A new species of Lassenia (Acari: Tanaupodidae) from Turkey Author Noei, Javad . Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran; E-mail: noei. javad @ birjand. ac. ir noei.javad@birjand.ac.ir Author Inak, Emre . Ankara University Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Dışkapı, Ankara, Turkey; E-mails: einak @ ankara. edu. tr, Scobanoglu @ ankara. edu. tr & coban. sultan @ gmail. com Author Çobanoğlu, Sultan . Ankara University Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Dışkapı, Ankara, Turkey; E-mails: einak @ ankara. edu. tr, Scobanoglu @ ankara. edu. tr & coban. sultan @ gmail. com Author Saboori, Alireza . Jalal Afshar Zoological Museum, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran; E-mail: saboori @ ut. ac. ir saboori@ut.ac.ir text Persian Journal of Acarology 2018 2018-10-15 7 4 345 352 https://www.mendeley.com/catalogue/3792d70c-3b64-3b2b-8827-f43fcd6419b4/ journal article 10.22073/pja.v7i4.40281 2251-8169 7173964 C131A32E-A9BF-4AD8-BDEA-4CFE335E58B1 Lassenia hemsinensis Noei, Saboori & Çobanoğlu sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–11 ) Diagnosis fn Cx 2-1-2; fn Fe 6-6-6; coxalae 2b and 3a bifurcate; PSens 137; Ta I 155, Ta II 137, Ta III 150; fD = 4-4-4-6-4 =22. Description (Larva) Dorsum ( Figs. 1–2 ) – Dorsum of idiosoma with 22 dorsal barbed setae (with minute barbs and not strongly plumose), each arises from a smooth sclerite, arranged in 5 rows, fD = 4-4-4-6-4 = 22: c 1–2 , d 1–2 , e 1–2 , f 1–3 and h 1–2 ( Figs. 1, 3 ). Scutum divided into two portions, the anterior portion small, almost trapezoidal (45 × 25), fitted in concavity of anterior border of posterior portion of scutum and bearing the anterior sensilla (ASens). The posterior portion quadrate-shaped, bearing normal setae (AL and PL) and posterior sensilla (PSens). ASens and scutalae with minute barbs and not strongly plumose. Posterior sensilla filiform and longer than the anterior sensilla. Posterolaterally on each side of scutum two eyes situated on common ocular plate (55 × 35), posterior eye (diameter 30) larger than anterior one (diameter 16). Venter ( Fig. 3 ) – Idiosoma ventrally with four pairs (+ an unpaired seta) of ventral setae (fV) behind coxae III, a lateral Lassenia -organ anterior to coxa III and a well-defined anus. The sternal setae 3a bifurcate, smooth and inserted on a smooth sclerite attached to the coxa III. Each ventral seta arises from a smooth sclerite, all setae with some minute barbs. Anal plate 61 long, with one pair of barbed setae on each side of symmetry axis. Coxa I with two barbed setae, 1a and 1b ; coxa II with seta 2b with one barb; coxa III with nude seta 3b and bifurcate seta 3a (fn Cx 2-1-2). Claparède's organs between coxae I and II, circular. NDV = 22 + 8(+1) = 31. Gnathosoma ( Figs. 4, 5 ) – Cheliceral bases (80 long) smooth on dorsal surface; cheliceral blade slightly curved, 19 long, with two subterminal teeth. Adoral seta cs smooth, 15 long; one pair of spine-like subcapitular setae ( bs ), 3 long; palpfemur 60 long, with two barbed dorsal setae and palpgenu 15 long, with one barbed dorsal seta. Palptibia 40 long, with three barbed setae; palpal tibial claw 27; palptarsus 37 with 7 barbed setae, one solenidion and two eupathidia; fPp = 0-BB-B-BBB- 7Bωζζ. Palpal supracoxal setae ( eP ) peg-like, 8 long. Legs ( Figs. 6–11 ) – Leg segmentation formula 6-6-6. Each leg tarsus with lateral falciform claws and a claw-like empodium. Leg setal formula. Leg I: Ta – 1ω, 1ɛ, 2ζ, 2Cp, 33/36n; Ti – 4φ, 1Cp, 1κ, 8n; Ge – 2σ, 1κ, 4n; Fe – 6n; Tr – 1n ( Figs. 6–7 ). Leg II: Ta – 1ω, 1ε, 2ζ, 1Cp, 28/30n; Ti – 2φ, 9n; Ge – 1σ, 1κ, 4n; Fe – 6n; Tr – 1n ( Figs. 8–9 ). Leg III: Ta – 1ζ, 26/25n; Ti – 1φ, 9n; Ge – 1σ, 4n; Fe – 6n; Tr – 1n ( Figs. 10–11 ). Metric data are given in Table 1 . Etymology The specific epithet is derived from the type locality, Hemşin , Rize ( 41° 02' 51.7" N , 40° 53' 46.4" E ), Turkey . Figures 1–3. Lassenia hemsinensis Noei, Saboori & Çobanoğlu sp. nov. (larva) – 1. Dorsal view of idiosoma; 2. Scutum; 3. Ventral view of idiosoma. Figures 4‒7. Lassenia hemsinensis Noei, Saboori & Çobanoğlu sp. nov. (larva) – 4. Dorsal (right) and ventral (left) view of gnathosoma; 5. Ventral view of palptibia and palptarsus; 6. Ti I‒Ta I; 7. Tr I‒Ge I. Table 1. Measurements of Lassenia hemsinensis Noei, Saboori & Çobanoğlu sp. nov. (larva).
