Taxonomy of ' Euconnus complex'. Part XVIII. Status of subgenera Palaeoconnus Franz and Heterotetramelus Franz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae) Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2018 2018-11-26 4524 5 567 580 journal article 27909 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.5.4 275d8c90-8134-4ab0-8dab-191e5c9bd490 1175-5326 2610764 BE46F4DF-7223-4ED1-BE66-EB462DE784E5 Subgenus Australosciacharoides subgen. n. Type species: Horaeomorphus maipotonensis Franz, 1975 (here designated). Diagnosis. Pronotum with a distinct transverse groove, lacking pits; hypostomal ridges reaching posterior tentorial pits; hypomeral ridges incomplete, largely obliterated, with only short anterior portions marked; anterolateral portions of prosternum laterally slightly overlapping hypomera; mesoventrite in front of mesocoxae with sharply demarcated median longitudinal carina, which is posteriorly gradually fused with precoxal region of mesoventrite, lacking posterior tip; each mesanepisternum with a brush of dense and long setae directed anterad and visible in dorsal view. Etymology. Combination of the continent name and the former genus Sciacharoides . Gender masculine. Composition & distribution. Heterotetramelus ( Australosciacharoides ) comprises only H. maipotonensis ( Franz, 1975 ) comb. n. (ex Sciacharoides ) known to occur in Australia .