A revision of the New World genus Fidia Baly 1863 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae: Adoxini) Author Strother, M. S. Author Staines, C. L. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-06-16 1798 1 1 100 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.1798.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1798.1.1 1175­5334 5124622 Fidia comalensis Strother , New Species ( Figs. 5 , 80 ; Map 5) Holotype ( ) (TAMU): " MEXICO : Colima 11.8 mi. ne. Comala August 1, 1988 Ferreira, Schaffner / HOLO- TYPE Fidia comalensis M.S.Strother 1993 [red]". The specimen is glued on a point and is in excellent condition with all of the appendages intact, except the left metathoracic leg which, along with the abdomen, is glued on the point with the specimen. The aedeagus and associated sclerites are preserved in glycerin in a microvial pinned beneath the specimen. The holotype is the only specimen known. Description (of holotype ). TL = 3.89 mm , HW = 1.78 mm . Color: Head black, pronotum black with faint blue-green luster; base color of elytron brownish-black to dark red-brown with light purple luster apically, humeral area red-orange, extending posteriorly approximately 1/2 length of elytron, extending from epipleuron to approximately 1/3 width of elytron from sutural margin; femora and tibiae dark red-brown to blackish with feeble blue luster, tarsi dark red-brown; meso- and metasterna dark red-brown; first two abdominal sterna brownish-black, third and fourth dark red-brown, last sternum fulvous, pygidium dark brown basally, fulvous apically; pubescence silvery-white. Pronotum: Length subequal to width, widest at middle, sides distinctly convex in dorsal view, dorsum feebly convex in lateral view; densely, coarsely punctate-reticulate. Mesepisternum: Left mesepsternum with three small, fine setae; right obscured by point. Elytra: Intrahumeral callus weakly developed; asetose punctate-striae obsolete on disc, feebly developed on basolateral aspect; surface densely punctate, distally becoming weakly punctate-undulose to punctate-rugulose, setose punctures subequal in diameter to asetose punctures; pubescence moderately dense, not obscuring surface sculpture, setae relatively fine, recumbent, not distinctly ensate. Abdomen: First four sterna feebly flattened medially; first sternum with large, transverse, impunctate, glabrous area, second sternum with smaller, impunctate, glabrous area; last sternum evenly convex; pygidium dorsally feebly convex in apical ½ with apical margin broadly rounded. Legs: Femora gradually tapered towards base; tibial spurs of all legs small, lacking visible surface sculpture; all basitarsi subtriangular, apical width approximately 2/3 length; disco-setae present on all basitarsi. Penis: In posterior view, sides feebly tapered to bases of apical lobes; apex with large, semicircular emargination; apical lobes large, triangular, acutely rounded at apex. In lateral view, eudorsal surface of declivitous part gently convex; euventral surface straight, tapered to acute, feebly euventrally directed apex. Sperm guide composed of upper and lower sclerites. Spermatheca: Females unknown. Etymology. Named for the type locality. Diagnosis. Small (approximately 3.89 mm .); head black, pronotum black with faint blue-green luster, elytra dark red-brown with light purple luster, each with large red-orange humeral area; male with all basitarsi subtriangular, apical width approximately 2/3 length; apex of penis with large, semicircular emargination ( Fig. 80 ); apical lobes large, triangular. Fidia comalensis is practically indistinguishable from F. dicelloposthe and F. humeralis based on external characters alone, although the holotype of F. comalensis has the basitarsi of all legs distinctly shorter and broader than those of the males of F. dicelloposthe or F. humeralis . Males of F. comalensis are readily distinguished from the latter two species in having the penis apically emarginate with large, triangular apical lobes, rather than bearing a spatulate, bifurcately tipped ( F. dicelloposthe , Fig. 81 ) or small, acutely pointed ( F. humeralis , Fig. 82 ) apical process. The females of these three species are either indistinguishable or the females of F. comalensis and F. dicelloposthe are unknown. Distribution (Map 5). Known only from the holotype . Natural History. Unknown.