A new species of Gammarus Fabricius, 1775 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridae) from extreme high-altitude Lake Tong Tso, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Andrade, Luiz Felipe
Tavares, Marcos
Senna, André Resende de
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
Pap. Avulsos Zool., S. Paulo
journal article
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
Figs. 1-8
Material examined:
, male,
41.1 mm
, in ethanol 70%, habitus illustrated,
Lake Tong Tso
, approximately
Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
10-20 cm
F. Pontual
,2000 (
MZUSP 40976
1 male
, 27.0 mm, dissected and illustrated, same sampling data as holotype(
MZUSP 40977
3 males
16.6 mm
17.8 mm
, and
21.4 mm
, in ethanol 70%, same sampling data as holotype (
MZUSP 40130
Head with deep antennal sinus. Maxilla 2 inner plate with a very dense facial oblique row of setae. Gnathopod 1 propodus weakly armed, lateral margin with 1 stout seta defining palm, palm longer than posterior margin of propodus, with a truncated projection bearing 1 stout seta medially. Gnathopod 2 propodus weakly armed, palm lateral margin with a proximal large subrounded projection bearing 1 main stout seta. Pereopods 5-7 basis slender, posterior margin crenulate. Epimeral plate 1 posterior margin produced into a short spine, facial ridge present. Epimeral plates 2-3 posteroventral corner sharply pointed. Uropod 3 rami covered with plumose setae. Telson apex with 2 stout setae on each side.
Based on male
(MZUSP 40976) and male
(MZUSP 40977).
as in
Fig. 1A
Fig. 2A
), cephalic lateral lobe truncated, antennal sinus deep, eyes small and ovate.
Antenna 1
Fig. 2B
) about 1.2 times longer than antenna 2, peduncular articles 1-3 with length ratio of 1.0: 0.8: 0.4, weakly setose; accessory flagellum 3-articulate; main flagellum 23-articulate, calceoli absent.
Antenna 2
Fig. 2C
) peduncular articles 3-5 with length ratio of 1.0: 2.4:2.5; article 2 short, gland cone straight, almost reaching apex of third article; article 3 with main lateral ridge bearing 7 setae and small hump with 3 setae; article 4 ventral margin with 6 short brush setae proximally and 8 clusters of short to long setae laterally; article 5 ventral margin with 1 long seta distally, 9 clusters of short to long setae laterally; flagellum 14-articulate, calceoli absent.
Upper lip
Fig. 2D
) ventral margin rounded, setulose.
Lower lip
Fig. 2E
) outer lobes large, setulose, inner lobes indistinct.
Left mandible
Fig. 2F
) incisor with 5 spines; lacinia mobilis with 4 spines; accessory setal row with 10 plumose setae; molar triturative, with 1 plumose seta; palp articles 1-3 with length ratio of 1.0: 2.5: 2.0; article 2 with 18 setae; article 3 facial margin with 3 clusters of setae,mesial margin with 32 weakly serrulated setae and 7 slender setae apically.
Right mandible
Fig. 2G
) incisor with 4 spines; lacinia mobilis apically trifid, facially multicuspidate; accessory setal row with 8 plumose setae; molar triturative, with 1 long plumose seta; palp articles 1-3 length ratio of 1.0: 2.4: 1.9; article 2 with 16 setae; article 3 facial margin with 3 clusters of setae, mesial margin with 28 pectinate setae and9slender setae apically.
)inner plate with 30 plumose setae, facial and apicolateral margins covered with setules; outer plate mesial margin with row of setules, apically with 9 serrate stout setae, facially with oblique row of setules, ending in setulose field; left palp 2-articulate, bearing 9 setae apically, 6 subapically; right palp (
Fig. 3B
) apical margin with 6 short stout and 2 slender setae.
Maxilla 2
Fig. 3C
) inner plate about 0.9 times length of outer plate, strongly setose, with facial oblique row of 53 slender setae, laterally and facially covered with setules; outer plate setose apically, lateral and facial margins covered with setules.
