518399). Coloniae amphigenae, subdensae, ad 5mm diam., confluentes. Hyphae subrectae vel undulatae, opposite, alternate acuteque vel laxe ramosae, laxe vel arte reticulatae, cellulae 16-40 x 4-7 µm . Appressoria alternata, unilateralis, antrorsa, subantrorsa vel retrorsa, recta vel curvula, 12-23 µm longa; cellulae basilares cylindraceae vel cuneatae, 3-11 µm longae; cellulae apicales globosae, ovatae, oblongae, integrae vel angularis,8-14x 8-11 µm .Phialides appressoriis a - Appressorium; b - Phialide; c - Ascospores; d - Perithecial wall cells a - Appressorium; b - Phialide; c - Ascospores; d - Apical portion of the perithecial setae Figure 2. Irenopsis kleinhoviae sp. nov. intermixtae, oppositae vel alternatae, ampulliformes, 12- 24 x 4-8 µm . Perithecia globosa, dispersa vel aggregata, ad 130µm diam.; setae peritheciales 4-10 numero, simplices, rectae, pallid brunneae, septatae, ad apicem rectae, uncinatae et obtusae, ad 145 µm longae, parietus glabrus; ascosporae obovoideae, 4-septatae, leniter constrictus ad septatae, 32-43 x 11-18 µm . Figure 3. Meliola ebeni sp. nov. Colonies amphigenous, subdense, up to 5mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphae substraight to undulate, branching opposite, alternate at acute to wide angles, loosely to closely reticulate, cells 16-40 x 4-7 µm . Appressoria alternate, unilateral, antrorse, subantrorse to retrorse, straight to curved, 12-23 µm long; stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 3-11 µm long; head cells globose, ovate, oblong, entire to angular, 8-14 x 8-11 µm . Phialides mixed with appressoria, opposite to alternate, ampulliform, 12-24 x 4-8 µm . Perithecia globose, scattered to grouped, up to 130µm in diameter; perithecial setae 4-10 in number, simple, straight, pale brown, septate, straight to uncinate at the apical part, obtuse at the tip, up to 145µm long, smooth; ascospores obovoidal, 4-septate, slightly constricted at the septa, 32-43 x 11-18 µm . Irenopsis buettneriicola Deight. known on Buettneria sp. and Sterculia sphanoghei from Sierra Leone and Java having both straight and uncinate perithecial setae. However, Irenopsis kleinhoviae differs from it in having pale brown, smooth walled perithecial setae and shorter appressoria having entire head cells.