New records of Indo-Pacific sponges from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands India Author Pereira, Preeti Andaman and Nicobar Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Haddo- 744 102, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Author Raghunathan, Chelladurai Andaman and Nicobar Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Haddo- 744 102, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. & Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore- 700 053, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-08 4894 4 81 97 journal article 9308 10.11646/zootaxa.4894.1.4 56f8a697-33e1-4ece-8e49-e8bf44fb34ef 1175-5326 4315490 2F3A5F52-6DDC-4472-8083-9DDE42BBA5FE Clathrina clara Klautau & Valentine, 2003 ( Figures 6 A–D) Synonymy: Clathrina clara Klautau & Valentine 2003: 46–47 , fig. 39; Veena and Laxmilatha 2011: 2–3 , fig.1, 2 Material examined: 1 specimen , ZSI/ANRC–20973, September 15, 2017 , Rutland Island (site I), South Andaman , Coll. Preeti Pereira. Description : Encrusting on the undersurface of rocks shaded from sunlight; the specimen examined comprised a thin network of loosely anastomosed tubes. Water-collecting tubes are present, with raised oscula ( 0.5 cm high and 1cm wide); specimen colour white when alive and on preservation ( Fig. 6A ); consistency soft and fragile. FIGURE 6. Clathrina clara Klautau & Valentine, 2003 (ZSI/ANRC–20973): A, preserved specimen, B, microscopic view of a fragment of cormus. C, giant triactine. D, smaller triactine. Spicules: The spicules are equiangular and equiradiate triactines in two size categories ( Fig. 6B ); actines smooth, conical, with sharp ends. Larger triactines ( Fig. 6C ) measuring 154.8–213.2–275.4 × 21.5–24.9– 31.2 µm , smaller triactines ( Fig. 6D ) measuring 60.6–97.2–130.1 × 3.3–6.6– 9.2 µm . Distribution : Clathrina clara is being reported for the first time from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Andaman province. Originally described by Klautau & Valentine (2003) from Christmas Island , Java Transitional province, this species has been known from Vishakapatnam, Bay of Bengal province ( Veena & Laxmilatha 2011 ). Clathrina clara is an Indo-Pacific species and its distribution range is restricted to the Central-west Indo-Pacific realm. Remarks : At present, Clathrina clara is known only from a single specimen from South Andaman. The specimen reported herein has retained its colour on preservation in isopropyl alcohol as opposed to colour change from white to brown in holotype as noted by Klautau & Valentine (2003) .