Fig. 3D
) inner plate with 3 apical and 1 subapical stout setae, mesial and apical margins covered with plumose setae, facial margin with oblique row of 7 multicuspidate setae; outer plate mesial margin with 15 stout setae, apical margin with 3 serrate and 5 plumose setae, lateral margin covered with setules; palp 4-articulate, article 1 mesial margin with 5 setae, article 2 mesial margin setose, apicolateral corner with row of 6 setae, article 3 with oblique facial row of 8 pectinate setae, lateral margin with 3 clusters of setae, apicolateral corner produced into a hump, article 4 about half the length of article 3, with 6 short setae distally, bearing one medium nail.
Gnathopod 1 (lateral view)
Fig. 4A
) coxa subrectangular, anteroventral and posteroventral corners with small spine bearing 1 short seta each; basis about 2.5 times longer than wide, margins with short to long setae, posterior margin with 4 serrate setae and 1 pectinate setae distally; ischium posterior margin with 8 setae distally; merus posterior margin weakly setose; carpus about 0.7 times length of propodus, anterior margin with 4 cluster of setae, posterior margin setose with pectinate setae; propodus about 1.3 times longer than wide, anterior margin with 8 setae distally, posterior margin with 3 clusters of setae, 1 stout seta defining palm; palm 1.4 times longer than posterior margin of propodus, proximally with truncate projection bearing 1 stout seta and two pairs of stout setae medially and distally; dactylus shorter than palm, outer margin with 1 seta, nail present.
Gnathopod 1 (mesial view)
Fig. 4B
) ischium posterior margin with row of 11 setae extending to facial margin; merus facial margin with subdistal ridge bearing 17 setae; merus anterior margin with 3 clusters of setae, posterior margin setose with pectinate setae, facial margin with 2 rows of 6 and 15 setae medially and distally, respectively; propodus anterior margin with tuft of setae distally, posterior margin weakly setose, 1 stout seta defining palm, facial margin with clusters of slender se- tae and 2 clusters bearing 3 stout and 1 slender setae, plus 1 stout and two slender setae; palm covered with short setae, distally crenulate towards palmar corner.
Gnathopod 2 (lateral view)
Fig. 5A
) coxa subrectangular, tapering distally, anteroventral and posteroventral corners with small spine bearing 1 short seta each; basis about 2.7 times longer than wide, margins with short to long setae, posterior margin with 5 distal serrate setae decreasing in length; ischium posterior margin with 5 setae distally; merus facial margin with row of 20 setae distally; carpus about 0.7 times length of propodus, anterior margin with 3 clusters of setae, posterior margin setose with pectinate setae; propodus about 1.5 times longer than wide, anterior margin with 11 setae distally, posterior margin moderately setose, with 1 stout seta defining palm;palm 0.6 times length of posterior margin of propodus, with large subrounded projection bearing 1 main stout seta medially, distally with another subrounded projection and two stout setae decreasing in length; dactylus slightly longer than palm, outer margin with 1 seta, nail present.
Gnathopod 2 (mesial view)
Fig. 5B
) ischium posterior margin with row of 11 setae extend- ing to facial margin; merus facial margin with 2 rows of long setae; carpus anterior and facial margins with cluster of setae, posterior margin setose with pectinate setae; propodus posterior margin covered with pectinate setae, facial margins with many clusters of slender setae, one with 3 stout setae; palm minutely crenulate, covered with short setae.
Pereopod 3
Fig. 6A
) coxa anteroventral corner with 1 short seta,posteroventral corner with small spine bearing 1 short seta; basis about 3.7 times longer than wide, margins moderately setose; ischium posterior margin with 5setae distally;merus,carpus,propodus and dactylus with length ratio of 1.0: 0.6: 0.6: 0.2; merus anterior margin with 4 clusters of setae with 1 stout seta each, posterior margin setose, facial margin with 5 clusters of setae; carpus anterior margin with 1 stout and 5 slender setae distally,posterior margin setose, with 4 stout setae; propodus anterior margin with 3 setae distally, posterior margin moderately setose, with 7 stout setae; dactylus anterior margin with 1 short plumose seta proximally, facial and posterior margins with 1 seta each, nail present.
Pereopod 4
Fig. 6B
) coxa narrow, about 1.2 times longer than wide, excavate posterodorsally, anteroventral corner with 2 short setae; basis about 3.6 times longer than wide, margins moderately setose; ischium posteri- or margin with 7 setae distally; merus, carpus, propodus and dactylus with length ratio of 1.0: 0.7: 0.7: 0.2; merus anterior margin with 1 stout and 4 slender setae distal- ly, posterior margin setose; carpus anterior margin with 1 stout and 3 slender setae, posterior margin setose,with 5 stout setae; propodus anterior margin with 4 setae distally,posterior margin moderately setose,with 9 stout setae; dactylus anterior margin with 1 short plumose seta proximally, facial and posterior margins with 1 seta each, nail present.
