Pteropodidae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier text 2019 2019-10-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats 16 162 book chapter 88683 10.5281/zenodo.6448815 bbbf94d9-a910-4cda-97df-7eca124163ed 978-84-16728-19-0 6448815 127. Wallace's Stripe-faced Fruit Bat Styloctenium wallacei French: Roussette de Wallace / German: Sulawesi-Streifengesichtflughund / Spanish: Styloctenio de Wallace Other common names: Sulawesi Stripe-faced Fruit Bat Taxonomy. Pteropus wallacei J. E. Gray, 1866 , Celebes [= Sulawesi , Indonesia ], Macassar.” Styloctenium is sister to other living flying foxes in genera Acerodon , Neopteryx , and Pteropus . Monotypic. Distribution. Sulawesi , including nearby Togian, Buton, and Selayar Is. Descriptive notes. Head-body 145- 2— 200 mm (umilless), ear 17-24- 8 mm , hindfoot 27- 2-32 mm , forearm 90-103- 2 mm ; weight 174-218 g . Greatest lengths of skulls are 50-54- 3 mm . Hair of Wallace's Stripe-faced Fruit Bat is soft and silky. Face and crown are reddish brown to ocherous buff, with 11-105 mm nasal white stripe, one spot above cach eye, and white mustache. Eyes are brown. Ears are light brown, naked except at bases, and attenuated at tips. Throat, chest, and belly have light reddish-brown fur. Occiput, nape, shoulders, and back are usually gray, often with hint of reddish brown. Dorsal forearm is grayish white, with white humeral spot. Wings have patterns of translucent bands and dots, with bands generally parallel to digits. Wing membranesattach to sides of back and insert on second toe. Index claw is present, and all claws are black. Rostrum is more gracile, and teeth are smaller than in the Mindoro Stripe-faced Fruit Bat (S. mindorensis ). Posterior edge of palate is more deeply cut, exposing much of sphenoid crest. Postorbital processes are strong and elongated. Dental formula for both species of Styloctenium 1s12/1, C 1/1, P 3/3, M 2/2 (x2) = 30. Incisors are cylindrical, slender, and pointed at tops. Canines are short and thick. In contrast to the Mindoro Stripefaced Fruit Bat, canines of Wallace's Stripe-faced Fruit Bat are not that complex. Cheekteeth have rounded cusps, I, and M? are absent, and P,is only rudimentary. Habitat. Primary forests and slightly disturbed forests with clearings in understories for coffee and cocoa plantations from sea level up to elevations of ¢. 1100 m . Food and Feeding. Wallace’s Stripe-faced Fruit Bats probably eat fruits and flower products. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. Wallace's Stripe-faced Fruit Bat is probably crepuscular or nocturnal. Movements, Home range and Social organization. Wallace's Stripe-faced Fruit Bats have been captured crossing gaps between fragmented forests. Status and Conservation. Classified as Near Threatened on The IUCN Red List. Populations of Wallace's Stripe-faced Fruit Bat are decreasing due to decline of primary forests, and it is hunted in some areas. It is generally rare, but there are recent records from Lore Lindu National Park and Lambusango Forest Reserve on Buton Island. Bibliography. Almeida et al. (2014), Andersen (1912b), Bergmans (2001), Bergmans & Rozendaal (1988), Esselstyn (2007), Gray (1866a), Heinsohn (2002), Jentink (1883), Matschie (1899), Nowak (1999), Patterson etal. (2017), Ruedas et al. (2010), Simmons (2005), Yusti et al. (2015).