A taxonomic study of the genus Te t r a Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae: Phyllocoptinae: Anthocoptini) from Shaanxi Province, China with descriptions of nine new species
Xue, Xiao-Feng
Song, Zi-Wei
Hong, Xiao-Yue
journal article
Key to species in the genus
1 Coxal area smooth......................................................................................................... 2
Coxal area with short lines or granules ....................................................................... 12
2 Setae
Tetra intermedia
present............................................................................................................. 3
3 Empodium 7rayed
Tetra yushania
Empodium 4rayed........................................................................................................ 4
4 Coxal area with prosternal apodeme
Tetra similisforca
Coxal area without prosternal apodeme ........................................................................ 5
5 Shield design without median line ................................................................................ 6
Shield design with median line ..................................................................................... 8
6 Admedian lines on prodorsal shield separate
Tetra acerii
sp. nov.
Admedian lines on prodorsal shield connected............................................................. 7
7 Admedian lines on prodorsal shield connected at basal 2/3
Tetra toona
Admedian lines on prodorsal shield connected at base
Tetra sorbusis
sp. nov.
8 Shield design with median line separate from admedian lines
Tetra lucidi
sp. nov.
Shield design with median line connected with admedian lines................................... 9
9 Shield design with median line 1/3 anterior, female genital coverflap with 8 to 10 lon gitudinal ridges
Tetra guiyangensis
Kuang & Hong
Shield design with median line 1/3 at base, female genital coverflap with more than 10 longitudinal ridges....................................................................................................... 10
10 Femur Ι and ΙΙ with longitudinal lines
Tetra polygoni
Wei, Chen & Xie
Femur smooth.............................................................................................................. 11
11 Shield design with admedian lines connected at basal 1/3, admedian and submedian lines separate
Tetra clerodendri
Wei, Chen & Xie
Shield design with admedian lines connected at basal 1/3 and 2/3, admedian and sub median lines connected
Tetra smilaxis
sp. nov.
12 Coxal area with granules............................................................................................. 13
Coxal area with short lines .......................................................................................... 15
13 Female
genital coverflap smooth, empodium 7rayed ...................................................
Tetra dalbergiae
Kuang & Zhuo
Female genital coverflap with 10 longitudinal ridges, empodium 4rayed................. 14
14 Prodorsal shield with lateral lobe, dorsal annuli with elliptical microtubercles. ............
Tetra ningshanis
sp. nov.
Prodorsal shield without lateral lobe, dorsal annuli with spiny microtubercles..............
Tetra suspensae
Xue & Hong
15 Dorsal annuli with microtubercles .............................................................................. 16
Dorsal annuli smooth .................................................................................................. 23
16 Empodium 2rayed
Tetra concava
Empodium more than 2rayed..................................................................................... 17
17 Dorsal annuli with elliptical microtubercles ............................................................... 18
Dorsal annuli with spiny or filament microtubercles .................................................. 20
18 Empodium 4rayed, shield design obscure
Tetra cuihuae
sp. nov.
Empodium 6 to 7rayed, shield design distinct ........................................................... 19
19 Solenidion knobbed, dorsal annuli with elliptical microtubercles on rear annular mar gins
Tetra salixis
sp. nov.
Solenidion tapered, dorsal annuli with elliptical microtubercles ahead of rear annular margins
Tetra japonicae
Xue & Hong
20 Empodium 4rayed
Tetra pinnatifidae
sp. nov.
Empodium 6 to 7rayed............................................................................................... 21
21 Shield design with median line complete
Tetra formosae
Xue & Hong
Shield design with median line incomplete................................................................. 22
22 Shield design with granules on lines, median line connected with admedian lines at basal 1/3
Tetra lobatae
Xue & Hong
Shield design without granules on lines, median and admedian lines separate ..............
Tetra superbae
Huang & Wang
23 Prodorsal shield smooth
Tetra louguantais
sp. nov.
Prodorsal shield with design ....................................................................................... 24
24 Median line on prodorsal shield present ..................................................................... 25
Median line on prodorsal shield absent....................................................................... 29
25 Median, admedian and submedian lines complete and separated each other .................
Tetra phyllostachyis
Kuang & Zhang
Prodorsal shield design network ................................................................................. 26
26 Setae
Tetra shiheziensis
Wang & Lu
absent............................................................................................................ 27
27 Prodorsal shield without median line at base
Tetra gleditsiae
Kuang & Luo
Prodorsal shield with median line at base ................................................................... 28
28 Female
coverflap with 3 transverse lines at base and 5 to 8 longitudinal ridges, median line connected with admedian lines at basal, central and anterior ..................................
Tetra cleomis
Female coverflap with 8 longitudinal ridges, median line connected with admedian lines at basal
Tetra lycopersici
Xue & Hong
29 Coxal area without prosternal apodeme
Tetra lushuiensis
Kuang & Hong
Coxal area with prosternal apodeme ........................................................................... 30
30 Empodium 6rayed, submedian lines present
Tetra nanjingensis
Lin, Jin & Kuang
Empodium 4rayed, submedian lines absent............................................................... 31
31 Admedian lines connected at base, female coverflap with 12 to 14 longitudinal ridges
Tetra populi
Admedian lines separate, female coverflap with 8 to 10 longitudinal ridges .................
Tetra heilongjiangensis