Two new species of Pamphobeteus Pocock 1901 (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Theraphosidae) from Brazil, with a new type of stridulatory organ Author Bertani, Rogério Author Fukushima, Caroline Sayuri Author Júnior, Pedro Ismael Da Silva text Zootaxa 2008 1826 45 58 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.183116 77b7ee8a-9923-40f3-b928-7484cfbbb40b 1175-5326 183116 Pamphobeteus crassifemur sp. nov. ( Figs 1–12 , 19 . Tables 1 , 2) Xenesthis sp. Lucas 1982 : 351 (misidentification). Diagnosis : – Males resemble those of P. antinous , P. grandis sp. nov. , P. p e t e r s i, P. ultramarinus and P. v e s - pertinus by the broad embolus. They can be distinguished by the thickened femora, especially the 3rd pair ( Fig. 5 ). This characteristic feature is also diagnostic for females ( Fig. 8 ). Material examined : – Holotype male IBSP 8330, Brazil : Rondônia: Samuel Hydroelectric Power Station Dam, IBSP Faunal Rescue Team of Collectors, 9 Feb 1989 . Paratype female IBSP 4945, as for holotype but, M. Costa, 10 Feb 1989 . Additional material examined : – BRAZIL : Rondônia: Porto Velho, dam of Samuel Hydroelectric Power Station, IBSP 12395, 1 female , 9 Feb 1989 and 1 immature, 30 Jan 1989 ; IBSP 12394, 1 female , 20 Dec 1998 and 1 immature, 30 Jan 1989 ; IBSP 12396, 1 female , 9 Feb 1988 and 1 immature, 20 Dec 1988 ; IBSP 12392, 1 female , 10 Feb 1989 and 1 immature, 30 Jan 1989 ; IBSP 12397, 1 female , 9 Jan 1989 ; IBSP 12393, 1 female , 10 Feb1989 and 1 immature, 9 Jan 1989 ; IBSP 12391, 1 female and 1 immature, 10 Feb 1989 ; IBSP 4945, 1 female , M. Costa col., 10 Feb 1989 ; IBSP 4946, 1 female , 2 immatures; IBSP 11132, 1 male ; IBSP 10324, 1 male , 10 Feb 1989 ; IBSP 11142, 1 female ; IBSP 7025, 1 female , M. Costa col.; IBSP 8332, 1 male , 12 Dec 1988 ; IBSP 8330, 1 male , 9 Feb 1989 ; IBSP 10320, 1 female , 10 Feb 1989 ; Montenegro , IBSP 10378, 1 male , R. Bertani col., 22 Jul–2 Aug 2002 ; Pimenta Bueno, Tchegau Farm, IBSP 4548, 1 female , R. S. G. Almeida col., Jun 1989 ; Casseterite mineration area, between Alto Candaias and Massangana, IBSP 4096, 1 female , C. Froelich ded. May 1971 ; Mato Grosso: Barracão Queimado, 120 km from Vilhena, BR-29 road, IBSP 3633, 1 female , Dr. H. Araújo ded., 28 Sep 1962 . Etymology : – The specific name is taken from the Latin, crassus meaning “thick” and femur, a feature of the legs of males and females of this species. Description : Holotype male. Total length, not including chelicerae or spinnerets 57. Cephalothorax 28.81 long, 27.31 wide. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior row recurved. Eyes sizes and inter-distances: AME 0.75, ALE 0.60, PME 0.74, PLE 1.02, AME–AME 0.56, AME–ALE 0.46, AME–PME 0.42, ALE–ALE 2.26, ALE–PME 0.48, PME–PME 1.75, PME–PLE 0.21, PLE–PLE 3.05, ALE–PLE 0.66. Eye tubercle: length 3.05, width 3.71; clypeus 1.5. Fovea: deep, straight, 4.72 long. Cephalic area moderately raised. Thoracic striae conspicuous. Labium: length 3.62, width 3.73, with 72 cuspules. Maxillae: between 100–200 cuspules spread across inner edge. Sternum: length 13.55, width 9.02. Sigilla: small anterior pairs, less than one diameter from margin and larger posterior pair, more than two diameters from margin. Chelicerae: 11 teeth decreasing in size from distal area and row of small teeth on promargin. Tarsi I–IV densely scopulate. Metatarsi I – II fully scopulate; III 1 /2 densely scopulate; IV 1 /3 densely scopulate. All femora thickened, mainly 3rd pair ( Fig. 5 ). Spination: femora and patellae I–IV and palp 0; tibiae palp v0–0–1, p0–1–0; I 0, II v0–1–2(ap), p1–0–0; III v0–1–2(ap), IV v0–1–0; metatarsi I 0, II v1 –0–0, III v0–2–3 (2 ap), r0–0–1, IV v11 (2ap), p2–0–1. Spiniform setae on prolateral coxae I, retro- and prolateral coxae II–III, retrolateral coxae IV; prolateral/dorsal trochantera I, prolateral/dorsal and retrolateral/dorsal trochantera II–III, retrolateral trochantera IV ( Figs 9–12 ). STC with small teeth. PLS articles length: apical 6.28, medial 4.04 and basal 4.72. PMS rounded, small. Urticating hair types I and III present. Cephalothorax and abdomen dark brown with red-brown hairs. Femora, patellae and tibiae with conspicuous stripes. Slight purple sheen on femora. Tibial apophysis with retrolateral process longer than prolateral ( Fig. 4 ). Metatarsus I folds between the two processes. Male palpal bulb strongly flattened laterally, spoon-like shaped ( Figs. 1–3 ). Prolateral superior keel well-developed, prolateral inferior weakly developed. Apical keel extended ventrally to middle of embolus. Retrolateral keel short, reaching less than 0.25 of embolus length, strongly developed forming crest distally. FIGURES 1–6 . Pamphobeteus crassifemur sp. nov .. 1–5 Male holotype. 1–3. Palpal bulb. 1, retrolateral, 2, prolateral, 3, dorsal. 4, Tibial apophysis, ventral. 5, Leg. III, dorsal. (6) Female paratype, spermathecae. FIGURES 7–8 . Pamphobeteus crassifemur sp. nov .. 7, Male. 8, Female. Photos: R. Bertani. FIGURES 9–12 . Pamphobeteus crassifemur sp. nov .. Stridulatory setae. 9, Coxa IV, prolateral. 10, Trochanter IV, prolateral. 11, Coxa III, retrolateral, 12, Same, detail. Arrows show spiniform setae. TABLE 1 . Pamphobeteus crassifemur sp. nov .. Male holotype. Length of left legs and palpal segments.
Tarsus 7.02 14.25 13.63 13.30 14.27
Metatarsus ––– 22.07 21.27 23.44 30.39
Tibia 14.52 17.94 18.51 17.48 20.95
Patella 9.82 13.14 12.62 13.25 13.48
Femur 16.20 25.39 23.62 22.46 26.01
TABLE 2 . Pamphobeteus crassifemur sp. nov. Female paratype . Length of left legs and palpal segments.
Tarsus 12.86 12.16 11.17 11.02 12.07
Metatarsus ––– 17.18 17.35 19.79 26.80
Tibia 10.92 16.71 15.51 15.75 19.39
Patella 8.42 12.46 12.46 12.17 12.29
Femur 14.04 22.72 20.63 19.05 24.30
Description : – Paratype . Female. IBSP 4945. Total length, not including chelicerae or spinnerets 66. Cephalothorax 30.87 long, 28.98 wide. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior row recurved. Eyes sizes and inter-distances: AME 0.73, ALE 0.72, PME 0.85, PLE 1.12, AME–AME 0.73, AME–ALE 0.65, AME–PME 0.21, ALE–ALE 2.49, ALE–PME 0.62, PME–PME 1.89, PME–PLE 0.24, PLE–PLE 3.18, ALE–PLE 0.67. Eye tubercle: length 3.23 width 4.07; clypeus 2.12. Fovea: deep, straight, 5.55 wide. Cephalic area moderately raised. Thoracic striae conspicuous. Labium: length 4.99, width 4.43, at least 145 cuspules. Maxillae: 100– 200 cuspules spread across internal edge. Sternum: length 13.14, width 10.31. Sigilla: posterior, small, more than two diameters from margin. Chelicerae: eight well-developed teeth and row of small teeth on promargin. Tarsi I–IV fully scopulate. Metatarsi I–IV fully scopulate, metatarsi III–IV scopulate on apical half. Spination: femora I–IV and palp 0; patellae palp 0, I v0–0–2(ap), II v0–0–2(ap), III and IV 0; tibiae palp v0–4–3(2 ap), I v0–0–2(ap), II v0–0–2(ap), III v0–1–3(ap), IV v0–0–1(ap); metatarsi I v0–0–2(ap), II v1 –0–2(ap), III v3–3 – 3(ap), r1–0–0, p1–0–0, IV 19 (2 ap). Spiniform setae and STC as in male. PLS articles length: apical 6.02, medial 5.0 and basal 4.12. PMS rounded, small. Urticating hair types I and III present. Color pattern as in male, except for absence of purple sheen. Two spermathecae broadly fused ( Fig. 6 ).
Distribution : Brazil : states of Rondônia and Western Mato Grosso ( Fig. 19 ).