Pereopod 5
Fig. 6C
) coxa bilobate, ante- rior lobe with 1 seta, posterior lobe with 2 setae; basis about 1.6 times longer than wide, tapering distally, anterior margin with 10 stout setae, posterior margin weakly crenulate, with 10 setae; ischium anterior margin with 1 slender and 2 stout setae; merus, carpus, propodus and dactylus with length ratio of 1.0: 1.2: 1.0: 0.3; merus anterior and posterior margins with 4 and 3 clusters of stout setae, respectively; carpus anterior and posterior margins with 5 clusters of stout setae each; propodus with 6 clusters of stout setae; dactylus facial and anterior margins with 1 seta each, nail present.
Pereopod 6
Fig. 6D
) coxa bilobate, anterior margin with 3 setae, posterior margin with 2 setae; basis about 1.8 times longer than wide, tapering distally, anterior margin with 7 stout setae, posterior margin crenulate, with 10 short setae; ischium anterior margin with 4 stout setae distally; merus, carpus, propodus and dactylus with length ratio of 1.0: 1.3: 0.9: 0.2; merus anterior and posterior margins with 4 and 3 clusters of stout setae, respectively; carpus anterior and posterior margins with 6 and 7 clusters of stout setae, respectively; propodus with 5 clusters of stout setae; dactylus anterior margin with 1 seta each, nail present.
Pereopod 7
Fig. 6E
) coxa anterior margin with tuft of 3 setae, posterior margin weakly crenulate, with 4 setae; basis about 1.9 times longer than wide, tapering distally, anterior margin with 8 stout setae, posterior margin crenulate, with 13 setae; ischium anterior margin with 4 stout setae; merus, carpus, propodus and dactylus with length ratio of 1.0: 1.6: 1.2: 0.3; merus anterior and posterior margins with 3 clusters of stout se- tae each; carpus anterior and posterior margins with 5 and 4 clusters of stout setae, respectively; propodus with 6 clusters of stout setae and 2 of slender setae; dactylus anterior margin with 1 short seta, nail present.
Figure 1.
Gammarus pontual
,male holotype (MZUSP 40976):(A)
lateral view;(B-D) Urosomites 1-3,dorsal view,respectively.Scale bars:10.0 mm for A;2.0 mm for B-D.
Figure 2.
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
, male paratype (MZUSP 40977): (A) Head, lateral view; (B) Right antenna 1, lateral view; (C) Right antenna 2, lateral view; (D) Upper lip, dorsal view;(E) Lower lip,dorsal view;(F) Left mandible,mesial view;(G) Right mandible,mesial view.Scale bars:1.0 mm.
Figure 3.
Gammarus pontual
, male paratype (MZUSP 40977): (A) Left maxilla 1, dorsal view;(B) Detail of the right palp of maxilla 1, dorsal view; (C) Left maxilla 2, dorsal view;(D) Left maxilliped,dorsal view.Scale bars:0.1 mm for B;1.0 mm for D; 0.5 mm for the remaining.
Figure 4.
Gammarus pontual
, male paratype (MZUSP 40977):(A) Right gnathopod 1, lateral view;(B) Left gnathopod 1, mesial view.Scale bars:1.0 mm.
Figure 5.
Gammarus pontual
,male paratype (MZUSP 40977):(A) Right gnathopod 2, lateral view;(B) Left gnathopod 2, mesial view.Scale bars:1.0 mm.
Figure 6.
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
, male paratype (MZUSP 40977):(A) Right pereopod 3, lateral view;(B) Right pereopod 4,lateral view;(C) Right pereopod 5, lateral view;(D) Right pereopod 6,lateral view;(E) Right pereopod 7, lateral view.Scale bars:1.0 mm.
Figure 7.
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
, male holotype (MZUSP 40976): (A-C) Epimeral plates 1-3, lateral view, respectively. Male paratype (MZUSP 40977): (D-F) Uropods 1-3, lateral view,respectively;(G)Telson,dorsal view.Scale bars:0.5 mm for G;2.0 mm for A-C;1.0 mm for the remaining.
