Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 6. Passeriformes: Prunellidae, Turdidae, Orthonychidae, Timaliidae, Paradoxornithidae, Picathartidae, And Polioptilidae Author Mary Division of Vertebrate American Museum of (lecroy @ Author Croy Zoology (Ornithology) of Natural History @ amnh. org) Author History, Bulletin Of The American Museum Of Natural Author At, Central Park West Number Issued Author Street, Th 292, 132 pp. May 5, 2005 Author York, New . Author Ny text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 2005-05-05 2005 292 1 132 journal article 0003-0090 Turdus merula mauritanicus Hartert Turdus merula mauritanicus Hartert, 1902b: 323 (Mhoiwla bei Mazagan ). Now Turdus merula mauritanicus Hartert, 1902 . See Urban et al., 1997: 54 , and Clement, 2000: 352 . LECTOTYPE : AMNH 574998 , adult male, collected at Mehuila (5 Mhoiwla), Morocco , on 3 February 1902 , by Fritz Wilhelm Riggenbach. From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description, Hartert said only that the type was from ‘‘Mhoiwla’’ and that he had a series of 15 specimens (males and females) from that locality, with the main distinguishing feature being in the color of the female. Measurements were not given for individual specimens. Hartert (1910a: 668–669) did not mention a type. Later, Hartert (1920: 477) designated as the lectotype a male collected on 3 February 1902 by Riggenbach and noted the corrected spelling of the type locality. Both AMNH 574998, the above male, and AMNH 574999, a female, were collected on 3 February 1902 at ‘‘Mhoiwla’’ by Riggenbach, and both bear a Rothschild type label. They are the only two specimens collected by him on that date. Perhaps Hartert’s designation of the male as the lectotype was a slip of the pen. Because both specimens have always been included in the type collection at AMNH, and because the distinguishing feature occurs in the female, the female remains there with an added label to explain the error. Of the 14 paralectotypes , only 10 came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection : AMNH 574999–575005 and 575008– 575010. The remainder were perhaps exchanged to other collections by Rothschild. Two further specimens, AMNH 575006 and 575007, were collected by Riggenbach at ‘‘ Mhoiwla’ ’ in 1903, after the description was published ; they have no type status. Hartert (1902a: 311–316) himself visited Mehuila and described his trip inland from Mazagan (338169N, 088309W, Seltzer, 1962: 1172 ) as a five hour ride on muleback to ‘‘Mhoiwla’’, a flat fertile valley on the banks of the ‘‘Oum Rbiah’’ (5 Oum er Rbia). The Oum er Rbia reaches the ocean at Azem­ mour, 9 mi ENE of Mazagan ( Seltzer, 1962: 132 ). Molecular studies of Turdus merula are reported by Wink et al. (2002a , 2002b ). Turdus merula brodkorbi Koelz Turdus merula brodkorbi Koelz, 1939: 67 (Far­ akar, Afghanistan ). Now Turdus merula intermedius (Richmond, 1896). See Vaurie, 1959: 403 , and Clement, 2000: 355. HOLOTYPE : AMNH 466153 , adult female, collected at Farkhar (5 Farakar), 368399N, 698439E (Times Atlas), Afghanistan , on 6 July 1937 , by Walter Koelz. COMMENTS: The holotype is the only specimen collected at Farkhar. The eight paratypes listed by Koelz are AMNH 466145– 466152. Molecular studies of Turdus merula are reported by Wink et al. (2002a , 2002b ). Turdus nigrorum Ogilvie­Grant Turdus nigrorum Ogilvie­Grant, 1896a: 544 (volcano of Canloon, from 5000 to 6000 feet , Negros). Now Turdus poliocephalus nigrorum Ogilvie­ Grant, 1896. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 321 , and Clement, 2000: 361 , 364. SYNTYPES : AMNH 575412 , adult male (B.432), 13 April 1896 ; AMNH 575413 , adult male (B.418), 12 April 1896 ; AMNH 575414 , adult male (B.417), 12 April 1896 ; AMNH 575415 (now DMNH 11125 ), adult male (B.431), 13 April 1896 ; AMNH 575416 , adult female (B.427), 13 April 1896 ; AMNH 575417 , adult female (B.428), 13 April 1896 ; AMNH 575418 , immature, unsexed (B.426), 13 April 1896 . All were collected by John Whitehead , whose field number follows the sex determination above, on Canlaon (5 Canloon) Volcano, 108259N, 1238089E ( Dickinson et al., 1991: 417 ), Negros I. , Philippines . From the Rothschild Collection . COMMENTS: These types were not listed by Hartert in any of his Rothschild type lists. AMNH 575415 was exchanged with DMNH. A male syntype is also held by BMNH, Reg. no. 1897.5.13.413 ( Warren and Harrison, 1971: 385 ). Ogilvie­Grant (1896a) mentioned Turdus nigrorum on p. 526, where it is a nomen nudum. Turdus celebensis hygroscopus Stresemann Turdus celebensis hygroscopus Stresemann, 1931b: 44 (Latimodjong­Gebirge 2800 m .) Now Turdus poliocephalus hygroscopus Strese­ mann, 1931. See Clement, 2000: 362 , 364. HOLOTYPE : AMNH 292823 , adult male, collected in the Latimojong Mountains , 2800 m , 038309S, 1208059E ( USBGN , 1982b), Sulawesi , Indonesia , on 5 July 1930 , by Gerd Heinrich (no. 777). From the Heinrich Expedition 1930. COMMENTS: In the original description, Stresemann gave Heinrich’s field number of the holotype , described males and females, but did not say how many specimens were collected. Fifteen paratypes were cataloged in AMNH: AMNH 292819 –292822 and 292824–292834. Dr. Leonard C. Sanford sent AMNH 292820 to Prof. Sarasin in Basel on 25 October 1932 and AMNH 292826 to R. Meinertzhagen on 10 February 1933 . For comments on the deposition of specimens from this expedition, see Heinrichia calligyna . Turdus poliocephalus sterlingi Mayr Turdus poliocephalus sterlingi Mayr, 1944: 135 , 155 (Mt. Ramelan (2600 meters); Portuguese Timor). Now Turdus poliocephalus sterlingi Mayr, 1944 . See White and Bruce, 1986: 334 , and Clement, 2000: 362, 364. HOLOTYPE : AMNH 308001 , adult male, collected on Mt. Ramelan , 2600 m , Timor , Indonesia , on 1 May 1932 , by Georg Stein (no. 4278). From the Stein Expedition to Timor and Sumba , 1931–1932. COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Mayr (1944: 135) noted six males from Mt. Ramelan of the new subspecies that he described more fully on p. 155. According to an agreement (housed in the Archives, Dept. of Ornithology, AMNH) between J. Sterling Rockefeller, who supported the expedition, and Erwin Stresemann, ZMB, the birds collected by Georg Stein and his wife, Clara, were to be divided between ZMB and AMNH, with a ‘‘representative group’’ to go to Lisbon in return for permission to collect in what was then Portuguese Timor . Four specimens, in addition to the holotype , were cataloged at AMNH: AMNH 345800– 345803. Of these, AMNH 345800 and 345802 were sent to ZMB, after World War II, in 1956. One specimen that was not cataloged was sent to Lisbon. These five specimens are paratypes . Stein did not write an account of this expedition, as his home and all of his notebooks and belongings were lost in World War II ( Stresemann, 1967: 186–187 ).