Saxifraga luoxiaoensis (Saxifragaceae), a new species from Hunan and Jiangxi, China Author Zhang, Xin-Jian State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, Author Liu, Zhong-Cheng College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China; Author Meng, Kai-Kai State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, Author Ding, Qiao-Ling Author Wang, Lei College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China; Author Liao, Wen-Bo State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-05-23 350 3 291 296 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.350.3.8 1179-3163 Saxifraga luoxiaoensis W. B. Liao, L. Wang & X. J. Zhang , sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 ) Type:— CHINA . Jiangxi Province , Suichuan County, Daijiapu Town, in wet limestone under of gully, 26°16 N , 114°02 E , Elev. 1466 m , 18 May 2016 , W . Y . Zhao, Q . L . Ding, X. J . Zhang et al. , LXP-13-16785 ( SYS !). Diagnosis:— Saxifraga luoxiaoensis is similar to S. daqiaoensis , S. epiphylla and S. mengtzeana . S. epiphylla differs from the new species chiefly in that it produces a foliar embryo in the sinus of the basal leaf blades. The leaf blades of S. mengtzeana has no foliar embryo, but it has blades glabrous adaxially. S. daqiaoensis differs from the new species in its peltate leaves and leaf margin remotely shallowly dentate or subentire. The most distinctive characters of S. luoxiaoensis is the winged capsule. Description: —Perennial herbs, 12 50 cm tall. Stolons absent. Rhizomes rather short. Leaves all basal; petiole 5–18 cm , sparsely short glandular piliferous or glabrous; leaf blade reniform, papery, 1.5 8.5 × 1.2 7.3 cm , base cordate, margin 7- or 9-lobed, apex acute, lobes irregularly 5 7-dentate at margin, adaxially sparsely hispid, abaxially glabrous with red or brown spots. Inflorescence paniculate, ca. 12 50 cm . 10 65-flowered, branches 2 20 cm , sparsely glandular pubescent, 2 10-flowered, flowers zygomorphic; pedicels slender, 0.6 2.1 cm , glandular pubescent. Sepals spreading to reflexed, triangular lanceolate, 1.5 3 × 0.5 2 mm , adaxially glabrous, abaxially and marginally with sparse glandular hairs, 3-veined; veins confluent at apex. Petals 5, white or pink, apex acute; the two largest lanceolateoblong, 3 5-veined, penninerved, the two longest ca. 0.8 2.0 (2.5) cm × 1.3 3 mm , the three smallest three ovate, yellow spotted, 2.3 3.5 mm × 1.5 2 mm , 3-veined. Stamens 4.3 5.6 mm . Ovary ovoid, with a semiannular nectary disc; styles divergent ca. 0.8 3 mm . Capsule winged when mature, carpels 5 7 mm . Seeds elliptic, the two sides slightly bent, ca. 0.8 mm , surface ribbed. Fl. and fr. Apr–July. Distribution and ecology: —The new species Saxifraga luoxiaoensis occurs in the centre of Luoxiao mountain range between Hunan and Jiangxi province , China , and grows on moist rocks nearby valleys, alt. 1200–1900 m . Etymology: —The specific epithet is derived from Luoxiao mountain range. Paratypes : CHINA . Jiangxi Province , Suichuan County , Daijiapu Town , 26°18 N , 114°03 E , Elev. 1574 m , 24 Oct. 2017 , W . B . Liao , W . Y . Zhao , Z . C . Liu , F . Ye, X. J . Zhang et al ., LXP-13-24717 ( SYS !). CHINA . Hunan Province , Yanling County , Ceyuan Town , 26°36 N , 114°31 E , Elev. 1673 m , 28 Oct. 2017 , W . Y . Zhao, Z . C . Liu, F . Ye, X. J . Zhang et al. , LXP-13-24953 ( SYS !) ; same locality, 28 Oct. 2017 , W . Y . Zhao, Z . C . Liu, F . Ye, X. J . Zhang et al ., LXP-13-24990 ( SYS !) .