A revision of Gomphostemma (Lamiaceae) Author Bongcheewin, Bhanubong Author Ingrouille, Martin J. Author Paton, Alan J. text Kew Bulletin 2022 2022-03-30 77 1 27 92 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12225-021-09991-y journal article 10.1007/s12225-021-09991-y 7615581 28. Gomphostemma nutans Hook.f. ( Hooker 1883: 695 ); Prain (1891: 228) ; Mukercee (1920: 206) . Type: India, Khasia, Oct. 1829, Simons s.n. (K [Herb. Hookerianum, K000826323], lectotype selected here) . Climbing herb. Stems slender, scrambling, obtusely quadrangular with longitudinal grooves, with stellate hairs and sometimes dendroid hairs. Leaoes petiolate or subsessile, chartaceous; blades ovate or elliptic-ovate, 2 – 12 × 2 – 6 cm, apex acute, margin serrate or obtusely serrate, base attenuate, cuneate or obtuse, upper side with stellate hairs and sometimes simple hairs, lower side with dense stellate hairs; petiole 3 – 20 mm long. Inflorescence terminal or terminal and axillary, 20 – 110 mm long, congested; verticils few-flowered; subtending bracts present, spathulate, obovate, lanceolate or ellipticlanceolate, 10 – 20 × 2 – 10 mm, apex acute, margin entire or serrate, base attenuate, with dense stellate hairs on both sides; bracteoles linear, 3 – 10 mm long. Flowering calyx infundibular, 10 – 13 mm long, 10-ridged, outside with dense stellate hairs, inside glabrous below and densely tomentose above; tube 3 – 5 mm long; lobes spreading, lanceolate-ovate, 5 – 8 mm long, apex acute or slightly acuminate. Fruiting calyx infundibular, 11 – 13 mm long; tube 2 – 5 mm long; lobes lanceolate-ovate, 5 – 8 mm long, apex acute, margin sometimes slightly revolute. Corolla yellow, 20 – 33 mm long, throat inflated, abruptly dilated near the throat; tube slender, incurved, 13 – 30 mm long, outside tomentose, inside with an annulus of simple hairs; posterior lip ovate, 3 – 6 mm long; anterior lip 3-lobed, spreading, 8 – 10 mm long, margin undulate. Staminal filaments fleshy, tomentose. Style slightly fleshy, glabrous, shorter than corolla with apex subequally lobed. Nutlets 1 – 2, obovate or ovate, 3 – 2 mm long, wrinkled. DISTRIBUTION. India (Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur), Burma. Map 5 . SPECIMENS EXAMINED. INDIA. Assam. Bamanigaon [Bamungaon, 26.9165°, 92.1665°], Sal Forest, near sea level, 3?ec. 1929, Koelz 22266 (E); Nagaland. Naga Hills, Narum, 1300 m [3000 ft],?ec. 1905, Meebold 5203 (K); Meghalaya. Khasia, Oct. 1829, Simons s.n. (lectotype K [Herb. Hookerianum)]; ibid., Lobb s.n. (K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Khasia, Nunklow, 1030 m [3300 ft], 2 Nov. 1851, Clarke 16302 (lectoparatype K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Khasia, Nya Bungalhi, 530 m [2300 ft], 3 Oct. 1883, Clarke 20623A (K); Manipur. Mairing [22.53°, 92.3665°], Naga Hills, 1300 m [3000 ft],?ec. 1905, Meebold 5185 (E); Kanglatongbi [Kanglatongi, 22.9833°, 93.9°], 900 m [3000 ft], 3 Oct. 1923, 3ullock 633 (K); On the way to Nungba [22.53°, 93.2333°], 900 m [3000 ft], 2 Jan. 1882, Watt 6662 (K). MYANMAR. Sagaing. Tamu, Upper Chindwin [22.6°, 93.1°],?ec. 1905, Meebold 5398 (E, K); near Kendat [23.5333°, 92.2333°], Sept. 1890, Prazer 352 (K); Suigon, Katha [22.1833°, 96.33°], 20 Nov. 1908, Lace 2211 (E 2 sheets, K). HABITAT. In hill evergreen forest, 530 – 1300 m. CONSERVATION STATUS. Gomphostemma nutans has AOO of 20 km 2 . Google Earth imagery shows the evidence of habitat loss due to agricultural activity but the habitats in India remains intact. Hence, the Least Concern (LC) category is applied. PHENOLOGY . Flowering and fruiting September – January. NOTES. Gomphostemma nutans is easy to recognise by its climbing habit with slender stem. The specific epithet ‘ nutans ’ which means nodding may derive from the specimen mounted in an artificial position, rendering the inflorescence in a nodding state. It is a similar case for the species name of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f.) Lindau (Bongcheewin et al. 2019). The inflorescence may be upright in nature.