Descriptions of three new species of Ypsolopha Latreille (Lepidoptera: Ypsolophidae) from East Asia, redescription of Y. contractella (Caradja) and a checklist of East Asian Ypsolopha Author Sohn, Jae-Cheon Author Ponomarenko, Margarita G. Author Wu, Chun-Sheng Author Han, Hui-Lin Author Wang, Xin-Li text Zootaxa 2010 2511 22 38 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.294407 140b2b72-e6b3-4359-8e94-544cfb419ccf 1175-5326 294407 Ypsolopha contractella ( Caradja, 1920 ) [ Figs 4 , 10 and 12] Cerostoma contractella Caradja, 1920 : 94 [ type locality: Kazakevichevo, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia ] This species was confused with Y. cristata Moriuti by Byun and Bae (2001) . Oku (2003) correctly distinguished it from Y. cristata but failed to find the correct name for his specimens. The original description of contractella was extremely short and contained no illustration, and the type specimen was never examined by subsequent authors. The lectotype kept in MGAB, is illustrated for the first time. Both of contractella and cristata are easily distinguished from each other by their forewing pattern: contractella has longitudinal streaks and large spots, whereas cristata has transversal striations mixed in the pattern. Ypsolopha contractella is also different from the latter by the basal half of antenna densely covered with elongate scales. This antennal characteristic is also observed in Y. horridella (Treitschke) . Re-description: Head – Vertex with rough vestitute of piliform scales entirely orange-white but tinged with grayish brown subterminally on marginal areas; frons with a smooth vestiture of white scales slightly tinged with pale brown. Antenna filiform, 2/3 as long as forewing; scape dark brown dorsally, orange-white ventrally, with orange-white pecten; each flagellomere dark brown on anterior half, white on the other. Labial palpus with entirely orange-white scales dorsally and dark brown scales ventrally; 2nd segment porrect, as long as horizontal eye diameter, with a long, dense scale tuft extending distally and ventrally; 3rd segment pointed to apex, perpendicular to and as long as 2nd. Thorax and abdomen – Patagium orange-white; tegula and mesonotum dark grayish brown. Foreleg with coxa orange-white ventrally, pale grayish brown dorsally; femur dark grayish brown entirely but intermixed with white only ventrally; tibia and tarsus dark brown. Midleg with coxa orange-white; femur to tarsus dark brown intermixed with white; each tarsomere with a whitish ring distally. Hindleg with coxa orange white ventrally, with dense grayish brown scales dorsally; femur to tibia entirely orange white but slightly tinged with grayish brown dorsally; tibia with dense, dark grayish brown scales terminally; tarsus dark grayish brown intermixed with orange white. Forewing length 7.3 11.2 mm (n = 6), three times longer than maximum width; apex acute; costal area white, intermixed with grayish brown, reddish brown, sparsely specked with black; a white marking present around apex; medial and dorsal area suffused with reddish brown to pale reddish brown, interrupted by dark grayish brown between CuA2 and 1A+2A veins; basal half of discal cell dark grayish brown, intermixed with black; a black marking of raised scales present near the middle of 1A+2A vein, accompanying a short, oblique, white bar; a white marking present on the postmedian middle; fringe dark grayish brown, tinged with pale reddish brown on tornus. Hindwing dark grayish brown, paler to base; fringe grayish brown. Abdomen entirely orange-white, tinged with brownish gray dorsally. Male genitalia ( Fig. 10 ) – Uncus rectangular, slightly convex posteromedially; socii slender, apex acute, 2x longer than uncus; tegumen slightly narrow, parallel-sided after distal 1/4; gnathos with liguiform medial plate as long as uncus. Valva simple, broad, 1.3x longer than maximum width, broadly round terminally; costa slightly broad, entire along dorsal margin; sacculus very slender, entire along ventral margin, with a shallow sparsely setose, basal mound. Vinculum as wide as tegumen, rectangular; saccus slender, stick-like, 1.5x longer than socius; anellus 1/5 as long as aedeagus, with granules on distal 1/4. Aedeagus bent medially; coecum 1/5 as long as the rest of aedeagus; two rod-like cornuti with a strong spine terminally. Female genitalia (Fig. 12) – Papillae anales semiglobular, slightly protruding dorsoterminally, setose; 9+10th segments and intersegmental membrane 3x longer than 8th segment, forming telescopic ovipositor; apophysis posterioris slender, 4x longer than apophysis anterioris. Ostium bursae as narrow as antrum; antrum 1/8 as long as apophysis anterioris, adjoining posteriorly with a tubular, membranous area. Ductus bursae tubular, membranous entirely, narrow but slightly widened to corpus. Corpus bursae 3/5 as long as ductus bursae, wider than long, with a projecting area on one side; an ovate, scobinate signum with a medial, transverse ridge. Specimens examined: JAPAN [Hokkaido] 13, Mt. Futatsuyama, Shibecha, 18 VIII 1966 (K Ijima), USNM. CHINA – [Heilongjiang] 1Ƥ, Mt. Maoershan, 16 VIII 1964 (JW Bai), [GSN: IOZ-80-119]; 13, Mt. Xiaolingshan, 17 VIII 1964 (JW Bai), [GSN: IOZ-80-118], IZCAS. KOREA – [Gangwon] 13, Mt. Daedeoksan, 10 VIII 1998 (JC Sohn), abdomen missing; 1Ƥ, Mt. Seokhwa, Hongcheon, 21 VI 1995 (BR Kim), abdomen missing, JCS. [Chungbug] 13, Mt. Weolagsan (N36˚51΄56.0ʺ E128˚05΄20.0ʺ, Alt. 222m ), 20 23 VII 2003 (S Nam, J Lim, O Kwon and G Park), [GSN: SJC-734], JCS. RUSSIA – [Khabarovsk Territory] 13, “Kasakewitsch, 5206 Wlsm. 1908, lectotype of Cerostoma contractella Caradja (by A Popescu-Goji, 1992), MGAB. [Primorsk Territory] 73, 5Ƥ, 20 km SE Ussuriysk, Gornotaezhnoe, 12 30 VIII , 1 IX 1994 ; 17 VIII 1995 (Ponomarenko), IBSS. Distribution: Japan (new record: Hokkaido, Honshu), Korea (new record: Central), China (new record: Northeast) and Russia (Far East).