Description of a new species of the Afrotropical spider genus Afroneutria (Araneae, Ctenidae)
Polotow, Daniele
Jocqué, Rudy
journal article
Key to
1. Males...............................................................................................2
- Females.............................................................................................7
2. RTA directed forward and reaching cymbium (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 5A
- RTA not reaching cymbium, either short or directed sideward (
Fig. 9
3. Embolus tip with anterior prong thin and much longer than posterior one; insertion of RTA near distal margin of tibia (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 5A
); tibia with two long pro- and retrolateral spines...........................
A. immortalis
Embolus tip with short and broad prongs; insertion of RTA somewhat behind anterior margin of tibia (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 11A
); tibia with one long lateral spine...........................................
A. hybrida
Polotow & Jocqué
4. MA straight; embolus not bifid but with posterior indentation near tip (
Fig. 9
A. tanga
new species
- MA sinuous; embolus bifid at tip (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 7A
5. Posterior prong of embolus tip thin, curved and clearly longer than anterior prong; RTA small and narrow (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 7A
); venter of the opisthosoma without black area (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 6B
A. erythrochelis
- Anterior prong of embolus tip the longest or both prongs of the same size; RTA large and broad (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: figs 3A, 9A
); venter of the opisthosoma with dark area (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: figs 2B, 8B
6. Prongs of embolus tip of the same length; RTA with sharp superior and inferior tips (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 3A
); venter of the opisthosoma with small black area not surpassing the middle, with two spots (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 2B
A. velox
- Anterior prong of embolus tip clearly longer than posterior one; RTA with sinuous, serrated distal margin (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 9A
); venter of the opisthosoma with large black area surpassing the middle, with four spots (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 8B
A. quadrimaculata
Polotow & Jocqué
7. Lateral projections sharp and strongly converging in an angle of 45° to the longitudinal axis; median sector fairly narrow, smoothly rounded towards narrow base (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 5D
); venter of the opisthosoma entirely black (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 4D
- Lateral projections blunt and less strongly converging (± 30°) to the longitudinal axis; median sector different from the described above (
Fig. 10
Polotow & Jocqué 2015
: figs 3D, 7C, 9D).............................................8
8. Median sector broad (L/W in the middle = 1.8); copulatory ducts ending in a close spire (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: figs 7C–D
); venter pale with a few darker spots (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 6D
A. erythrochelis
- Median sector narrower (L/W in the middle> 2.5); copulatory ducts not ending in close spire (
Figs 10–11
Polotow & Jocqué 2015
: figs 3D–E; 9D–E); venter with black area (
Fig. 4
Polotow & Jocqué 2015
: figs 2D, 8D)........................9
9. Median sector with strongly tapered anterior and rectangular posterior parts; copulatory ducts without forward running stretch (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 3D–E
); black area of abdominal venter not extended beyond the middle (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 2D
A. velox
- Median sector differently shaped; copulatory ducts with distal part running forward before connecting to the spermathecae (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: figs 9D–E
); ventral dark area of the opisthosoma venter extended beyond the middle (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 8D
10. Median sector narrow (L/W in the middle ± 3.5); copulatory ducts running forward and towards the middle before connection to the spermathecae, which are less than half their diameter apart (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: figs 9D–E
); ventral black area of the opisthosoma extended beyond the middle (
Polotow & Jocqué 2015: fig. 8D
A. quadrimaculata
Polotow & Jocqué
- Median sector wider (L/W in the middle ± 2.6); copulatory ducts running forward but not towards the middle before connection to the spermathecae, which are their diameter apart (
Figs 10–11
); venter of the opisthosoma with black area anterior to the epigastric furrow (
Fig. 4
A. tanga
new species