Octocollis, a new genus and Octocollis setosus, a new species of Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Queensland, Australia Author Moeseneder, Christian H. Author Hutchinson, Paul M. text Zootaxa 2012 3557 40 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.212326 47e2acc9-e6fa-4f25-85a3-9707fee51aed 1175-5326 212326 Octocollis gen. n. Differential diagnosis. Males of Octocollis have a unique combination of relevant and easily visible characters that readily distinguish it from other Australian cetoniine genera and species ( Table 1 ). TABLE 1. Comparison of Octocollis males with Australian cetoniine genera that share selected distinctive characters. This table is only valid for males since females of Octocollis are unknown. Remark: 1except in Clithria bacchusi ( Allard, 1995 ) . 1871 , 1886 1914 , Macleay 1842 Poll, Lea , Burmeister de van fossor hirticeps Kirby, 1825 Octocollis Clithria Neoclithria Pseudoclithria Pseudoclithria Schizorhina Mesometasternal process almost absent Antennal club large, at least as long as head Pronotum almost circular Pronotum widest at midlength, base constricted Elongate mesotarsomere and metatarsomere, longer than mesotibia and metatibia 1 Complex genitalia, parameres with appendages Elytra completely and evenly setose Humeral emargination indistinct Type species. Octocollis setosus new species , here designated. Description . Male ( Fig. 1 ). Head ( Fig. 3 ) Clypeus quadrate, weakly divergent post antennal insertion; gena (lateral declivity) vertical; lateral margins non-parallel, moderately raised and broadly arcuate to apex; clypeus and frons pilose. Antenna with 10 antennomeres; club with 3 antennomeres, at least as long as head. Thorax. Pronotum weakly 8-sided, at distance appearing subcircular, weakly transverse; basal lobe obsolete, weakly sinuate; posterolateral angle obtuse; lateral margin convex, widest at midlength; surface densely punctate, setose. Scutellum slightly longer than wide. Elytron weakly bicostate (not counting sutural costa), covering abdominal sternites; posthumeral emargination shallow, sweeping, only laterally visible; entirely covered in setae. Metacoxa barely exposed. Mesepimeron clearly visible dorsally adjacent to elytra; sutural costa margin linear-punctate terminating adjacent to apex of scutellum. Mesometasternal process ( Fig. 5 ) undeveloped. Metasternum 2.5 times as wide as long. Legs ( Fig. 4 ). Long; combined length of mesotibia and mesotarsi and combined length of metatibia and metatarsi longer than elytra. Profemur entirely laterally flattened, weakly attenuate, subparallel. Protibia parallel and tridentate; apical denticle acute, surpassing apex of first tarsomere; apical spur short, acute and approximately reaching apex of first tarsomere; series of short setae at apex. Protarsi elongate; claws simple, symmetrical. Mesofemur laterally flat, non-parallel; posterior margin convex. Mesotibia long, linear, subparallel, posterior margin bidentate; proximal surface ungrooved; apex bispinose; two apical spurs long, fine, acute, unequal length. Mesotarsi elongate, claws simple, symmetrical. Metafemur entirely laterally flattened, non-parallel, anterior margin convex. Metatibia long, linear, evenly weakly divergent to apex, posterior margin unidentate near midlength; proximal surface ungrooved; apex bispinose; two apical spurs long, fine acute, unequal length. Metatarsi elongate; claws simple, symmetrical. Abdomen. Sternites 3–5 with median longitudinal impression. Pygidium transverse, length:width ratio 1:1.5, evenly convex, concentrically rugose. Genitalia ( Fig. 6 ). Phallobase 1.5 x length of parameres. Parameres elongate, incurved at apex, bearing broad, long projection near apex, which can be mistaken for main apex. Discussion. Krikken (1984) noted that he had seen Australian specimens with approximated mesocoxa as well as oddities and undescribed forms that would require new genera to be established. He confirmed that Octocollis setosus is among these and needs to be placed in a new genus (J. Krikken, personal communication). Octocollis is herewith assigned to the tribe Schizorhinini. Etymology. The genus name Octocollis is derived from the Latin words octo , meaning eight, and collum , meaning neck. The combination of words identifies a beetle with an eight-sided neck shield.