Taxonomic changes in African Stratiomyidae (Diptera) Author Hauser, Martin Author Woodley, Norman E. Author Fachin, Diego A. text Zootaxa 2017 4263 1 journal volume 33099 10.11646/zootaxa.4263.1.3 0ec981e7-8ef8-4b1a-b1a4-2380e6583cce 1175-5326 572548 4DD4B6E9-DBBF-46AD-9A55-4325C0AD9586 Genus ARGYROBRITHES Grünberg Argyrobrithes Grünberg, 1915 : 46 . Type species, Argyrobrithes argenteus Grünberg, 1915 , by monotypy. Arthronema Lindner, 1966b : 19 . Type species, Arthronema curtilamellatum Lindner, 1966b , by monotypy. Preoccupied by Eschscholtz, 1825 and Ulrich, 1882. Syn. nov. Lonchobrithes Lindner, 1968 : 17 . Type species, Lonchobrithes modestus Lindner, 1968 by monotypy. Syn. nov. Arthronemina Lindner in James, 1980 : 226 . Type species Arthronemina curtilamellatum Lindner, 1966b automatic. New name for Arthronema Lindner. Syn. nov. Argyrobrithes curtilamellatum (Lindner) . Comb. nov. Arthronemina curtilamellatum Lindner, 1966b : 19 . HT 1 ♂ [MNHN]: Madagascar : Antanimora. Lonchobrithes modestus Lindner, 1968 : 17 . ST 1♀ [SMNS], 1 ♀ [MNHN]: Madagascar : Behara. Syn. nov. Argyrobrithes fuscicornis (Bezzi) . Comb. nov. Sternobrithes fuscicornis Bezzi, 1914 : 282 . ST [MCSNM]: Guinea : Conakry; ST 2 ♀ [MCSNM]: Guinea : Camayenne. Argyrobrithes argenteus Grünberg, 1915 : 47 . ST 1 ♂ [ZMHU]: Cameroun : Bibundi; ST 1 ♂ [ZMHU]: Equatorial Guinea : Río Muni , Alen, Benito region, Alen; ST 1 ♂ [ZMHU]: Equatorial Guinea : Río Muni , Uelleburg; ST 1 ♂ [ZMHU]: Cameroun : Lolodorf; ST 1 ♂ [ZMHU]: Cameroun : Johann-Albrechtshöhe. Syn. nov. Argyrobrithes zernyi Lindner. Argyrobrithes zernyi Lindner, 1943 : 106 . HT [ NMW ]: Tanzania : Matengo Highlands , Songea District , Ugano , 1500–1700 m . Argyrobrithes crinitus Lindner, 1972 : 6 . ST 2 ♂ [ SMNS ]: Ethiopia : Bahar Dar. Syn. nov. Lindner (1966b) erected the genus Arthronema ( Fig. 1 ), which he thought was close to Sternobrithes Loew. The difference between the two genera, according to Lindner, is that Sternobrithes has all antennal segments from the third segment on laterally compressed, while his new genus has only the terminal segment laterally compressed. This is actually not true for Sternobrithes ; both genera have a more or less cylindrical flagellum, which can sometimes be (depending on the species) slightly compressed laterally. It is strange that Lindner did not realize the resemblance between Arthronema and Argyrobrithes , which have a black last flagellomere, while Sternobrithes has a partially white one ( Fig. 4 ). After examining the male holotype in the MNHN collection, it is clear that A. curtilamellatum belongs in the genus Argyrobrithes . Two years later, Lindner (1968) described the genus Lonchobrithes ( Fig. 2 ) from a female and stated that this new genus is related to “ Arygrobrithes [sic], Sternobrithes , Gobertina , and only mentioned that the flagellomere complex is as in Sternobrithes , but thicker and narrower at the apex. After examining a female syntype [SMNS], it is clear that Lonchobrithes modestus is conspecific with Argyrobrithes curtilamellatum . FIGURES 1–6. Stratiomyidae habitus. 1. Arthronemina curtilamellatum Lindner , male holotype [MNHN]. 2. Lonchobrithes modestus Lindner , female syntype [SMNS]. 3. Sternobrithes fuscicornis Bezzi , male syntype [MCSNM] (photos by A. Raspi & N. Maio). 4. Sternobrithes , male head. 5. Meristomeringella jamesi Lindner , male holotype [MRAC]. 6. Pachygaster nigripes Lindner , male holotype [IRSNB]. The type specimens of Sternobrithes fuscicornis Bezzi ( Fig. 3 ) were studied from photographs [MCSNM] (provided by F. Rigato & M. Zilioli), and they are conspecific with the widespread A. argenteus Grünberg. Therefore , the widespread African mainland species should be called A. fuscicornis (Bezzi) . The other two mainland species are A. zernyi Lindner and A. crinitus Lindner , both of which are characterized by the eyes covered with dense setae. When Lindner described A. crinitus he compared the new species with A. argenteus , but did not mention that he previously described A. zernyi , the only other Argyrobrithes with dense setae on the eyes. We have not studied the type material, but from the species descriptions and material from Ethiopia , which fit the descriptions well, we consider A. crinitus and A. zernyi conspecific. Several authors ( e.g. Kertész 1921 , Lindner 1968 ) recognized a natural group of genera which is characterized by the robust body shape; the higher than long head (in lateral view); the slightly margined scutellum; the absence of crossvein r–m and therefore the fusion of the discal cell ( d ) to the radial sector ( Rs ); vein R2+3 arising distinctly beyond the point where the discal cell ( d ) is fused to the radial sector ( Rs ); and the flagellomere complex round to ovoid in cross section with the last flagellomere modified. The Sternobrithes -group of genera includes Ageiton Kertész , a monotypic genus widespread in Africa; Argyrobrithes , which is widespread and common in the Old World tropics; Cardopomyia Kertész , a genus endemic to Madagascar ; Diademorphora Lindner, a rare monotypic genus from the African mainland; and Sternobrithes , a widespread and common genus in Africa; as well as the Oriental and Australian genus Gabaza Walker and the rare Holarctic genus Berkshiria Johnson.