Figure 8.
Gammarus pontual
, male paratype (MZUSP 40977):(A-C) Pleopods 1-3, dorsal view,respectively.Scale bars:1.0 mm.
Epimeral plate 1
Fig. 7A
) anterior margin with 11 setae extending to anteroventral corner, facial ridge present, posteroventral corner with short spine bearing 1 short seta, posterior margin rounded.
Epimeral plate 2
Fig. 7B
) anterior margin weakly concave, facial ridge present, with 1 facial stout seta, ventral margin with 3 submarginal stout setae, posteroventral corner sharply pointed, posterior margin with 3 setae.
Epimeral plate 3
Fig. 7C
) anterior margin weakly concave, anteroventral corner with 2 stout setae, ventral margin with 1 submarginal stout seta, posteroventral corner sharply pointed, posterior margin with 1 seta.
Pleopod 1
Fig. 8A
) peduncle with sparse clusters of setae, innerdistal margin with 2 retinacula and 3 slender setae;rami subequal,covered with plumose setae, with 21-24 articles.
Pleopod 2
Fig. 8B
) peduncle with sparse submarginal clusters of setae, innerdistal margin with 2 retinacula and 2 slender setae; rami subequal, covered with plumose setae, with 21-23 articles.
Pleopod 3
Fig. 8C
) peduncle with sparse clusters of setae, innerdistal margin with 2 retinacula and 2 slender setae; rami subequal, covered with plumose setae, with 21-25 articles.
Urosomite 1
Fig. 1B
) dorsally with 2-2-2 stout setae.
Urosomite 2
Fig. 1C
) dorsally with 1-2-1 stout setae accompanied by slender setae.
Urosomite 3
Fig. 1D
) dorsal margin with 2-0-2 stout setae, bearing 2 slender setae in the middle.
Uropod 1
Fig. 7D
) peduncle about 4.4 times longer than wide, with 1 stout basofacial seta, dorsomesial margin with 2 stout setae, dorsolateral margin with 4 stout setae; inner ramus slightly longer than outer, about 0.7 times the length of peduncle, dorsal margin naked, apically with 5 stout setae; outer ramus about 0.6 times the length of peduncle, dorsal margin with 1 stout seta, apically with 4 stout setae.
Uropod 2
Fig. 7E
) peduncle about 3.3 times longer than wide, dorsomesial margin with 2 stout setae, dorsolateral margin with 3 stout setae; inner ramus about 1.4 times longer than outer and slightly shorter than peduncle, dorsal margin with 1 stout seta, apically with 5 stout setae; outer ramus dorsal margin with 2 stout setae, apically with 5 stout setae.
Uropod 3
Fig. 7F
) peduncle about 1.5 times longer than wide, distolaterally with 1 slender and 5 stout setae, distomesially with 1 stout seta; outer ramus about 1.2 times longer than inner, covered with long plumose setae, ventral margin with 2 pairs of 2 stout setae, article 2 short, apically with 4 long plumose setae; inner ramus covered with plumose setae.
Fig. 7G
) slightly longer than wide, about 80% cleft, exceeding the peduncle of uropod 3, apically with 2 stout, 1 brush and 5 slender setae, dorsally with 1 slender and 2 brush setae on each side, dorsolaterally with 1 stout and 1 short slender setae on one side only.
This species is named after conservation biologist Francisco Pontual, in recognition for his efforts
directed towards habitat protection.The specific epithet,
is to be used as a name in apposition.
Type locality:
Lake Tong Tso, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
is herein assigned to
whose diagnostic characters (
et al.,
) are readily recognized in the new species. They are as follow: head with truncated cephalic lateral lobe and small eyes (
Fig. 2A
); antenna 1 with developed accessory flagellum (
Fig. 2B
); antenna 2 without calceoli (
Fig. 2C
); maxillae 1-2 (
Fig. 3A, C
, respectively) with mesial margins densely setose; coxa 4 posteriorly excavated (
Fig. 6C
); gnathopod 2 (
Fig. 5A, B
) larger than 1; pereopods (
Fig. 6
A-E) with stout and slender setae; epimeral plates 2-3 (
Fig. 7B, C
) posteroventral corner acute; rami of uropod 3 (
Fig. 7F
) densely setose; telson (
Fig. 7G
) cleft, lobes with stout and slender setae apically.
