A review of the Neotropical sharpshooter genus Onega Distant, 1908 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini) Author Takiya, Daniela Maeda Author Cavichioli, Rodney Ramiro text Zootaxa 2004 718 1 19 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.158154 d533e2f6-2b20-45b6-8047-e48e8cdf6af5 1175­5326 158154 A844C3C1-2938-4E4F-A818-19FE80E3E967 Onega sanguinicollis (Latreille) comb. nov. ( Figs 1 G, 5) Length. female 14.9 mm. External morphology. Crown ( Fig. 1 G) with median length 6/10 interocular and 4/10 transocular length; apical and lateral concave areas on crown not confluent. Frons mostly concave. Pronotum ( Fig. 1 G) with posterior margin straight. Forewings ( Fig. 1 G) mostly opaque; membrane extending only over first apical cell; most of corium with plexus of veins, this absent on apical and brachial cells; clavus with crossveins between claval veins and between inner claval and claval margin. Hindlegs with femoral setal formula 2:1:1; first tarsomeres with length approximately equal to combined length of posterior ones. Other external characters as in generic description ( Young 1977: 285 ). Female genitalia. Sternite VII with posterior margin with small median acute projection ( Fig. 5 A); fine transverse striations on disc. Pygofer ( Fig. 5 C) with few macrosetae distributed dorsally on anteapical region. Gonoplacs ( Fig. 1 C) with apex broadly round. Second valvulae ( Fig. 5 D) bearing 45 noncontiguous teeth; ventral prominence ( Fig. 5 F) slightly conspicuous. Other invariant generic characters as described above. Coloration. Crown tan ( Fig. 1 G); pair of large semicircular areas on apical portion over muscle scars and posterior margin, dark­brown. Frons and clypeus dark­brown. Genae and lora castaneous. Pronotum and mesonotum ( Fig. 1 G) tan; pronotum with pair of faint castaneous stripes convergent anteriorly on posterior half; large triangular area on posterior 2/3 of pronotum and mesoscutellum, red; pair of maculae on anterolateral margin of pronotum behind eyes, anterior angles of mesoscutum, and apical margin of mesoscutellum, black. Forewings ( Fig. 1 G) dark red; clavus with basal half with translucent tan band along anal margin (continuous basally with small region of corium); membrane light brown. Thoracic pleura red, with small irregular tan and dark brown areas. Mesosternum mostly dark brown. Legs with femora mostly red; apical portions of femora and tibiae dark brown to black; tarsi dark brown with bases tan. FIGURE 5 . Female genitalia of Onega sanguinicollis (Latreille) comb. nov. (A) Sternite VII, ventral view. (B) Bases of first valvulae of ovipositor, ventral view. (C) Sternite VII, pygofer, and gonoplac, lateral view. (D–F) Second valvula of ovipositor, lateral view. (D) General aspect. (E) Teeth from median portion of shaft. (F) Apex. Scale bar = 0.5 mm or 0.1 mm on E and F. Notes. See notes on O. orphne sp. nov. above. Material examined. Female, “ Cuba \ Coll. Signoret”, “ sanguinicollis \ det. Signoret.”, NHMW .