Review of the tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) Author Lelej, Arkady S. 0000-0001-7501-0981 Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia. lelej @ biosoil. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7501 - 0981 Author Williams, Kevin A. 0000-0002-6073-1070 Plant Pest Diagnostic Center, California Department of Food & Agriculture, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832, USA. Kevin. Williams @ cdfa. ca. gov; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6073 - 1070 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-01-27 5231 2 101 140 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5231.2.1 1175-5326 7575308 EBD53535-397E-4894-B0A4-9AC3CC38DF3C 12. Mickelomyrme Lelej, 1995 ( Figs 35–40 ) Mickelomyrme Lelej, 1995a: 17 , ♁, ; Lelej & Brothers 2008: 34 ; Brothers & Lelej 2017: 95 , ♁, ; Williams et al. 2019: 18 , ; Pagliano et al. 2020: 174 ; Okayasu 2020: 42 , ♁, ; Thaochan et al. , 2022: 155 , . Type species. Mutilla hageni Zavattari, 1913 , ♁, by original designation. Diagnosis . MALE. Head robust, elevated posterad, frons and vertex longitudinally striate. Mandibles bidentate at apex, deeply excised beneath with large subbasal tooth. Clypeus weakly convex with protruding midpart of anterior margin. Ocelli not enlarged. Scape distinctly bicarinate beneath. Tegula protruding behind scuto-scutellar suture ¼–⅓ its length. Parascutal carinae weak. Mesoscutellum simple. Mesopleuron beneath without precoxal tubercles. Metacoxa mesally carinate. Wing dark fuscous, stigmatic cell almost 2 × shorter than distance between base of stigmatic cell and origin of RS on vein Sc . Metasoma black or some basal segments yellowish-red. T1 long, ⅔ or even more than T2. S2 with short lateral felt lines, T2 with long lateral felt lines. T7 usually with longitudinal median impunctate line, S8 (hypopygium) simple, without any tubercles or carinae. Volsella of genitalia with long narrow cuspis with long setae, basivolsella with rounded lobe outside, external margin of basivolsella with extremely long curved setae. FEMALE. Minimum distance between eyes more than 1.4 × eye height; genal carina and hypostomal tooth absent; clypeus with subapical transverse ridge; prementum without dome-like tubercle. Mandible slender. Pronotum without projecting humeral angle; scutellar scale distinct, more than twice wider than long. Protarsus with external comb of long spines. T1 without pale setal spots; T2 with three basal spots of pale setae disposed in straight transverse line; T2 at most with apico-medial small patch of pale setae; T3 with wide uniform band of pale setae; T4 sometimes with entire or medially interrupted band of pale setae; pygidial plate elongate, distinctly carinate laterally; surface of pygidial plate longitudinally striate, usually smooth on apical ¼–⅕. Diversity and distribution . Twenty-three species (one subdivided into two subspecies) are recognized from the Oriental Region, two of these penetrate to the Palaearctic part of China ( Pagliano et al. 2020 ). Seven are known from both sexes, nine are based on males only, and seven are based on females only. Remarks. Most females have the disc of T2 marked with three setal spots disposed transversely, but M. chinensis ( Smith, 1855 ) has a single spot, M. athalia ( Pagden, 1949 ) often has the mesal spot obliterated, and M. zebina ( Smith, 1860 ) has the lateral spots disposed posterior to the middle spot. Lelej’s (1996b) key includes about half of the currently known species.