Culicoides Latreille and Leptoconops Skuse biting midges of the southwestern United States with emphasis on the Canyonlands of southeastern Utah (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Author Phillips, Robert A. 2962 Desert Road Moab, UT 84532 USA text Insecta Mundi 2022 2022-01-28 2022 907 1 214 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.6391684 1942-1354 6391684 CBD29188-143B-44DF-BE21-1654D50D8621 Culicoides ( Drymodesmyia ) torridus Wirth and Hubert ( Fig. 109 , 163, 203) Culicoides ( Oecacta ) torridus Wirth and Hubert, 1960: 654 (key; numerical characters; female; male genitalia; fig. female wing, palpus, spermathecae, male genitalia, parameres; Arizona ). Culicoides ( Drymodesmyia ) torridus : Wirth et al. 1985: 16 (numerical characters; fig. female wing). Wirth et al. 1988: 28 (numerical characters; fig. female wing). Borkent and Spinelli 2000: 31 (in Neotropical catalog). Diagnosis. ( Tables 14 , 15 ) Dark brown; wing pattern distinct; r 2 dark; distal pale spot in r 3 bilobed, divided into two distinct spots; pale spots at ~0.3 on M 1 and at ~0.5 on M 2 ; one pale bilobed spot in distal half of anal cell; tips of M 1 , M 2 , sometimes CuA 1 pale; most of CuA 1 and CuA 2 within dark areas; pore of sensory pit on palpal segment 3 <0.3 the diameter of segment, widening internally (as in Fig. 248 C . sitiens ); tibiae without subapical pale band; spermathecae unequal by ~1.2×, ~1.1× longer than wide; ventro-posterior membrane of male sternite 9 not spiculate; ventral apodeme of gonocoxite simple; aedeagus somewhat Y-shaped, constricting at base of median process, tapering to truncate tip ~0.17 width of arm spread, aedeagal ratio 0.38 (0.33–0.41, n = 15); parameres separate, narrowest diameter of paramere before first ~90° bend in apical half 0.0032 mm ( 0.0025 –0.0037 , n = 15), apices simple pointed bent. Distribution. California , Nevada (Clark County, new state record ), Arizona (Greenlee County, new state record ), Baja California , Baja California Sur , San Luis Potosi ( new state record [ Monarch 2021 ]), Puebla ( new state record [ Monarch 2021 ]), Oaxaca ( new state record [ Monarch 2021 ]). A male was collected with UVLT on 2 April 2019 at 36.14032°N 114.72704°W and 384 m elevation in Nevada ; and a female and three males were collected with UVLT on 10 October 2019 at 32.96215°N 109.30566°W and 1056 m elevation in Arizona . Larval ecology and adult behavior. Culicoides torridus has been reared from rot holes in Pachycereus schottii ( Ryckman 1960 ) and Ferocactus cylindraceus (data from slide labeled Riverside County, California , 9 April 1996 , collector M. Breidenbaugh). However, its adult hosts are unknown though the mandibular and lacinial teeth on the female indicate it feeds on vertebrate blood. Remarks. Males of C . torridus and C . cacticola can be difficult to distinguish, and there is genetic evidence that they are conspecific (Xinmi Zhang, personal communication). The C . torridus males were collected in the same traps in Clark County, Nevada , and Greenlee County, Arizona , as the C . cacticola males ( Table 9 ), lending circumstantial evidence to this. See C . cacticola remarks. Subgenus Haematomyidium Goeldi