Four species group of
have been recognized from the Tibetan Plateau (viz.
Hou & Li, 2018
): (1) the
G. lacustris
G.O. Sars, 1863
species group, consisting of five species, defined by the uropod 3 inner ramus longer than half of the length of the outer ramus, and by having both rami covered with plumose setae; (2) the cave-dwelling group, encompassing two eyeless species; (3) the
G. sinuolatus
Hou & Li, 2004
species group composed of one species and characterized by the uropod 3 with both rami bearing long simple setae; and (4)
G. kangdingensis
Hou & Li, 2018
species group formed by seven species with rami of uropod 3 presenting few simple or plumose setae (
Hou & Li, 2018
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
clearly belongs to the
G. lacustris
G.O. Sars, 1863
species group, which consists of five species:
G. lacustris
G. lasaensis
Barnard & Dai, 1988
G. hongyuanensis
Barnard & Dai, 1988
G. frigidus
Hou & Li, 2004
; and
G. jaspidus
Hou & Li, 2004
. The new species additionally resembles the species in the
G. lacustris
species group by presenting the following characters: truncated cephalic lateral lobe; weakly setose coxae 1-7; pyriform gnathopod 1 propodus; subrectangular gnathopod 2 propodus. However,
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
differs from the above congeners as follows: from
G. lacustris
in having (character states in
G. lacustris
within round brackets) small eyes (
Fig. 2A
) (
medium size eyes); maxilla 2 (
Fig. 3C
) strongly setose (
moderately setose); short gnathopod 1 (
Fig. 4A, B
) carpus, about 1.3 times longer than wide (
1.6 times longer than wide), propodus lateral margin without facial stout setae (
facial stout setae formula 3-2-1-1); palm defined by 1 stout seta (
palm defined by 2 stout setae); gnathopod 2 (
Fig. 5A, B
) mesial margin with facial cluster of 3 stout setae near palmar corner (
mesial side with only 1 stout seta); pereopods 5-7 (
Fig. 6
C-E) with basis slen- der (
basis robust); posterior margin of epimeral plate 1 (
Fig. 7A
) produced into a short spine (
posterior margin not produced); posteroventral spine of the epimeral plates 2-3 (
Fig. 7B, C
) moderately projected and rather blunt (
strongly projected and sharp); urosomites 1-3 (
Fig. 1
B-D) dorsal stout setae formula: 2-2-2, 1-2-1, and 2-0-2 (
formula 1-2-1, 1-2-1, and 1-0-1, respectively); telson (
Fig. 7G
) dorsolateral margin with 1 stout seta (
stout setae absent).
It differs from
G. lasaensis
in having (character states in
G. lasaensis
within round brackets): small eyes (
Fig. 2A
) (
large size eyes); antenna 2 (
Fig. 2C
) without calceoli (
calceoli present), gland cone straight (
curved upwards); gnathopod 1 (
Fig. 4A, B
) propodus mesial margin without facial stout setae (
facial stout setae formula 3-2-1), palm defined by 1 stout seta and weakly armed (
defined by 2 stout setae and strongly armed); gnathopod 2 (
Fig. 5A, B
) palm lateral margin with only 1 stout seta medially (
3 stout setae); epimeral plate 1 (
Fig. 7A
) posterior margin glabrous (
posterior margin provided with 3 setae); epimeral plates 2-3 (
Fig. 7B, C
) posteroventral corner sharply pointed in a moderate length (
stronger length and more acute corner); urosomites 1-3 (
Fig. 1
B-D) with dorsal stout setae formula: 2-2-2, 1-2-1, and 2-0-2 (
formula 3-2-3, 3-2-3, and 3-2-3, respectively); length of telson (
Fig. 7G
) exceeding the peduncle of uropod 3 (
length of telson falling short of distal tip of the peduncle), telson apex with 2 stout setae on each side (
3-4 stout setae).
