A review of the genus Stenoloba Staudinger, 1892 from China, with description of 6 new species and 7 new records for China (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Bryophilinae) Author Han, H. L. School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, CH- 150014 China. E-mail: hanhuilin @ yahoo. com. cn Laboratory of Entomology, Institute of Biology and Soil Science Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, RF- 690022 Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail: kononenko @ ibss. dvo. ru Corresponding author Author Kononenko, V. S. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-10-20 2268 1 1 22 https://www.biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2268.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2268.1.1 1175-5326 5306321 Stenoloba lanceola Ronkay, 2001 ( Figs. 35, 37 ) Stenoloba lanceola Ronkay, 2001 , Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationals Hungarici . 93: 228, figs 6, 16, Type locality: N Vietnam , Mt. Fan-si-pan, W-side, Chapa , 1600–1800m . Holotype : male, preserved in HNHM, Budapest. Material examined. 1 male , China , Aut. Reg. Quanxi, Jingxiu , Jinzhang road, 1000 m , 10–12.v.1999 ( H.X. Han ). Coll. IZCAS . FIGURES 39–44. Stenoloba spp. , female genitalia. 39. S. yunley , paratype, genit. prep. HHL-1333-2; 40. S. manley , Japan, genit. prep. 691 VK. IBSS; 41. S. viridinivea , paratype, genit. prep. HHL-1337-2a; 42. S. brunneola , genit prep. HHL-1334-2a; 43. S. lichenosella , genit. prep. CAU-104-2; 44. S. viridescens , genit. prep. HHL-1336-2. FIGURE 45. Collecting sites for Stenoloba in China. Prov. Yunnan: 1. Jiangcheng; 2. Pur; 3. Mojiang; 4. Yongsheng; 5. Qujing. Aut. Reg. Guangxi: 6. Miaorshan; 7. Xingan; 8. Guilin; 9. Jinxiu; 10. Longzhou; 11. Napo; 12. Nanning; 13. Shangsi; 14. Fangcheng. Prov. Hainan: 15. Diaolou; 16. Jianfengling. Prov. Sichuan: 17. Mt. Emei; 18. Mt. Qingcheng. Prov. Hunan: 19. Guzhang. Prov. Jiangxi, 20. Dayu. Prov. Fujian: 21.Shanghang; 22. Taipingqiao; 23. Guadun. 24. Aut. Reg. Xizang: Motuo. 25. Prov. Shaanxi: Tianmushan. Diagnosis. The species was described in a distinct, monotypic species group of Stenoloba ( Ronkay 2001 ) . It differs from its congeners by narrow, lanceolate shape of forewing, somewhat resembling Selepa Moore, 1858 , but the presence of a frons prominence, thoracic tuft and male genitalic structures confirm its placement in Stenoloba . Externally the species ( Fig. 35 ) is recognized by narrow, lancet-shaped forewing with white basal and subterminal fields and prominent wide, oblique, dark-brown medial shadow and well marked reniform stigma. In male genitalia ( Fig. 37 ) the uncus rudimental, tegumen shorter than vinculum, valva long, extended apically, with acute ventral extension on apex; aedeagus long, vesica tubular, scobinated in mid part, armed with long, finger-like terminal cornutus and short fine spines. Distribution. North Vietnam , South China (Aut. Reg. Guangxi , first record).