Two new species in the endemic Chinese leafhopper genera Flexocerus and Idioceroides (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Idiocerinae) Author Xue, Qingquan Author Zhang, Yalin text Zootaxa 2015 3920 4 555 562 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3920.4.4 2062bd3c-5f4e-4fea-835e-0db6e73f2e30 1175-5326 245572 F78E7175-502D-4F54-9013-3D1E91F2791C Idioceroides petaliformis Xue & Zhang sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 I–L, 4) Description. Length (including wings): male 6.5 mm . Crown straw colored, with black spot on either side of median line closer to eyes, one square spot in middle; face upper part gray with black round spot on either side of median line closer to median line; frontoclypeus mainly black, yellowish in middle, anteclypeus black, lora and gena brownish, antennal fossa brownish. Pronotum gray, with three triangular spots on anterior margin and one spot on either side of median line and several brown stripes closer to posterior margin. Scutellum dark yellow, with median stripes and basal triangles dark brown ( Figs. 1 K–L). Forewing hyaline with brown tinge, veins and apex of forewing dark brown, apex of clavus whitish. Mesepimeron black. Legs pale ochraceous, hind leg macrosetae brownish ( Figs. 1 I–J). FIGURE 4. Idioceroides petaliformis sp. nov. A, male pygofer, anal tube and subgenital plate, lateral view; B, valve; C, connective, ventral view; D, aedeagus, lateral view; E, aedeagus, ventral view; F, style, lateral view. Face without short setae adjacent to corresponding eye; rostrum short, not reaching hind coxae. Pronotum rugose. Scutellum about as long as pronotum and crown together ( Fig. 1 K). Hind tibiae with 22–24 setae on row PD, 9 setae on AD and 12 setae on row AV. Other characters as in generic description. Male genitalia. Male pygofer elongate, broader in middle, compressed apically, with dense setae on lateral area, ventral margin convex. Subgenital plate broad, dorsal margin straight, ventral margin convex, with many setae on dorsal margin and lateral area, pointed apically ( Fig. 4 A). Valve broader than long, caudal margin rounded, shieldlike. Style with process on dorsal margin nearer base than apex; caudal part tapering apically, apex curved ( Fig. 4 F). Connective T-shaped, stem slender and long. Aedeagus with preatrium well developed, dorsal apodeme short; shaft evenly curved dorsad, with lateral preapical flange bearing two pairs of long distally projecting spines, dorsal surface with pair of long retrorse preapical spines, apex in lateral view with shorter spine projecting anterad; gonopore subapical on ventral surface.( Figs. 4 D–E). Etymology. The specific epithet name refers to the flower like appearance of the aedeagus in ventral view. Material examined. Holotype : ♂, CHINA , Guangxi Prov., Jinxiu, Mt. Dayaoshan, , coll. Li Fasheng ( NWAFU ). Remarks. This species has face color similar to that of Idioceroides tettigoniformis Matsumura , but can be distinguished from the latter by the crown and pronotum with a black round spot and aedeagal shaft with dorsal margin lacking a pair of forked processes, apex rounded and with a pair of broad processes on ventral margin.