Character Holotype Character Holotype Character Holotype
IL 580 PDS 80 Leg I 590
IW 430 PaScFed1 67/62 Cx II 95
SD 122* PaScFed2 75 Tr II 67
W 107 PaScGed 57 Fe II 105
AW 85 1a 57 Ge II 65
PW 75 1b 75 Ti II 87
AA 13 2b 40/47 Ta II (L) 137
SB 37 3a 35 Ta II (H) 30
ASB 60* 3b 82 Leg II 556
PSB 62 cs 15 Cx III 105
MA 37/40 bs 3 Tr III 67
AP 65/62 Cx I 90 Fe III 107
AL 80 Tr I 65 Ge III 60
PL 85 Fe I 110 Ti III 112
ASens 52/57 Ge I 75 Ta III (L) 150
PSens 137 Ti I 95 Ta III (H) 25
DS Min. 70 Ta I (L) 155 Leg III 601
DS Max. 90 Ta I (H) 30 IP 1747
* including anterior portion of scutum Figures 8‒11. Lassenia hemsinensis Noei, Saboori & Çobanoğlu sp. nov. (larva) – 8. Ti II‒Ta II; 9. Tr II‒Ge II; 10. Ti III‒Ta III; 11. Tr III‒Ge III. Type material The holotype larva (ARS-20180606-1a) is deposited in the Acarological Collection , Ankara University, Department of Plant Protection , Faculty of Agriculture , Dışkapı, Ankara , Turkey . Remarks The new species belongs to the genus Lassenia based on the following characters: scutum with a pair of long posterior, and a pair of shorter anterior sensilla, plus two pairs of scutalae; anterior sensilla set off on a minute sclerite separate from the rest of the scutum; Lassenia -organ anterior to coxa III; anal sclerites with two pairs of setae (see diagnostic characters of Lassenia presented by Newell, 1957 , page 448). Lassenia hemsinensis Noei, Saboori & Çobanoğlu sp. nov. differs from L. lasseni in the number of setae on palpfemur (2 vs. 5 in L. lasseni ), NDV (31 vs. 71–80 [fD = 48–53, fV = 23–27]), number of setae on Cx II (1 vs. 2), Cx III (1 vs. 3), Tr II (1 vs. 3), Tr III (1 vs. 3 or 4)), Fe I (6 vs. 10) Fe II (6 vs. 10-12), Fe III (6 vs. 9 or 10), shape of coxala 2b and sternal seta 3a (bifurcate vs. simple), scutum (divided vs. undivided), fn Ta (33/36-28/30-26/25 vs. 50-43-40), number of solenidia on Ti I (4 vs. 13), Ti II (2 vs. 4 or 5) Ti III (1 vs. 3); from L. scutellata in the number of setae on Cx III (1 vs. 2), Fe III (6 vs. 5), shape of coxala 2b and sternal seta 3a (bifurcate vs. simple), number of solenidia on Ti I (4 vs. 5), number of normal setae on Ge I (4 vs. 5); from L. furcasetosa in the number of setae on Fe III (6 vs. 5), the longer PW (75 vs. 57–67), ASB (60 vs. 39– 45), SD (122 vs. 105–115), ASens (52/57 vs. 34–40), AL (80 vs. 62–72), PSens (137 vs. 85–90) and IP (1747 vs. 1420–1465); from L. xymenae in the number of setae on Cx II (1 vs. 2), Fe III (6 vs. 5), shape of coxala 2b and sternal seta 3a (bifurcate vs. simple), the longer SD (122 vs. 112–116), AP (65/62 vs. 50), AL (80 vs. 56–60), PSens (137 vs. 110) Ta I (155 vs. 108–112), Ti I (95 vs. 68–72), Ge I (75 vs. 60–62), Fe I (110 vs. 80–92), Ta II (137 vs. 94–100), Ti II (87 vs. 62–68), Ge II (65 vs. 50–56), Fe II (105 vs. 50–56), Ta III (150 vs. 106), Ti III (112 vs. 88–90) Fe III (107 vs. 84–86), IP (1747 vs. 1340) and shorter W (107 vs. 122); from L. castronuoviensis in the number of solenidia on Ta I (1 vs. 2), shape of coxala 2b and sternal seta 3a (bifurcate vs. simple), the longer ASB (60 vs. 45 * ), PSB (62 vs. 80 * ), AP (65/62 vs. 46), ASens (52/57 vs. 38), PSens (137 vs. 88), AL (80 vs. 60), Ta I (155 vs. 136), Ge I (75 vs. 62), Fe I (110 vs. 89), Ta II (137 vs. 112), Ti II (87 vs. 65), Fe II (105 vs. 88), Ta III (150 vs. 118), Fe III (107 vs. 87), IP (1747 vs. 1474) and the shorter PSB (62 vs. 80) and from L. novoseljensis in the number of setae on Fe III (6 vs. 5), the longer SD (122 vs. 80–102), ASens (52/57 vs. 36–39), PSens (137 vs. 76–80), AL (80 vs. 46–56), PL (85 vs. 57–65), Ta I (155 vs. 99–108), Ti (95 vs. 59–67), Ge I (75 vs. 47–52), Fe I (110 vs. 72–82), Ta II (137 vs. 86–93), Ti II (87 vs. 55–60), Ge II (65 vs. 42–47), Fe II (105 vs. 64–71), Ta III (150 vs. 95–99), Ti III (112 vs. 79– 88), Fe III (107 vs. 70–77) and IP (1747 vs. 1164–1247). * Haitlinger (2012) reported ASB = 80 and PSB = 45 in Table 2 (page 48) which are typographical errors.