Three New Species of American Disteniinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Author Santos-Silva, Antonio Author Tirant, Stéphane Le text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2016 2016-06-30 70 2 297 304 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X-70.2.297 10106736 Novantinoe payettei Santos-Silva and Le Tirant , new species ( Figs. 1–5 ) Description. Holotype Male. Head brown, except for antennal tubercles orangish brown; anteclypeus reddish brown with orange-brown regions; labrum mostly reddish brown; palpi yellowish brown, slightly darker on apex of palpomeres; ventral side yellowish brown on center of base, gradually becoming reddish brown toward sides, and with triangular, small reddish brown region on center of region between lower eye lobes. Scape reddish brown dorsally, slightly darker ventrally. Antennomeres III–VII reddish brown (lighter toward distal antennomeres), with apex slightly darkened (antennomeres VII–XI missing from left antenna; VIII–XI missing from right antenna). Prothorax, ventral side of meso- and metathoracices, and ventrites mostly dark brown, with some redder areas (mainly on ventrites). Elytra mostly reddish brown, slightly lighter toward apex, except for black, triangular, large macula surrounding scutellum and black, narrow band along suture from apex of triangular macula to about apex of basal 3/5, gradually dark brown toward apex; dark brown, oblique, ill-defined, wide band on each side of basal third, not reaching lateral margin and suture; dark brown, subtriangular macula starting at level of apex of sutural band. Femoral peduncle yellowish; femoral club reddish brown. Tibiae reddish brown basally, yellowish on remaining surface (darker on narrow band at apex). Tarsomeres I–IV yellowish; tarsomere V reddish brown. Head: Frons narrow, finely, moderately abundantly punctate laterally, smooth medially; with short, moderately abundant setae laterally, interspersed with some long setae, glabrous medially. Area between antennal tubercles and anterior margin of prothorax very finely, sparsely punctate, slightly denser near upper eye lobes; with short, sparse setae medially (interspersed with some long setae) before posterior ocular edge, glabrous toward margin of prothorax; with band of moderately sparse, short setae close to upper eye lobes (narrowed toward inferior side), interspersed with long, sparse setae. Area behind eyes with very short, sparse setae (excluding band of setae close to upper eye lobe); smooth, except for slightly marked, transverse striae behind lower eye lobes. Submentum with short, sparse setae interspersed with long setae. Area between apex of eyes and gula with long, sparse setae. Area between base of lower eye lobes and submentum with short, moderately abundant setae. Maxillary palpomere IV securiform, with apex obliquely truncate. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.20 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in ventral view 0.55 times length of scape; broadest width of upper eye lobes slightly less than broadest width of scape. Antennae, from scape to apex of antennomere VII, as long as 1.35 times elytral length; antennomere VII reaching apex of elytra. Scape without depression on base of dorsal surface; coarsely, abundantly punctate; with short, sparse setae interspersed with long setae. Antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.91; pedicel = 0.07; IV = 0.99; V = 0.98; VI = 0.93; VII = 0.91. Thorax: Prothorax, including lateral tubercles, transverse, 1.4 times as wide as long; lateral tubercles large, acute at apex. Pronotum with 5 tubercles: 2 larger, not notably elevated, subcircular, placed on each side of anterior half; 2 subrounded, placed on each side of basal half; 1 elongate, placed medially. Pronotal surface shiny, smooth; with short, sparse setae, except for glabrous surface of tubercles. Prosternum smooth, with short, sparse setae (denser laterally, almost glabrous medially). Metasternum finely, sparsely punctate (mainly medially); with short, abundant setae close to metepisterna, gradually sparser toward center and on anterior area (almost glabrous medially). Metepisterna with short, abundant setae. Elytra with 5 rows of punctures: 1 close to suture, reaching distal fifth (punctures finer, sparser toward apex); 1 close to previous row, not reaching middle of elytra, not distinctly aligned; 1 at middle between scutellum and humerus, reaching about distal third of elytra (punctures finer, sparser toward apex); 1 anteriorly close to humerus, reaching about distal third of elytra (punctures notably coarse); 1 laterally from humerus to about distal third (punctures coarser, sparser than on previous row); 1 close to lateral margin, reaching distal fifth (punctures finer, sparser toward apex). Elytral surface with short, moderately sparse setae throughout; apex obliquely truncate; outer angle with distinct spine (apex slightly curved inward), sutural angle rounded. Abdomen: Ventrites moderately finely, sparsely punctate; with short, moderately abundant, decumbent setae interspersed with some long setae; apex of ventrite V truncate, slightly emarginate medially. Legs: Profemur somewhat fusiform; with small, sparse, dark, acute tubercles; with short, sparse setae dorsally and laterally, distinctly denser ventrally. Meso- and metafemora slightly clavate; mesofemur with tubercles as on profemur, but sparser; with short, sparse setae. Figs. 1–12. Novantinoe species. 1 –5) N. payettei , holotype male: 1) Dorsal habitus; 2) Ventral habitus; 3) Lateral habitus; 4) Head, frontal view; 5) Elytral apex. 6) N. cristinae , holotype male, elytral apex. 7) N. hefferni , holotype male, elytral apex. 8–11) N. noguerai , holotype male: 8) Dorsal habitus; 9) Ventral habitus; 10) Lateral habitus; 11) Head, frontal view. 12) N. cristinae , paratype female, dorsal habitus. Dimensions. Total length (including mandibles) 13.40 mm ; prothoracic length 1.90 mm ; anterior prothoracic width 1.60 mm ; basal prothoracic width 1.75 mm ; broadest prothoracic width 2.60 mm ; humeral width 2.80 mm ; elytral length 9.40 mm . Type Material. H o l o t y p e m a l e f r o m NICARAGUA , Jinotega : Cerro Hornos ( 1,500 m ), 4.VI.1994 , Daniel Curoe col. ( MZSP ) . Etymology. This species is named after André Payette, entomologist at the Montreal Insectarium. Remarks. Novantinoe payettei is similar to N. cristinae , but differs as follows: broadest width of upper eye lobes slightly shorter than broadest width of scape; latero-anterior tubercles of pronotum not notably elevated; elytral apex obliquely truncate (apex of outer angle extends beyond sutural angle), with outer apical angle of elytra with distinct spine. In N. cristinae ( Fig. 12 ), the broadest width of the upper eye lobes is distinctly shorter than the broadest width of the scape, the lateroanterior tubercles of the pronotum are notably elevated (subconical), the elytral apex has no spine, and the apex of the sutural angle extends beyond the outer angle ( Fig. 6 ). Novantinoe payettei can be included in the alternative of couplet 5 in the key from Santos-Silva and Hovore (2007) (translated; couplet 5 modified): 5(4). Scape notably slender; elytra without narrow dark band along suture. Bolivia .... .................... N. pegnai (Hüdepohl, 1989) - Scape thick; elytra with narrow, dark band along suture..............................................6 6(5). Elytral apex uniformly acute ( Fig. 7 ). Mexico ( Oaxaca ) ...................................... ................. N. hefferni Santos-Silva and Hovore, 2007 - Elytral apex obliquely truncate or narrowly rounded....................................................6′ 6′(6). Broadest width of upper eye lobe slightly shorter than broadest width of scape; elytra with spine at outer angle ( Fig. 5 ). Nicaragua ..................... N. payettei Santos-Silva and Le Tirant , new species - Broadest width of upper eye lobe distinctly shorter than broadest width of scape; elytra without spine at outer angle ( Fig. 6 ). Guatemala .......... N. cristinae Santos-Silva and Hovore, 2007