Neotropical Hemerodromia Meigen (Diptera: Empididae), a world of discovery I: new generic record and new species from Brazilian Amazon Basin Author Câmara, J. T. Author Plant, A. R. Author Rafael, J. A. text Zootaxa 2014 3893 2 209 231 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3893.2.3 6c8611b1-ea95-4ad9-a047-f6916374a063 1175-5326 252068 68C58684-BD57-4AAB-88EF-69E093AB12DA Hemerodromia cercusdilatata sp. nov. ( Figs 16–24 ) Diagnosis. External characters as in H. amazonensis sp. nov. Cercus greatly enlarged, with bluntly pointed apical process incurved with serrate posteroapical margin ( Fig. 20 ); epandrium rather inflated basally, narrower and somewhat hook-shaped distally ( Fig. 20 ); subepandrial sclerite with two posterior finger-like processes ( Fig. 22 ); hypandrium membranous ( Fig. 20 ). Description . Male ( Fig. 16 ). Head . Dark brown to black, antenna and mouthparts yellow with all setae whitish; ocellar triangle with 1 pair of proclinate setae; anterior ocellus larger. Eyes iridescent black, very narrowly separated on face bearing fine reclinate setulae. Frons with 1–2 setulae; occiput bearing scattered fine hairs. Clypeus with rather dense short downwardly directed pile. Proboscis slightly curved with yellow setae. Antenna with scape and pedicel bearing distinct short dorsal setulae; postpedicel about 1.5X as long as wide, stylus ~ 0.9X as long as postpedicel. Thorax ( Fig. 16 ). Elongate, slightly arched ventrally; thoracic dorsum yellow, brownish on prothoracic collar, narrowly behind postpronotal lobe, on scutum posterolaterally above wing base, suture between katepisternum and meron and on katepisternum ventrally behind C1; antepronotum with anterior margin almost straight; scutum with setae yellow, very small and fine except one notopleural. Legs ( Fig. 16 ). Whitish yellow. C1 ~ 1.2X longer than distance between C1 and C2, 5X as long as wide with a few pale dorsoapical setae. F1 ~ 1.2X as long as C1, 3.5–4.0X as long as wide. Femoral formula 7/ 19/17/7 ; denticles confined to distal 0.8, becoming closer together distally, black, 2 rows linear, parallel, without distal discontinuity ( Fig. 18 ). T1 ~ 0.7X as long as F1, evenly curved, ventral face shallowly concave; with 2 rows of 15–17 sharply pointed spinose setae ventrally; dorsal ciliation of decumbent short pale setulae, denser distally; without apicoventral extension on T1 but with strong apical spine ( Fig. 18 ). Mid and hind legs slender with only fine setae but T3 with ‘comb’ of short setae posteroapically. Wing ( Fig. 17 ). Membrane slightly yellow, veins yellowish; R2+3 long and straight, not strongly curved towards C apically, joining C ~ 0.7–0.8 distance between end of R1 and R4; R4+5 fork acute (~ 60°), distal to position of M1+2 fork by about same length as R4; R5 and M1 convergent distally, diverging slightly at extreme apex; vein R5 ~ 2X as long as R4; cell bm+dm short, ending at level of R1, ~ 2X as long as cell br. Halter whitish yellow. Abdomen ( Figs 16, 19 ). Tergites 1–6 brown with distinct setae on posterior margin. Tergites 7–8 and sternites yellow with scattered pale setae stronger on posterior margin; tergite 8 shorter than sternite 8. Terminalia . Cercus brown, greatly enlarged, a bluntly pointed apical process incurved with serrate posteroapical margin ( Figs 19, 20 ), left and right cerci closely approximated anterodorsally ( Fig. 21 ), distinctly setose. Epandrium brownish, narrow, rather inflated basally, narrower and somewhat hook-shaped distally ( Fig. 20 ), with distinct row of strong setae on outer face ( Fig. 20 ), spine-like setae on inner margin apically ( Fig. 22 ). Hypandrium yellowish, membranous, rather rectangular in ventral view, not markedly inflated, lacking strong setae ( Fig. 24 ); gonocoxal apodemes projecting as narrow process just beyond anterior margin of hypandrium ( Fig. 23 ). Subepandrial sclerite with two finger-like posterior processes ( Fig. 22 ). Phallus strongly sclerotized, extending well beyond of the hypandrium apex, bluntly pointed apically, with subapical membranous area ventrally, covered with minute dark spicules ( Fig. 23 ). Ejaculatory apodeme absent. Body length : 2.4 mm ; wing length : 2.3 mm . Female . Unknown. FIGURES 16–24 . Hemerodromia cercusdilatata sp. nov. , 16–18 , holotype ♂. 19–24 , paratype ♂. 16 . habitus , lateral view; 17 . wing; 18 . fore coxae, femur, tibia and tarsomeres; 19 . abdomen from segment 2 to terminalia, lateral view; 20 . terminalia, lateral view; 21 . cercus, epandrium and subepandrial sclerite, dorsal view; 22 . subepandrial sclerite and epandrium, dorsal view; 23 . phallus, hypandrium, gonocoxal apodeme and subepandrial sclerite, lateral view; 24 . hypandrium, epandrium and cercus, ventral view. Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂ “ Brasil , AM[azonas], Pq.[arque] N.[acional] Jaú. IG.[arapé] Miratucu/ IG.[arapé] Gerlei. 01º57'00''S- 61º49'00''W / 23–28.vii.1995 . Rafael & J. Vidal” ( INPA ) PARATYPES . Same data as holotype ( 8 ♂ , INPA ); Idem, Ipiranga. 02º03'05''S- 61º33'32''W , 29–31.viii.1995 , Arm. Cola. Rafael & J.F.Vidal ( 10 ♂ , MZUSP ); Idem , Res. Ducke, Ig. Ipiranga, Arm. Malaise, v.2003 , J.M.F.Ribeiro, J. Vidal & J Vidal ( 11 ♂ , INPA ); Idem, Ig. Tinga, iii.2003 ( 3 ♂ , MNRJ ); Idem, 5.viii.1993 , IG. Acara, Malaise, Vidal ( 2 ♂ , MPEG ); Idem, Rod. AM 0 10 Km 26, Ig. Acará, x.2001 , Arm. Malaise, J. Vidal ( 10 ♂ , NMWC ); Idem, Novo Airão, AM-352, Ig. Mato Grosso. 21–23.x.1994 ( 3 ♂ , CNC ). Holotype condition . Good condition. Notopleural bristles lost. Not dissected. Variation . Body ranging from 2.4 mm to 3.0 mm. Wing length varying from 2.3 mm to 2.7 mm . In some paratypes the femoral formula is 7/16–18/18 –21/6. Etymology . From the Latin dilatatus (enlarged) which refers to greatly enlarged cercus. Remarks . Hemerodromia cercusdilatata sp. nov. appears to belong in the informal melangyna species - group (sensu Vaillant & Gagneur 1998 : 376) in having the cercus greatly enlarged, fore tibia without an apical spur but with a long, slender and pointed apical spine. Hemerodromia cercusdilatata sp. nov. is similar to H. melangyna Collin, 1961 , by tergites 7–8 and sternites yellow and similar shape of epandrium. Hemerdromia cercusdilatata sp. nov. differs from the latter by fore tibia with 2 rows of pointed spinose setae ventrally; cercus with a bluntly pointed apical process incurved with serrate posteroapical margin; subepandrial sclerite with two finger-like posterior process; and phallus sclerotized, with subapical membranous area ventrally, covered with minute dark spicules. In H. melangyna T1 with 1 row of pointed spinose setae ventrally; the cercus is hemispheric; subepandrial sclerite with 2 triangular posterior process; and phallus membranous, without minute dark spicules.