Earthworms newly from Mongolia (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae, Eisenia) Author Blakemore, Robert J. National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), Incheon, 404 - 708, Korea text ZooKeys 2013 2013-04-05 285 1 21 journal article 1313-2970-285-1 FFCFFFB91706FF856810FFA7FFD2FFCE 578334 Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) species-complex. s. Blakemore (2010) Fig. 1 Note. Eisenia fetida is the earliest representative of the genus, originally Enterion fetidum Savigny, 1826: 182 (type locality Paris; types in Museum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris according to Stoep-Bowitz , 1969: 172); its 15 progressive synonyms, lastly including Eisenia andrei andrei Bouche , 1972: 381 (with types in Sully, France, OECO79-1388-4321), are fully presented in Blakemore (2008a , 2010 , 2012 , 2013a , b ). Material examined. Puce, semi-mature specimen S1 from Hamdeok Sewoobyong beach, Jeju Island, collected 15th Feb., 2012 by RJB NIBRIV0000249915 (dissected and figured, Fig. 1 , providing DNA sample WM18 - nil results, resampled as WO12 and as w11 to recheck); S2 mature, posterior amputee specimen with same collection data. S3-4 two uniformly pale Jeju specimens, collected 16th Feb., 2012 by RJB (one posterior amputee dissected and figured, Fig. 1 , providing DNA WO7 that was mixed in the genetics laboratory, resampled as w62 with data pending). S5 is a single deep-red, very weakly striped mature from Gangreung, Yongok stream, eastern S. Korea collected 4th April, 2012 by RJB (IV0000249930 providing DNA sample WO18 - see Appendix 1). Three matures, pale with pink clitella, S6-8 from Incheon, Seo-gu, Gyeongseo-dong, 20th April, 2000 (IV0000215368 mislabeled as " Perionyx excavatus "; note other Perionyx excavatus Perrier, 1872 proper confirmed in NIBR collection). Eight mature specimens, darkly striped with pale intersegments, otherwise compliant (IV0000261280 labeled "20110609//5/A" their jar also contains four Amynthas sp.). Other NIBR specimens labeled " E. foetida " e.g., IV0000213769/214062, were not inspected here. Description of current specimens. Body not especially flattened. Lengths 50-80 mm, segments 110-140. First dorsal pore small in 3/4, open from 4/5 onwards. Setae closely paired, ab slightly tumid in some or all of 9-12, 22, 23 and 25,26-32; distinctly paler around cd in just 9 or in some of 9-11,12. Dorsum to below c lines a reddish or pinky puce (sometimes much darker or much paler); ventrum pale with clitellum darker buff, saddle-shaped in 24,25,26,27-31,32,33. TP 1/228,28-1/231,31 . Spermathecae nearly mid-dorsum in 9/10/11. Female pores small on 14 lateral to b . Male pores in slightly tumid pads on 15 lateral of b setae. Nephropores visible sporadically intersegmentally above b lines (alternatively in d ?). Internally, spermathecae spherical in 9 & 10. Testis small in 10 & 11, seminal vesicles in 9-12. Last hearts in 11. Calciferous glands annular in 11 & 12. Ovaries in 13 . Nephridia sausage-shaped. Crop in 16 and gizzard large in 17-18, with intestine proper after 19; a low, wide typhlosole present from about 26. Remarks: The Jeju specimens lack the supposedly characteristic broad striped appearance while specimen S5 is brick red (mtDNA barcodes show 99% agreement). It seems remarkable that S3-4 would agree as they lack pigment. Other specimens with much darker, almost black, segments and contrasting paler intersegment also comply superficially. The whole species-complex requires evaluation with consideration of ICZN compliance as noted in the Discussion. Figure 1. A Eisenia fetida specimen S1 from Jeju Isl., Korea; anterio-ventral and lateral views, dorsal prostomium; spermathecae and calciferous glands in situ , nephridium from 20lhs B Eisenia fetida S3 ditto with nephridium in 13lhs C Athecal Allolobophora hataii Kobayashi, 1940: fig. 5 ( incertae sedis ) for comparison.