Fossil Cantharidae from the Cretaceous Burmese (Kachin) amber of the Patrick Müller collection, and taxonomic information
Fanti, Fabrizio
Müller, Patrick
Baltic Journal of Coleopterology
journal article
Sanaungulus havai
sp. nov.
Fig. 11
, adult specimen in a
) amber piece:
SNHM6006 in
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig
collection number:
Type locality.
Kachin state
, Myitkyina District, Hukawng Valley.
Type horizon.
Lowermost Cenomanian (98.79 ± 0.62 Ma), midCretaceous.
Differential diagnosis.
The new species is characterized by antennae equipped with an antennal process near the base of antennomeres IV– X, a feature not present in other
except for the species described below (see differential diagnosis below).
Adult, winged, slender. Male, defined on the shape of the last abdominal segments. Body length about
3.2 mm
. Testaceousbrown with black head behind the eyes.
Head elongated, strongly constricted (triangularshaped) behind the eyes, fitted with small rugosity and shallow punctuation. Eyes very prominent, roundish, inserted in the upper and dorsolateral part of the head, interocular dorsal distance about 4.1 times greater than eye diameter. Mandibles elongated, falciform. Maxillary palps 4 segmented, with the last palpomere securiform. Antennae 11 segmented, pectinate, slen der, long, almost reaching the apex of the elytra; scape very elongated and enlarged apically; antennomere II short, globular; antennomere III thin, filiform, about 2.1 times longer than second; antennomeres IV–VII subequal in length, each equipped near their base with a long, thin and curved antennal process, squared apically; antennomeres VIII–X, slightly shorter and stouter than previous ones, each equipped near their base with a long antennal process (stouter than previous ones), almost rounded apically; antennomere XI filiform and robust; antennomeres pubescent. Pronotum longer than wide, slightly wider than head, anterior margin rounded and bordered, posterior margin rather straight, corners obtuse, sides narrower anteriorly, pronotum disc irregular and slightly wrinkled with impressed punctuation. Scutellum triangularshaped with rounded apex. Elytra short which reveals two abdominal segments, wider than pronotum, at humery enlarged and very slightly dehiscent posteriorly, rounded apexes, surface with strongly impressed punctuation gathered in striae. Metathoracic wings transparent, long, surpassing the elytra and the last abdominal segments. Sternum elongated with posterior margin irregular, sternites transverse equipped with short setae; last tergite elongated, wide and curved and very slightly folded at the apical sides; penultimate sternite with an urophysis at sides wich is rather robust and evident and rounded at apex; last sternite very elongated, curved and thin. Legs thin, very long, pubescent; coxae massive; trochanters elongated; femora nearly straight, more robust than tibiae, cylindrical; tibiae cylindrical, thin, without spurs near the apex, very longer than femora. Tarsal formula 5 5 5; first tarsomere extremely long and thin; second tarsomere about 2.0 times shorter than first; third tarsomere short and triangularshaped; fourth strongly bilobed with the lobes very long; fifth tarsomere elongated, thin, slightly flat and curved; claws simple, without denticle at the base.
Fig. 11.
Sanaungulus havai
sp. nov.
in Burmese amber. A: Holotype, dorsal view; B: Holotype, lateral view; C: Holotype, detail of legs.
Named in honor of Jir í Háva (
Czech Republic
), a wellknown specialist of the family
Air bubbles, detritus, stellate hairs.
Piece of clear, golden amber that measures 8x7x
3 mm
. The inclusion is complete except for the left posterior leg preserved until the first tarsomere.