A revision of Gomphostemma (Lamiaceae) Author Bongcheewin, Bhanubong Author Ingrouille, Martin J. Author Paton, Alan J. text Kew Bulletin 2022 2022-03-30 77 1 27 92 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12225-021-09991-y journal article 10.1007/s12225-021-09991-y 7615581 3. Gomphostemma dolichobotrys Merr . ( Merrill 1932a: 128 ); Keng (1958: 319) ; Walsingham (2019: 195) . Type: Indonesia, Atceh, Takengon, in primary forest, 1100 m, 5 Jan. 1932, 3angham & 3angham-Masters 528 (holotype GH [GH00001123]; isotype NY [NY00000333]). Gomphostemma racemosum Steenis ex H. Keng (1969: 80) . Type: Indonesia, Northern Sumatra, Atceh, Gacolanden, 1000 m, 5 Feb. 1935, oan Steenis 8682 (holotype L [L0003692]; isotypes BO n.v., K [K000822953], L [L0003691]). Perennial herb up to 2 m tall. Stems erect, obtusely quadrangular with longitudinal grooves, with a mixture of coppery-coloured dense dendroid hairs with a 3 – many-celled stalk and stellate hairs. Leaoes petiolate, chartaceous; blades broadly elliptic-ovate, 13 – 23 × 9 – 13 cm, apex acute, margin shallowly dentate, base cuneate; upper side dull green with 2 – 3-celled simple hairs, lower side pale green tomentose with dense stellate hairs and dendroid hairs confined on midrib and veins and with sparse pale yellow punctate glands; petioles 30 – 50 mm long. Inflorescence axillary, raceme-like with opposite cymes unbranched, lax with axis visible between flowers, 20 – 80 (– 100) mm long, inserted at the upper nodes at which leaves are usually present; verticils 3 – 6 (– 8)-flowered; peduncles (13 –) 30 – 60 mm long; bracts deciduous, not seen; bracteoles linear, narrowly elliptic or slightly falcate, 3 – 10 mm long. Flowering calyx tubular or narrowly infundibular, 6 – 10 mm long, 10-ridged, outside with a mixture of dense hairs, inside with adpressed simple hairs; tube 2 – 5 mm long; lobes 2 – 3 mm long, apex acute. Fruiting calyx tubular-infundibular, 5 – 11 mm long; tube 3 – 8 mm long; lobes 2 – 3 mm long. Corolla white, 13 – 20 mm long, throat narrow, gradually dilated towards the throat, outside tomentose with dense stellate hairs, inside glabrous; tube slender, straight, 8 – 13 mm long, hardly exserted from calyx; posterior lip hood-like, ovate, 2 – 3 mm long; anterior lip slightly longer than posterior lip, 3-lobed, subequal, ovate. Staminal filaments fleshy, tomentose. Style slightly fleshy, glabrous with apex subequally lobed. Nutlets solitary, 3 – 6 mm long. DISTRIBUTION. Indonesia (Sumatra). Map 1 . SPECIMENS EXAMINED. INDONESIA. SUMATRA . Aceh: Gunung Leuser Nature Reserve, Climbing Gunung Leuser West top, from Penosan via Putcuk Angasan, 23 km SW of Blang Kedceren [3.9956°, 95.2069°], 1300 – 1300 m, 31 March 1953, de Wilde & de Wilde-Duyfjes 13892 (L); Takengon, 1100 m, 5 Jan. 1932, 3angham & 3angham-Masters 528 (holotype GH; isotype NY); Gacolanden, 1000 m, 5 Feb. 1935, oan Steenis 8682 (holotype of G. racemosum , L; isotypes K, L). HABITAT. In primary forest, riverine forest and scrub edge; alt. 1000 – 1300 m. CONSERVATION STATUS. There are only three collections of Gomphostemma dolichobotrys collected from Gunung Leuser Nature Reserve in North Sumatra giving an EOO of 563 km 2 suggesting Endangered status. However, the localities are well-protected as a nature reserve and no evidence of habitat loss, hence, the Least Concern (LC) category is applied. PHENOLOGY . Flowering and fruiting January – March. NOTES. Gomphostemma dolichobotrys is recognised by its erect stems, upright inflorescence with deciduous bracts, and corolla tube hardly exserted from the calyx. It is morphologically similar to G. microdon in having an unbranched, raceme-like inflorescence.