Studies on the Miridae (Phylinae, addenda to Deraeocorinae and Orthotylinae) of Khuzestan and the adjacent provinces of Iran (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) Author Linnavuori, Rauno E. text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2010 2010-12-15 50 2 369 414 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5326810 0374-1036 5326810 Key to species of Sthenaropsis Poppius, 1912 1. Totally or largely black to dark brown species. ............................................................ 2 – Yellow or greenish species with fulvous or dark markings. ....................................... 10 2. Upper surface totally black to blackish brown. ............................................................. 3 – Upper surface also with pale areas. ............................................................................... 8 3. Head in apical view about 1.4–1.5× as broad as high. .................................................. 4 – Head in apical view broader, 1.6–1.7× as broad as high. .............................................. 6 4. Dorsal surface with dense adpressed long scale-like silvery hairs. Ocular index 1.78–1.90 (J), 2.13.–2.26 ( ). Vesica as in Fig. 18C–E . Iraq . ...... S. convolvuli Linnavuori, 1984 – Dorsal surface with short adpressed yellowish pubescence. ......................................... 5 5. Body more elongate, 2.9–3.4× as long as basal width of pronotum. Ocular index smaller: 1.8–2.0 (J). Antennae gracile, antennomere 2 0.77–0.87× as long as basal width of pronotum. Vesica as in Fig. 15J . Iran . ............................................. S. zeydoonica sp. nov. – Body broa der, about 2.55× as long as basal width of pronotum. Ocular index larger: 2.17–2.3 (J), 2.3–2.5 ( ). Antennomere 2 only about 0.67× as long as basal width of pronotum. Vesica as in Fig. 20B–C . Iran . ................ S. schachrudica Linnavuori, 1964 6. Antennae remarkably gracile, uniformly pale yellow. Vesica as in Fig. 19D–E . Central Asia. .......................................................................... S. gracilicornis Linnavuori, 1964 – Antennae yellowish brown, more incrassate. ................................................................ 7 Fig.19. A–B – Sthenaropsis kuhestak Linnavuori, 2004 , vesica. C – S. lamellaris Linnavuori, 1986 , apex of vesica. D–E – S. gracilicornis Linnavuori, 1964 , vesica (after Linnavuor i 2004). Fig. 20. A – Sthenaropsis obscura Poppius,1912 , vesica (specimen from Parvand, Khorasan).B C – S.schachrudica Linnavuori, 1964 : B – vesica; C – apex of vesica. D – S. variegata Poppius, 1912 , vesica.E – S. piperata Linnavuori, 1964 , vesica (after Linnavuor i & Modar r es 1999 (A–C) and Put shkov 1977 (D–E)). 7. Vesica ( Fig. 18A–B ) very robust, provided with broad lateral lamella. Saudi Arabia . ... ........................................................................................ S. lamellaris Linnavuori, 1986 – Vesica ( Fig. 19A–B ) much longer and more gracile with narrow lateral lamella. Iran . .. .......................................................................................... S. kuhestak Linnavuori, 2004 8. Blackish brown with base of corium and margin of clavus yellowish ( Fig. 29A ). Vesica as in Fig. 15E . Iran . ............................................................................. S. fedori sp. nov. – Colouration different. .................................................................................................... 9 9. Males and females pale brown with silvery scales. Clavus not dark. Ocular index larger: 1.9–2.3 (J), 2.2–2.4 ( ). Vesica ( Fig. 20A ) long and weakly curved. Female as in Fig. 17D . Central Asia, Iran . ......................................................... S. obscura Poppius, 1912 – Head, pronotum and scutellum in males usually entirely black, in females yellow with black spots and stripes, scales golden. Claws in both sexes black. Ocular index smaller: 1.8–2.0 (J), 2.1–2.3 ( ). Vesica ( Fig. 16G ) strongly curved. See also Figs. 16D–H , 17C . China , Mongolia . .......................................................... S. gobica V. G. Putshkov, 1977 10. Body yellow with large paired black spots on head and pronotum, hemelytra impunctate. Antennomere 2 distinctly thinner than fore tibia. Vesica ( Fig. 20D ) short. See also Fig. 16C . Central Asia. ............................................................... S. variegata Poppius, 1912 – Body greenish grey without black spots. Antennomere 2 somewhat thicker than fore tibia. Vesica ( Fig. 19E ) short and thick. See also Fig. 17E . Central Asia. ...................... ........................................................................................... S. piperata Linnavuori, 1964