New species of Protosticta Selys from Vietnam with a key to the males of the P. curiosa group (Odonata: Platystictidae) Author Kompier, Tom text Zootaxa 2016 4193 2 347 360 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4193.2.9 82b05856-1eeb-41d1-bc8b-c2dcb7883310 1175-5326 166958 52692E2F-8D7D-4C55-8A04-917C7D2A4D3D 1. Protosticta proboscis spec. nov. ( Figs. 1–5 ) Type specimens . Holotype Ƌ: Lagi Coco resort, Bao Loc , Lam Dong Province , southern Vietnam ( 11.641 N , 107.742 E ), 18.V.2016 , T. Kompier leg . Paratype Ƌ same location, date and collector. Both in RMNH . Etymology . The specific name proboscis means a long nose and refers to the elongated and drooping shape of the apical lobe of the cerci. It is a noun in apposition. Description of male holotype . Head . Anteclypeus and labrum bluish white with lower margin of labrum black. Genae bluish white adjacent to labrum, laterally black. Antennae blackish brown, first and second segments pale yellow; postclypeus, frons, vertex and occiput entirely black. Prothorax ( Fig. 1 ). Pale yellow, but posterior lobe black. Synthorax ( Fig. 1 ). Mesepisternum and mesepimeron black with greenish shine. Mesinfraepisternum almost completely black, but small pale yellow marking adjacent to coxae. Metepisternum and metepimeron pale yellow with broad black stripe over metapleural suture continuing over metinfraepisternum. Legs pale yellow with black stripe over flexor surface; spines and claws brown. Wings . Hyaline, 13 postnodal crossveins in forewing, 12 in hindwing. Pterostigma dark brown, covering one cell. Abdomen. Colored as follows: S1–2 dark brown dorsally and pale yellow ventrally; S3–7 dark brown with pale yellow anterior apical ring, pale yellow posterior subapical ring and posterior blackish-brown apical ring; S8 blackish brown with pale yellow ventral mark anteriorly; S9 almost entirely white; S10 blackish brown. Anal appendages ( Figs. 2 –3) black; cerci first upcurved, then strongly curved downward from two-fifths, lacking dorsal tooth in lateral view, the curvature smooth; on the downward trajectory the lateral ridge continues to become the apical lobe, which is long and droops. Paraprocts with elongated tip, tapering, the distal part hollowed out to form a cup without a spine at its distal margin. FIGURE 1. Thorax of male P. proboscis spec. nov., holotype. FIGURE 2 . Appendages of male P. proboscis spec. nov. in dorsolateral view. FIGURE 3 . Left appendages of male P. proboscis spec. nov. in lateral view. Measurements (mm). Hind wing 21; abdomen including appendages 36. Variation in paratype . Abdomen including appendages 35mm . Female . Unknown. FIGURE 4 . Male P. proboscis spec. nov., 18.V.2016, Lam Dong Province, paratype before capture. FIGURE 5 . Male P. proboscis spec. nov., 18.V.2016, Lam Dong Province, paratype before capture, same as in Fig. 4. Diagnosis. This species is very similar in general appearance to P. linnaei van Tol, 2008 , and P. socculus Phan & Kompier, 2016 . It shares the same prothorax and synthorax pattern and like these two species has all white S9, but is best identified by the very different shape of the cerci, characterized by the drooping apical lobe.