The following characters can be used to distinguish
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
G. hongyuanensis
(characters for the later species within round brackets): small eyes (
Fig. 2A
) (
large size eyes); antenna 1 (
Fig. 2B
) accessory flagellum 3-articulate (
4-articulate); antenna 2 (
Fig. 2C
) without calceoli (
calceoli present); coxae 1-4 (
Figs. 4A
6A, B
) with no more than 3 setae (
usually with 3-6 setae); gnathopod 1 (
Fig. 4A, B
) propodus lateral margin devoid of facial stout setae and palm weakly armed (
facial stout setae formula 4-1-2 and palm strongly armed); gnathopod 2 (
Fig. 5A, B
) mesial margin with 3 stout setae (
2 stout setae on margin); pereopod 6 (
Fig. 6D
) basis rather straight (
basis weakly sinuate); epimeral plate 1 (
Fig. 7A
) posterior margin glabrous (
with 4 setules on posterior margin); epimeral plate 2 (
Fig. 7B
) posteroventral spine moderately project- ed (
weakly projected); urosomites 1-3 (
Fig. 1
B-D) dorsal stout setae formula: 2-2-2, 1-2-1, and 2-0-2 (
formula: 2-2-2, 2-2-2, and 2-0-2, respectively); telson (
Fig. 7G
) length exceeding the peduncle of uropod 3 (
length of telson falling short of distal tip of the peduncle).
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
G. frigidus
can be separated from each other in that the former species (characters for the latter species within round brackets) possess smaller eyes (
Fig. 2A
) (
medium size eyes); the antenna 2 (
Fig. 2C
) gland cone almost reaching to the apex of the third peduncular article (
gland cone distinctly reaching to the apex), no calceoli in the flagellum (
calceoli present); 6 short stout and 2 slender setae in the right maxilla 1 palp (
Fig. 3B
) (
palp with 5 stout and 1 slender setae); the inner plate of maxilla 2 (
Fig. 3C
) with facial oblique row of 53 slender setae (
row of only 32 plumose setae); the coxa 4 (
Fig. 6B
) about 1.2 times longer than wide (
coxa 4 as long as wide); the posterior margin of the gnathopod 1 (
Fig. 4A, B
) propodus without stout setae (
9 stout setae on propodus); the gnathopod 2 (
Fig. 5A, B
) carpus distinctly shorter than propodus, being about 0.7 times the length of propodus (
carpus only slightly shorter than propodus) and acute palm (
transverse palm); slender and long pereopods 5-7 (
Fig. 6
C-E) basis (
robust and short basis); the urosomites 1-3 (
Fig. 1
B-D) not dorsally elevated and dorsal stout setae formula: 2-2-2, 1-2-1, and 2-0-2 (
urosomites 1-2 slightly dorsally elevated and formula: 3-2-1-3, 3-2-3, and 2-0-2, respectively); 1 dorsal stout seta on the uropod 1 (
Fig. 7D
) outer ramus (
3 dorsal stout setae); the telson (
Fig. 7G
) apex provided with 2 stout setae on each side (
telson apex with 3-4 stout setae on each side).
Gammarus pontual
sp. nov.
distinguishes itself from
G. jaspidus
by having (characters for the later species within round brackets) small eyes (
Fig. 2A
) (
medium size eyes); the antenna 2 (
Fig. 2C
) flagellum without calceoli (
some articles only with calceoli); the palp of the right maxilla 1 (
Fig. 3B
) with 6 short stout and 2 slender setae (
right maxilla 1 with 5 stout and 2 slender setae); the maxilla 2 (
Fig. 3C
) inner plate with facial oblique row of 53 slender setae (
27 plumose setae); the posteri- or margin of the gnathopods 1-2 (
Figs. 4A, B
5A, B
) propodus without stout setae (
10 and 6 stout setae on the gnathopods 1-2 propodus, respectively); the posteri- or margin of the pereopods 3-4(
) meri with short to medium setae (
meri with very long setae); the pleonites 1-3 not dorsally elevated and devoid of setae, (
pleonites 1-3 weakly dorsally elevated and provided with several short setae); the pleopod 2 (
Fig. 8B
) with 2 retinacula (
pleopod 2 with 3 retinacula); the urosomites 1-3 (
Fig. 1
B-D) not dorsally elevated and dorsal stout setae formula: 2-2-2, 1-2-1, and 2-0-2 (
urosomites 1-2 elevated and dorsal stout setae formula: 3-3-1-3, 2-2-2, and 0-2-0, respectively); and the uropod 1 (
Fig. 7D
) outer ramus with 1 dorsal stout seta (
3 stout setae).